Thursday, 20 February 2025
Wednesday, 19 February 2025
William Seymour and Azusa Street
Do you know William Seymour? You’ve heard about other God’s Generals, but what about the one-eyed, humble black preacher who shook the world from a run-down stable in Los Angeles? It all started with a prayer meeting in a small house on Bonnie Brae Street. Seymour and a few others were hungry… not for fame, not for wealth, but for God. They had read about the Holy Spirit’s power in the Bible, and they wanted to see it. For months, they prayed, fasted, and waited. And then, on April 9, 1906, something happened. That night, as they gathered, the atmosphere shifted. Edward Lee, one of the believers, suddenly fell to the floor and began speaking in tongues. The room exploded! people cried out, fell on their faces, wept, and shouted for joy. Some ran into the streets, unable to contain what they had just experienced. And before they knew it, hundreds gathered outside, desperate to encounter the presence of God. The porch of the house collapsed under the weight of the crowd, but even that couldn’t stop the fire. It was clear, they needed a bigger space. That’s how they found 312 Azusa Street, a dirty, abandoned warehouse that once housed a church but was now being used as a stable. It had no fancy altar, no comfortable pews, just a dusty floor covered in sawdust. But the moment they stepped in, Heaven invaded Earth. Then came the fire!!! Not just the fire of passion, not just revival, real fire!! One night, flames were seen rising from the Azusa Street building, so high that neighbors called the fire department. But when the firefighters arrived, they found something they couldn’t explain, there was no natural fire, only the supernatural glory of God. And inside? People were being healed on the spot. The blind saw, The lame walked, The sick were instantly made whole. And the strangest part? The revival was unstoppable. Word spread. Missionaries came from across the world, hungry to see what God was doing. And when they left, they carried the fire with them. The Pentecostal movement was born, and from that one stable in Los Angeles, it spread to the nations. This was not just a revival. This was a movement that still shakes the world today. And it all started because one man dared to believe that God still moves. William Seymour! How many of can dare to believe in God and reality of his power. Nations are waiting! Follow Amarachi Raphael for more edifying content
Tuesday, 18 February 2025
Our Heart Direction, Men and Women
Monday, 17 February 2025
Sunday, 16 February 2025
Health Statistics
Anybody waking up to the Club of Rome Bertrand Russell Plan to genocide a large percentage of humanity by 2030 yet?
Part of the Hearts and Minds campaign tested in Jewish Ghettoes, in the camps with Mengele, and then subsequent places of torture in Vietnam, North Korea, South America, was testing out wearing people down by stating what they are doing but rendering everybody with a feeling of powerlessness to resist.
Elaine Kelly on what she doesn't want a Digital World for
Elaine Kelly
Saturday, 15 February 2025
Micro Loans. Local Trials so far.
Click on the Pics to both Sustainability Videos
Results So Far a month later
Another Chance to see The Christmas Celebration Programme
Sambaland on Facebook
Friday, 14 February 2025
Thursday, 13 February 2025
We have looked at Loosh. Here's the subject of Vril .
Chantelle of Aquarius Rising South Africa just did a three part serial podcast on Vril energy .
I would handle this information with care, because Dr Dennis Carroll states he is of the Knights Templars. This entire set of conversations is for information purposes , but do not be lulled away from the Cross and the revelation in the Bible. There are many other sources of information from fallen lying principalities and powers.
Vril....Lizard Race?????
Why is Vril central ?
The podcasts didn't state it but this is what it is related to
The glory and power of God in earthen vessels that Paul refers to .
Whoever wrote Hebrews 13 13 this is what that Intercession power paragraph refers to . NOT MORMONS AND GENEALOGIES AT ALL .
Vril is a Vedic term ... But that's what the principalities and powers and Tavistock Institute hybrid beings are desperately after . That's why they brainwash small kids like Jeanette Archer at 5.
That's what they are after .....the Vril energy that is in all of us but is nearer the surface in the fourth quartile , so like in Minority Report with the sages in tanks , they hunt down and stalk the ' gifted ' , the Yuri Gellers ....while they tell the public there's nothing other than two brainhalves .
This next bigger piece was written to the Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivors Group in Telegram
Chantelle of Aquarius Rising South Africa just did a two part serial podcast on Vril energy .
Why is Vril central ?
The podcasts didn't state it but this is what it is related to
The glory and power of God in earthen vessels that Paul refers to .
Whoever wrote Hebrews 13 13 this is what that Intercession power paragraph refers to . NOT MORMONS AND GENEALOGIES AT ALL .
Vril is a Vedic term ... But that's what the principalities and powers and Tavistock Institute hybrid beings are desperately after . That's why they brainwash small kids like Jeanette Archer at 5.
That's what they are after .....the Vril energy that is in all of us but is nearer the surface in the fourth quartile , so like in Minority Report with the sages in tanks , they hunt down and stalk the ' gifted ' , the Yuri Gellers ....while they tell the public there's nothing other than two brainhalves .
