Watching the news and TV of the Middle East is very familiar and moving for Denise and I. There is a huge upheaval underway in many nations there. We've carried the cross in every one of these countries & have friends in all these lands. The danger of war, chaos, death and destruction are everywhere. Followers of Jesus are growing in the Middle East with many turning to Jesus yet at the same time great repercussions are coming to the Believers. A great dispersion of about three quarters of a million Christians have had to flee Iraq. There has been a church there since just after the day of Pentecost. The result of the war there has reduced the number of Christians in half! Yet, these suffering followers of Jesus are seldom spoken about. We understand as we've been with all the Middle East groups with the cross. 
At this explosive time Jesus is calling us back. We will give more details in our March E-Letter. We will share Jesus and help oppressed Christians. It will be a very dangerous and expensive trip. Please pray for this crosswalk even now and pray about a substantial donation of support to help send us again into the Valley of the Shadow of Death for Jesus. I know that you care. Please pray for your brothers and sisters! We will extend help to many needy Believers. Many of the greatest followers of Jesus are suffering there and I weep. Oh, Jesus use us to extend Your loving Hand to them and bring more to know You as Savior. To see photos and read about our crosswalks in Egypt, Yemen, Jordan, Gaza, Lebanon, Israel, Syria, Iraq, Iran, the Gulf States, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Tunisia, Turkey, Algeria, Sudan, Somalia, Djibouti, Morocco, etc., please go to the following link and click on the nation you want to read about. This will help your praying and understanding. www.blessitt.com/list_nations. Please pray that more religious freedom and not oppression comes as a result of all this turmoil. Yet we must know that Jesus said 'All power is given unto Me in Heaven and on Earth'. The Hand of God still raises up and casts down, Blessing and Praise to the Lord of Hosts.
The U.S.A also needs Jesus!

At this explosive time Jesus is calling us back. We will give more details in our March E-Letter. We will share Jesus and help oppressed Christians. It will be a very dangerous and expensive trip. Please pray for this crosswalk even now and pray about a substantial donation of support to help send us again into the Valley of the Shadow of Death for Jesus. I know that you care. Please pray for your brothers and sisters! We will extend help to many needy Believers. Many of the greatest followers of Jesus are suffering there and I weep. Oh, Jesus use us to extend Your loving Hand to them and bring more to know You as Savior. To see photos and read about our crosswalks in Egypt, Yemen, Jordan, Gaza, Lebanon, Israel, Syria, Iraq, Iran, the Gulf States, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Tunisia, Turkey, Algeria, Sudan, Somalia, Djibouti, Morocco, etc., please go to the following link and click on the nation you want to read about. This will help your praying and understanding. www.blessitt.com/list_nations. Please pray that more religious freedom and not oppression comes as a result of all this turmoil. Yet we must know that Jesus said 'All power is given unto Me in Heaven and on Earth'. The Hand of God still raises up and casts down, Blessing and Praise to the Lord of Hosts.
The U.S.A also needs Jesus!
We are going full steam ahead with walking the streets & roads, tv, training people and sharing Jesus everywhere. Killing, greed and hate are ripping the heart and soul of our great nation apart. We are moving out to help reach our land for Christ. We have more outreach news coming. Glory! The only hope is in Jesus. Anyone in Christ is a new creation...the old is passed away and ...and all things become New! Evangelism and leading people to Jesus changes people! They move from Darkness into Light from the Power of Satan unto the Power of God. Be a witness, love and share with others the life changing message of Jesus unto Salvation. Let us go without fear to carry out the 'Great Commission' to Go into all the world and Preach the Gospel to every person.
Latest News
January has been a very beautiful time with Jesus. Have had some wonderful times with family. Denise had a birthday. She is now.....? Ha. Sophia also had her 7th birthday in early February. I am surrounded by love from my seven children, ten grandchildren and my wife. How truly blessed I am and how blessed we all are. I hosted 'Praise' on TBN TV from Costa Mesa, CA, plus I taught a training seminar about sharing Jesus. I was a guest with Paul Crouch Sr. and Paul Jr. as they interviewed Barry McGuire ('60's Rock Star, 'Eve of Destruction' etc.) and me. We talked about Barry coming out of Whiskey a Go-Go nightclub in the summer of 1969 and there I was chained to the cross on Sunset Blvd. He was stoned on drugs but looked into my eyes. He said, "Hey man, what's happening?" and my reply was one word "Jesus!" He immediately turned and walked away never to be the same again. Barry said "I saw nothing but compassion, love and concern pouring through your eyes toward me. I saw the love of Christ in your eyes." He came to Jesus about a year later and became a great leader of the Jesus Movement and is still today singing for Jesus full time at the age of 76. Paul Crouch says it was one of the most classic and moving programs ever on TBN. It was so good to be with Barry again. We did some rallies in New Zealand back in the 80's. It was very emotional to be with him on TV and also talk about the Jesus Movement. You see the 'Power' of one moment...one word 'Jesus' and where it led forty two years later and the road keeps going, at least for a while more. It would amaze you to know the many lives that have been changed, saved, blessed in the way of the cross.
