Our identity was stolen way back in the garden. Man already knew the intimacy they had with the Father. They already knew all their needs were met. They knew they were loved, and they never even knew any such thing as sickness and disease. But then came the thief to lie and deceive. He has kept the church from knowing who she is for over two thousand years. How sad is that? But God, through this revolutional "Grace" message, is waking the church up to her true identity. He is giving the church a revelation of the mystery of "Christ in us." Most see this lightly, thinking, "Yes, I know Christ lives in me." But church, it goes so much deeper than that. The mystery is not just that Christ lives in you, but He is your very substance! We DIED on that cross with Him. It is NO LONGER WE who live, but He lives in and through us AS US. This is an entirely new paradigm shift in our thinking. A whole new concept! It is NO LONGER I, but now it is now CHRIST LIVING IN ME....AS ME! (Gal. 2:20)
It is an awakening to a Christ in me as me consciousness. We are the vessels, the container of the true substance. The great mystery is Christ not only lives in us....He is us! We are "ONE" in union with Him. (John 17:21) Just as Jesus was "ONE" with the Father, so are we now "ONE" with Him and the Father. "As He is, SO ARE WE in this world. (1 John 4:17)This is an amazing and mind-boggling truth......let those who have ears to hear, hear! Is it any wonder we can say with all confidence that "Greater is He who is IN ME than he who is in the world." (1 John 4:4) Or that we can assuredly know that "We are more than conquerors through Christ." (Rom. 8:27)
To know that we have power to tread upon serpents and scorpions, and over ALL the power of the enemy, so that nothing can harm us, is to know your true identity. (Luke 10:19)
We have EVERYTHING that pertains to life and godliness! (2 Peter 1:3)
By His stripes we ARE healed! (1 Peter 2:24)
The FULLNESS of the Godhead lives in us. (Col. 2:9...If the fullness is in Jesus, then the fullness is in us, for Christ is in us.)
ALL of heaven is at our disposal, yet so many believers walk in defeat because they have had their identity stolen, and the churches are so weak today in teaching the Body who they are in Christ. This reality is being restored to the Body of Christ, and as believers begin to grow in who they are in Christ and who He is in us....having knowledge of their identity restored back to them, we will begin to see a much stronger and victorious Church.
Satan is an identity thief. He comes to steal, kill and destroy....and he does this by stealing our identity....keeping us from knowing who we truly are in Christ. Well, the GOOD NEWS IS, we ARE the head and NOT the tail. The enemy is under our feet.
It's high time that we started walking out that reality, despite the circumstances and situations of life!
Live out WHO YOU ARE, not who you think or feel you are! You ARE Jesus Christ in this world. You ARE His hands and His feet. ALL that He possesses is also yours. His inheritance is your inheritance. Walk in the richness of who you are in Him.
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CraigeandLori Peterson, Kat Huff, Mikkel Thomsen and 3 others like this.
Samuel Mathew June, you have made some bold and profound statements, statements which may cause some to shudder. But yet, you have spoken the truth! Good word sister!
4 hours ago · Like · 2 people
June Melanson Thanks Samuel. :)
4 hours ago · Like
Brenda Martin Awesome girl...
4 hours ago · Like · 1 person
June Melanson Thanks Brenda. Are you home tonight?
4 hours ago · Like
Samuel Mathew The practical challenge is to be constantly aware of our new identity and live out of it! Do you agree? What are your thoughts?
4 hours ago · Like · 1 person
June Melanson Samuel....I absolutely agree brother. It is something that we have to be always conscious of. If we are not constantly aware of this truth, we will never live it out. It's the same as "always" seeing ourselves as righteous, even when we mess up. Our missing the mark occasionally does not take away from our righteousness in Him. I use to feel condemned every time I messed up until I came to understand my identity of "righteousness." Now, I recognize the mess up, but it no longer has a hold on me or brings me under condemnation. I just continually look to Jesus and the freedom He has brought me through His finished work. :)))
4 hours ago · Like · 2 people
Sandra Gail LeBlanc Oh yes I like that ...
4 hours ago · Like · 1 person
Rich Novek Preach it sister June, wake up church! The paradigm shift IS...CHRIST "IN" US AND CHRIST AS US!
Awesome note, packed with POWER!
3 hours ago via Facebook Mobile · Like · 2 people
June Melanson Thanks Rich! :)))
3 hours ago · Like
Mikkel Thomsen True words June!
3 hours ago · Like · 1 person
Archie Rhines Much like the meaning of the rainbow having been stolen...
3 hours ago · Like · 1 person
Kim Carbon Katka DIG IT!!!! Amazing.....
3 hours ago · Like · 1 person
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