Chris Welch:
I knew about Vril vaguely but the series of two last podcasts by Aquarius Rising helped me understand the link between
Rape of children and trafficking
Use of children's Vril vital energy
Use of Vril in fourth quartiles ....Matthew Mark Luke John ....the John quartile ....who like Children have more accessible Vril from the word go ....
Then I understood something ....
Like when he said the swastika can be used left or right .
The vedic use in Indian culture claims it uses it the right way .
Personally I don't trust anything that hasn't been through Jesus blood at the Cross ....the ultimate teastrainer .
But the main things to catch hold of in SRA ....yes rape physically is one thing ....but Satan is after your and my Vril ...which is far more sinister .
Using our spirit .
Why ?
This is the weird thing about humans the Bible says
Made a little lower than the angels yet crowned with glory and honour .
And another verse about the glory and power being released from earthenware containers .
That's the secret the fallen angels are after .
While continually telling us we are nothing ....they are jealous for the bits of ALL POWER that are resident in our spirit man . It is even beyond ANGELIC.
This is God's madness in psalm 8.
To blow up the whole finest plans of the highest fallen angels through specks of dust .Us . And children .
Let the children come unto Me says Jesus .
Since the power of the baptism in the Spirit restarted in a big way 100 years ago .....there's tons of accounts of kids being caught up in the Spirit .
On my FB friends list two ministries , David and Kathie Walters , have ministered majorly with children , especially David . Their own children have grown up in like manner . One child was taking Bibles into Russia at 11 or something .
I don't know if psalm 8 refers to all of humanity as babes and sucklings recently out of heaven compared with eons old angels .....
Or whether the plans of God literally have children at the centre .
Some say aborted babies fly around God's throne ....maybe that too is a crazy form of intercession provoking the strongest kind of Power in God .
Paul said God's grace is perfected in weakness . It's just our switchover point into the Vril God power .
I guess because of Nazis it's not safe to use the word Vril .
But anyway that's certainly how real Jesusianity works .
When we do something God puts on our heart to do , it has crazy power ....even if like Jesus in a food trough it doesn't seem that way at the time .
So imagine as Jeanette was waking up and wanting to do something ....there's tons of things she could have done .
But by far the two biggest , that are so strategic , but not immediately obvious ....especially after thousands of years of a cult of silence .....
Standing outside one of the very places of your rape and torture , but not only that .....
One of the main seats of world demonic enslavement ....The Crown
And yelling with a megaphone and recording that ....but especially in Windsor also reading that South African letter which is a secondary piece of evidence of the Royal instigated cloning and supersoldier programme . That took it outside just Jeanette's testimony .
Many of us had already watched Miles Johnston's Bases series ....which errrrr suddenly taken down either after Alternative View last conferences ....Tim Rafat conducting some kind of takedown intention of Rothschild ....and of course Jeanette in 2021.
The second thing which wasn't obvious was arranging the first ever blooming world conference of SRA survivors which together with 50Voices , Max and other websites , Rachel's repeated onslaughts on Australian crooked Infrastructures , all had something more than just good mental ideas about them .
They are all God ideas with Vril power .
If you are aware , there's two scales of God power .
Because churches can't be assed to behave like Jerusalem church in Acts ....where you had 12 ridiculously anointed people just walking past people and their shadows or auras healed them .
All we can be bothered to do since 100 years ago are have one ridiculously anointed ministry like Benson Idahosa , or Benny Hinn strutting around on a podium for money's got nothing to do with kingdom's ME-dom
Nevertheless that's one scale of power . Jesus always said ' I only do what I see my Father doing '
Now here's the weird thing ...and it's also Jeanette or Heather ....there's another scale . That's where you just simply don't care and behave like an idiot anyway .
Like Peter walking on water .
But here's the thing we only learned recently .
I was tipped off to it by Mother Basilea Schlink who chased Chairman Mao off his swoop on Europe in the 70s . She had learned of this ....and it's true because Jung Chang put the army details in her big Mao book . Anyway next thing the earth knew Nixon and Mao were having a tea party .
This is the key sentence Basilea told us " Go the Way of the Lamb it's a way of Great Power ".
So if you look at all the Gates of Jerusalem the most powerful gate is gate 12. The prison gate .
I think it's the most powerful because it's the very opposite of Aleister Crowley Do what thou willst and the Genesis 3 " duality " or moon reflection lie .
Jesus last week was prison ....but His last prison was what you'd call pretty darned committed ....Hades .
And the Holy Spirit exploded Him and us out of death . It's the greatest show of power from being ' enclosed ' and shut in ....ever .
When Jeanette was surrounded yet again with death and torture of babies ....after years of the stuff her spirit finally exploded in some kind of Vril energy ....however it worked ....there were 8 dead people .
Anyway this second , regional and international scale of energy was imitated by Paul . Being imprisoned happened to all the apostles but Paul made it into a profession .
Whoever wrote Hebrews ....chapter 13.13 describes this mad intercession trick of letting God put you in things which release such spiritual power change explodes across a region or nation .
As mad as Wilfrid Wong's situation looks .....something like this is happening through his mad situation .