We've been working hard on getting the new website up and running, creating new content and editing existing content. We'll let you know as soon as it's done. Please pray about this. We've booked our airline tickets for the Middle East!
This Month's Special Feature
One of the best things I've ever done was to have the art work set up and these plastic covered cards made. All over the world people want them. In stores and restaurants in America I give one out, other people see the card and want one too! It opens the way to share Jesus and bless others. They put the card in their wallet or purse. It has universal appeal.
For the month of February only we will send you ten of these Palm Cards when you make a donation to support this ministry or place an order from our online store. This will bless you, your family and friends. To donate or order please go to www.blessitt.com Remember we have "the Cross' film, book and audio cd also at the online store.
Upcoming Events
TBN 'Praise' from Denver. Live taping February 10th at 6pm. Will be aired on Wednesday February 16th 7pm PST and 10pm EST.
For seats call 303-650-5515. Arthur will be hosting: Pastor Mike Ware, Dave Powers and Dr Doug Weiss. Las Vegas, NV. "Walking in the glory with the cross - The Cross in Sin City!"
Thursday 17th February 7pm - showing of the film 'The Cross' at Abundant Grace Church, Origin Business Park, 7391 Prairie Falcon Rd, Las Vegas NV 89128.
Church office at 702-655-3619.
Friday 18th Feb. 7pm - 'Cross-Walk' prayer meeting at Abundant Grace Church.
Saturday 19th Feb. 'Cross-Walk 2011'. Walk with the cross and Arthur down the famous 'Fremont Street Experience' at 5.30pm. The garage is located on North 4th St and Las Vegas Blvd. Start at 6pm and walk 8 blocks north to the Plaza Hotel, turn around and walk back. Info: 702-655-3610 (Abundant Grace Church Office). Come join us in this mighty and historic cross walk and witness with thousands from Las Vegas and across America! Be a part of this Jesus weekend.
Sunday 20th Feb. 10.30am and 6pm. Arthur will speak at Abundant Grace Church.
Pastor Rob Wright.
Greetings from Denise & Sophia
Both Sophia and I have had birthdays in the last two
weeks. I remember God's word that says "Your eyes saw
my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they
all were written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet
there were none of them". Psalm 139:16. What comfort
and peace there is in knowing that God knows the future
and it is in His hands - I just pray that we may always be
sensitive to His Holy Spirit and want nothing more than
to be obedient to His call and I desire for all of us what I
pray for Sophia each night, and that is, that her greatest
desire in life is to do the will of God.
Now that Sophia's birthday is over she's excited about
Valentine's Day! She just told me that she is so happy that
God gave her us as her family! And that she 'Loves Jesus
soooooooo Much!' May we all love Jesus soooooo much -
just like a child! "I tell you the truth, unless you change
and become like little children, you will never enter the
kingdom of heaven". Matthew 18:3.
Love Denise & Sophia.
A Scripture for You!
"Therefore comfort (encourage) one another and build up one another, just as you are doing". Finally, brothers, rejoice, be made complete, comfort one another, be like minded, and the God of love and peace will be with you". I Thessalonians 4:11 and 2 Corinthians 13:11.
Blessings, pilgrim followers of Jesus - Arthur, Denise & Sophia Blessitt. Luke 18:1.
