Hands up who likes Daniel's stuff? Daniel and I were in similar setups.For all the amazing stuff that was put into us....and it truly was amazing and still lives in us....there was a tendency for the "wild" to be stripped out of believers. A bewitching...that nobody set out for...but friends if we do not understand the... human condition as it is set out in the Bible...and you group together as believers on any other foundation that isn't the actual life of Christ...within a short while you end up " bewitching" each other...finishing in the flesh what we began in the Spirit. There's a wild untamedness about us all in the Spirit. Don't get too cosy with each other....but don't fear either.
Seized in His grip by Daniel Yordy
Having placed, for myself, Romans 8:29 as the ruling verse of the Bible, the verse that must define everything else God speaks, there is inside it that word "predestination," a word that has caused much grief in the history of the church. But that's only because they read it with the wrong mind. I read it this way: "From the very beginning God determined that I would be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ."
Then there is the word "apprehend," Paul said, "I apprehend that for which I have been apprehended." A better translation is "I seize hold of that for which I have been seized hold of."
Then, when I first read one of John Eldredge's books, I saw a chapter title that took my breath away. It was "The Wildness of God." Where I once lived, I loved to watch the storm clouds break upon the mountainsides. There is something awesome inside of wildness. I knew in a moment that those words were describing a part of God that tame man has never allowed.
Put all those together, and I hold an image of being seized in the grip and the wild incredible plans of a being who risks everything, who goes to all lengths, who is uncontrollable and often "wild," but whom I trust with my life and who is about to do the most unbelievable things in me and through me, shaking the earth to its core, overthrowing kingdoms, altering forever the fabric of the world.
And I am just a weak, tired, and often timid man - yet He will do these things through me - and through you!
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