David Hathaway was taking Bibles into USSR around 1961 and was jailed for a year . But since that time he has been used phenomenally in breaking Russia and the Balkans and Northern states open . He drives me nuts because he's the old school Pentecostal solo wunderkind ....forgetting the whole way Jesus actually built the first church . But hey .....every church in the earth is a solo wunderkind or boringkind model !!!Nobody does what Jesus and Paul put in the Bible at all .
Paul was another level of crazy some of you guys as you are breaking free .
He was stoned by his fellow Jews outside one City . The other believers prayed for him , raised him up from death and the first thing he says cup of tea nothing ....Right which city shall we do next ?
Which reminds me of the last point .
SRA is really weird humanly but from a heartless fallen angelic point of view using people who can dissociate ....they know of the power of our spirit being . That's why they have this callous attitude to whether we die or don't . So parents in the system may even kill or very nearly kill you ....but a lot of times they will bring you back or arrange for in house doctors and surgeons .
It's a system that thinks totally objectively can we use your energy ...your spirit ....your soul .
It's using humans as farmers use animals ....well worse .
Apart from military soldiers ....maybe firemen and hospital staff ...who gets such insight into the edge of eternity like you crowd ??
Chris Welch:If you are aware , there's two scales of God power .Because churches can't be assed to behave like Jerusalem church in Acts ....where you had 12 ridiculously anointed people just walking past people and their shadows or auras healed them .All we can be bothered to do since 100 years ago are have one ridiculously anointed ministry like Benson Idahosa , or Benny Hinn strutting around on a podium for money's got nothing to do with kingdom's ME-domNevertheless that's one scale of power . Jesus always said ' I only do what I see my Father doing 'Now here's the weird thing ...and it's also Jeanette or Heather ....there's another scale . That's where you just simply don't care and behave like an idiot anyway .Like Peter walking on water .But here's the thing we only learned recently .I was tipped off to it by Mother Basilea Schlink who chased Chairman Mao off his swoop on Europe in the 70s . She had learned of this ....and it's true because Jung Chang put the army details in her big Mao book . Anyway next thing the earth knew Nixon and Mao were having a tea party .This is the key sentence Basilea told us " Go the Way of the Lamb it's a way of Great Power ".So if you look at all the Gates of Jerusalem the most powerful gate is gate 12. The prison gate .I think it's the most powerful because it's the very opposite of Aleister Crowley Do what thou willst and the Genesis 3 " duality " or moon reflection lie .Jesus last week was prison ....but His last prison was what you'd call pretty darned committed ....Hades .And the Holy Spirit exploded Him and us out of death . It's the greatest show of power from being ' enclosed ' and shut in ....ever .When Jeanette was surrounded yet again with death and torture of babies ....after years of the stuff her spirit finally exploded in some kind of Vril energy ....however it worked ....there were 8 dead people .Anyway this second , regional and international scale of energy was imitated by Paul . Being imprisoned happened to all the apostles but Paul made it into a profession .Whoever wrote Hebrews ....chapter 13.13 describes this mad intercession trick of letting God put you in things which release such spiritual power change explodes across a region or nation .As mad as Wilfrid Wong's situation looks .....something like this is happening through his mad situation .David Hathaway was taking Bibles into USSR around 1961 and was jailed for a year . But since that time he has been used phenomenally in breaking Russia and the Balkans and Northern states open . He drives me nuts because he's the old school Pentecostal solo wunderkind ....forgetting the whole way Jesus actually built the first church . But hey .....every church in the earth is a solo wunderkind or boringkind model !!!Nobody does what Jesus and Paul put in the Bible at all .Paul was another level of crazy some of you guys as you are breaking free .He was stoned by his fellow Jews outside one City . The other believers prayed for him , raised him up from death and the first thing he says cup of tea nothing ....Right which city shall we do next ?Which reminds me of the last point .SRA is really weird humanly but from a heartless fallen angelic point of view using people who can dissociate ....they know of the power of our spirit being . That's why they have this callous attitude to whether we die or don't . So parents in the system may even kill or very nearly kill you ....but a lot of times they will bring you back or arrange for in house doctors and surgeons .It's a system that thinks totally objectively can we use your energy ...your spirit ....your soul .It's using humans as farmers use animals ....well worse .Apart from military soldiers ....maybe firemen and hospital staff ...who gets such insight into the edge of eternity like you crowd ??Christians cast demons out ....which looks worrying , because they aren't happy about leaving .But SRA people have been out to the edge so many times to create the amnesia barriers .But on the other side of things , many of you have such high performance in some of your training , you can't have that taken away .The Vril messages shed light on Vikings , South American Jaguar people , Beserkers and bears , why people eat kidneys .....why the System were about to invite James Kawalya the Ugandan witch back to Europe after his success ....not to honour him ...but to eat him to gain his power .Satan's systems are totally weird and round the houses . The Cross cuts our corrupted spirit man stone dead ,and we are raised in Christ which is the most centre of Command we could get to ....but like Jesus own life ....down here it looks really weird as though we are none of these things .But even Satanists like Aleister Crowley lived in a two up two down terrace house in Margate . Who'd have known ?