Friday, 19 December 2008
Hitchhiker's Guide To Christianity 1
Leonard and Jamie were asking to hear some stuff. We have a few computer limitations at the moment which means we have to move with what is currently on the hard-drive.So instead of the 1989 Third Level Christianity message here is the first ever public release of a track from my unreleased double CD."Early Harvest". It is one of 3 tracks that make up a small play entitled "Hitchhiker's Guide To Christianity".All the other items on the 2 CDs are musical. By now readers of this blog will be familiar with the territory. This was recorded when I was in exile in 1990 and if people are having trouble now...well you can imagine I didn't stand any chance nearly 20 years ago. The play gives a framework...the same as this blog....to the rest of the Cd...that is they are like waymarks in sound, songs and music which mark the growth stages of developing in Jesus. Blogs did not exist. Google did not exist.Windows moviemaker did not exist. So I've just added visuals by googling to what is just a CD track. Hope you like it. One last point and I've got proof in the shape of John Daniels who produced this with me....I was prophesying forwards to 1995...perhaps naively...believing that that was going to be the time for a worldwide download on these things! As it happens, God did precisely that, but in seed form...and in a way none of us could have dreamed up...in that 1994-5 saw this most amazing download of relating to the Father and the outpouring of grace in the Toronto Blessing. But where this leads to is a fresh maturity and authority in the Spirit. What I call the third level. So while everybody is still scoffing at the strange manifestations of this period...I am quietly saying...look again...you may just see a Mighty Lion roaring!.

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Oh, yes, I love that! X-rated, huh???
I might have to link this one... :)
I'll be looking this over soon! (At the moment, it is very late here...)
I *did* just check out the "Mustard Seed" blog about missions, by the way. Really good. I love his thoughts about indigenous missionaries. One reason why our church so loves and supports our missionaries - particularly our missionary to SE Asia/Cambodia, is because his vision is to raise up people there to carry on the work. Not only is that his vision...he has ALREADY DONE IT. Done. It.
In the orphanage he founded, after all these years, the staff who now run it are Cambodian - and were once new converts in their ministry over there. He says they now out-pray him, and can carry on the work of the ministry there as well or better than he did. They have planted a church there in the past year, too. All indigenous. They are on furlough now, but will be returning in '09.
Your comment on his blog was spot-on, too, by the way. I skimmed the other comments, and then saw yours - I did read it entirely.
I do think he should be patient with what is undoubtably a time of transition in the Kingdom of God...where we are growing in grace, learning to "do" missions and "think" missions differently. Nothing, but nothing, happens overnight. Somebody, somewhere, absolutely has to be patient as the status quo changes into the cutting edge.
Usually...that would be the pastors of the world. They are the ones who get dumped on, for not being "cutting edge enough" -while in reality, some of them are actually moving in great grace, and keeping things on course, even while teaching to the new, and while the course changes for the better.
Great thoughts! I'll get to the video thingey later on, okay??
Much love!
Brilliant post, wow great job putting that together...
I wanna be x rated..
ps. you English talk funny....
Thanks for sharing Chris
ps. ps. a mutual friend needs your help..
Well, the holidays are almost passed - I am enjoying the first quiet evening I have had in weeks, it seems.
Finally got a chance to view this little clip - - TALENT! I know talent when I see it. I enjoyed the way you put visuals with what was an old soundtrack, and made it fresh for all of us.
Your take on the "children-young men-fathers" Scripture is interesting, and I fully agree with your thoughts on denominations. Within each one, were the "bones of Joseph" - one or more truths and revelations for the whole church - which we are to carry *forward* with us, into that "third level".
My good friend, Pete Beck, Jr. (who is well into his 70's, despite being "junior") has written a book on "fathers" based on that Scripture. Ah, it is rich. When I blend your insights with his, I come away with an enlarged understanding of what it means.
Hope your Christmas was blessed. Give Christine my warm regards, and have a prosperous New Year, Chris!
PS. Where have you been??? Hope all is well with you and yours.
I like the beginning of CD #1, of the story of Harry, the construction worker, and his very normal questions about Chrsitianity. Your narration is excellent, walking the listener right along the story. I like your explanation of what "Christian" means, and your three "levels" or phases in maturity in our Journey's. Although I personally believe there are more "phases or seasons" than just three for each and every individual, depending on background, events, circumstances, choices I DO understand your explaination of these three general/overall levels. You did a very good job on this CD, covering the basics well. Smiles :)
~Amy :)
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