Who are they? They are Melchizedek order Black Ops....or as this is not Tour Of Duty, let's call them White Ops. They go ahead by the Spirit and open doors in intercession for up and coming moves of God. So far they have covered a lot of the Northern territories where there has been little or no moves of God. They spent several years in Lithuania in total, and have themselves been involved in some of the latter harvest. God also sent them unbeknown to them,the very week of the Icelandic Bank Crash into Iceland to pray right round the perimeter of the island. They experienced a bit of what St Paul refers to as "wild animals"....where it seems the demonic seems to get into normally peaceful animals who then go in to attacking mode...always a most odd and quite frightening experience. Odd things quite often occur as we go into warfare in the Spirit.
Because I have been writing about the Tabernacle I want to make it clear that from the moment we enter Holy Place Christianity which is the type of Christianity we're thrust into after being baptised in His Holy Spirit, God knows where we are at, even if we don't fully. He fully knows we are inexperienced, that we fall a lot still, that our walk is unstable, but unlike human training, we are cast in at the deep end. We can see this in the gospels with the disciples. Jesus never waited until they were fully rooted and grounded in Him. He sent them out to the villages to proclaim the good news.
I refer to Holy Place Christianity as 2ndlevel Christianity or as in 1 John 2 "young men" Christianity, but ofcourse not related with age, but Spirit growth. I want to be so clear. Holy Place Christianity is not 2nd rate Christianity.... we begin straight away to minister as full priests in God's Holy Place, in the real warfare and the real purposes of God. The disciples did too. Jesus found it the quickest way to bring people through in the Spirit. This is the method employed by YWAM,by Operation Mobilisation, by Morris Cerullo in his schools of ministry,by the prayer teams that surround Rheinhard Bonnke's work. By the way, I have just learned that just as it was George Jeffries who was kept alive
just long enough to anoint and commission Rheinhard Bonnke....he died hours later......it was George Jeffries who dedicated David Hathaway as a baby.
There are good reasons then for the greater than expected response in Lithuania. A doorway of utterance has already been opened by people sent in like Nicholas and Pam, and the praying inhabitants of the country.
Here is david's newsletter. For more info and pics about David and the crusades visit his website

Dear Ministry Partner
What a wonderful way to celebrate the New Year – last year was the best year of my life! Now as this latest report indicates, God is on the move in the Power of the Holy Spit-it and we are preparing the Revival Missions for 2011. As you read this independent report below – let us believe in faith that in this New 'fear the Fire, the Power and the Revival will increase!
REVIVAL SWEEPS THROUGH THE TOWNS OF LITHUANIA: A personal report by Vitalijus Rumbutis:
`In October 2010 the people of Lithuania had a chance to hear the Good News from David Hathaway, These 'Days of the Gospel' served as a spiritual awakening to a great number of Lithuanians. It was truly a great blessing for the nation. More than 300 coaches brought those who wanted to come from every part of the country throughout Lithuania to the Siemens Arena – more and more buses were still being booked throughout the three days of the evangelism. All this was paid for by David's ministry in order to guarantee that there were no obstacles for anyone to receive the healing power of the Word of God. Thousands of people received the Biblical message of salvation and prayed the prayer of repentance.
`Because of the efforts of David Hathaway's team, the revival swept through the towns of Lithuania: Kedainiai, Siauliai, Kaunas, Pabrade, Birzai, Lazdenai and others. The number of unbelievers who were invited and joined the local churches and fellowships were ten times greater than the number of church members! In fact, Lazdenai village community brought so many people to the evangelism, that their number exceeded the number of residents of the village several times! This was a true revival, because all the people they took accepted the Gospel with gladness and open hearts. Many repented; many were healed from their sicknesses. The healing was truly immense and touched the masses. The rain of blessings covered Lithuanian transport companies, hotels, and a Christian hostel 'Deirnantas', where people attending the event were staying. A wonderful team of street evangelists, led by Alex Peremot from Latvia and supported by the churches of Vilnius,

preached the Good News of Jesus in the streets of our capital and other towns prior to the celebration. Reportedly, ortedly, in one week alone about one thousand people were touched by the message of salvation and love of God and received the Lord into their hearts.