Latest News
January has been a very beautiful time with Jesus. Have had some wonderful times with family. Denise had a birthday. She is now.....? Ha. Sophia also had her 7th birthday in early February. I am surrounded by love from my seven children, ten grandchildren and my wife. How truly blessed I am and how blessed we all are. I hosted 'Praise' on TBN TV from Costa Mesa, CA, plus I taught a training seminar about sharing Jesus. I was a guest with Paul Crouch Sr. and Paul Jr. as they interviewed Barry McGuire ('60's Rock Star, 'Eve of Destruction' etc.) and me. We talked about Barry coming out of Whiskey a Go-Go nightclub in the summer of 1969 and there I was chained to the cross on Sunset Blvd. He was stoned on drugs but looked into my eyes. He said, "Hey man, what's happening?" and my reply was one word "Jesus!" He immediately turned and walked away never to be the same again. Barry said "I saw nothing but compassion, love and concern pouring through your eyes toward me. I saw the love of Christ in your eyes." He came to Jesus about a year later and became a great leader of the Jesus Movement and is still today singing for Jesus full time at the age of 76. Paul Crouch says it was one of the most classic and moving programs ever on TBN. It was so good to be with Barry again. We did some rallies in New Zealand back in the 80's. It was very emotional to be with him on TV and also talk about the Jesus Movement. You see the 'Power' of one moment...one word 'Jesus' and where it led forty two years later and the road keeps going, at least for a while more. It would amaze you to know the many lives that have been changed, saved, blessed in the way of the cross.
We've been working hard on getting the new website up and running, creating new content and editing existing content. We'll let you know as soon as it's done. Please pray about this. We've booked our airline tickets for the Middle East!
This Month's Special Feature
One of the best things I've ever done was to have the art work set up and these plastic covered cards made. All over the world people want them. In stores and restaurants in America I give one out, other people see the card and want one too! It opens the way to share Jesus and bless others. They put the card in their wallet or purse. It has universal appeal.

For the month of February only we will send you ten of these Palm Cards when you make a donation to support this ministry or place an order from our online store. This will bless you, your family and friends. To donate or order please go to www.blessitt.com Remember we have "the Cross' film, book and audio cd also at the online store.
Upcoming Events
TBN 'Praise' from Denver. Live taping February 10th at 6pm. Will be aired on Wednesday February 16th 7pm PST and 10pm EST.
For seats call 303-650-5515. Arthur will be hosting: Pastor Mike Ware, Dave Powers and Dr Doug Weiss. Las Vegas, NV. "Walking in the glory with the cross - The Cross in Sin City!"
Thursday 17th February 7pm - showing of the film 'The Cross' at Abundant Grace Church, Origin Business Park, 7391 Prairie Falcon Rd, Las Vegas NV 89128.
Church office at 702-655-3619.
Friday 18th Feb. 7pm - 'Cross-Walk' prayer meeting at Abundant Grace Church.
Saturday 19th Feb. 'Cross-Walk 2011'. Walk with the cross and Arthur down the famous 'Fremont Street Experience' at 5.30pm. The garage is located on North 4th St and Las Vegas Blvd. Start at 6pm and walk 8 blocks north to the Plaza Hotel, turn around and walk back. Info: 702-655-3610 (Abundant Grace Church Office). Come join us in this mighty and historic cross walk and witness with thousands from Las Vegas and across America! Be a part of this Jesus weekend.
Sunday 20th Feb. 10.30am and 6pm. Arthur will speak at Abundant Grace Church.
Pastor Rob Wright.
Greetings from Denise & Sophia

Both Sophia and I have had birthdays in the last two
weeks. I remember God's word that says "Your eyes saw
my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they
all were written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet
there were none of them". Psalm 139:16. What comfort
and peace there is in knowing that God knows the future
and it is in His hands - I just pray that we may always be
sensitive to His Holy Spirit and want nothing more than
to be obedient to His call and I desire for all of us what I
pray for Sophia each night, and that is, that her greatest
desire in life is to do the will of God.
Now that Sophia's birthday is over she's excited about
Valentine's Day! She just told me that she is so happy that
God gave her us as her family! And that she 'Loves Jesus
soooooooo Much!' May we all love Jesus soooooo much -
just like a child! "I tell you the truth, unless you change
and become like little children, you will never enter the
kingdom of heaven". Matthew 18:3.
Love Denise & Sophia.
A Scripture for You!
"Therefore comfort (encourage) one another and build up one another, just as you are doing". Finally, brothers, rejoice, be made complete, comfort one another, be like minded, and the God of love and peace will be with you". I Thessalonians 4:11 and 2 Corinthians 13:11.
Blessings, pilgrim followers of Jesus - Arthur, Denise & Sophia Blessitt. Luke 18:1.
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