`The Siemens Arena was too small for all those who wanted to attend, so all its balconies were opened. Thanks to the well organised work of the technical team and the ushers, the audience could both see and hear everything. Signs and wonders, healings and deliverance followed the anointed Word preached by Brother David Hathaway, who despite his age is young in spirit. David Hathaway has remained faithful to the Lord throughout all the years of his life and has proved it by the power of God, sharing the work and grace of the Lord. This power overwhelmingly flowed and filled the arena and all those present with unprecedented miracles of healing. There were multitudes who wanted to tell about what the Lord had done for them during the evangelism, prayer, and worship, but the time was not enough for everyone to speak. People received healing during the meetings, and afterwards on their way home. Many people felt huge relief from their pain, weakness, and illnesses. I, the author of this letter, was a happy witness of a tremendous change and healing in my body some time before the healing part of the service even began.
The special event at the Katrina Cathedral where representatives of the Vilnius municipality, the former mayor,members of the parliament,leaders of religious confessions and influential businessmen were invited was inspiring and gives us hope for our small,God-marked nation. The blessing touched the life and economy of the whole country,newspapers ,magazines,online streaming,televisionand radio programmes broadcast during the days of the evangelism testified to the mighty manifestation of God's power in the Siemens Arena, and we expect the evangelism to continue! The Lord's servant and your brother in Christ'
I want to thank all of you personally who made this happen by supporting this ministry with your finance and prayer. There has never been a Christian event on such a large scale in Lithuania, and it was a clear evidence that it was a real Word from God back in 2008 when 1 had a revelation that all different churches and fellowships —more than 80 — must unite for the common work of the Gospel in Lithuania. This is exactly what happened o as churches, worshippers and leaders of various Christian confessions took part in the preparation and organisation of the evangelism. That was one of the main factors, together with your help, which influenced the success of the work.
We want to assure you that this was worthwhile, you sowed in good soil, and the Days of the Gospel are not over. Now we urgently need the finance for this year's programme. Our problem is that at the beginning of last year we budgeted for an increase of 20% in donations — but actually received 9% increase. Our evangelism last year cost E1.5 million and we were 11% short! Don't be shocked by what I am about to say! I want God to do to our finances what He has done to our evangelism! And this will take the same level of faith and prayer that it has taken to see what God has just done in Lithuania! -1 he challenge for 2011: Blessed is the one who does not regret what he has done! Romans 14:22,
If we receive the first £2.50,000 this month and a further F175,000 each month, we can start in Israel — then continue in the largely Moslem Crimea -- followed by the Ukraine, Poland and then Holland, and include Armenia. But we need to start organising quickly. On January 19th I shall be going again for my week of prayer — to seek the Lord for the financial miracle breakthrough which we so desperately need. It seems that the devil is seeking to hinder us through lack of finance — although income last year was the highest on record. — But as the size of the revival is increasing across Europe, it means that we need our income to increase accordingly! The Bible says `what a man sows, that shall he also reap'. If we sow into the Kingdom of God we shall reap a bountiful harvest! —Which our brother, Vitalijus Rurnbutis, confirms in his report in this letter. Please stand with me as I go on the 19th to defeat the devil in Jesus Name!
As if as an answer to my prayer, yesterday I read the following. 'Beyond Expectations: I am able to do far beyond all that you ask or imagine. Come to Me with positive expectations, knowing that there is no limit to what I can accomplish. Ask My Spirit to control your mind, so that you can think great thoughts of Me. The more extreme the circumstances, the more likely you are to see My Power and Glory at work in the situation. Instead of letting difficulties draw you into worrying, try to view them as setting the scene for My glorious intervention. Keep your eyes and your mind wide open to ail that I am doing in your life. '
Ephesions 3:20-21; Romans 8:6; Isaiah 40:30-31 (NKIV); Revelation 5:13.
Your praying is as important as your giving — if you cannot give money —then give more prayer!
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