Hi friends,
The new book 'Imagine...' is finally available!
What people are saying about it:
"Imagine" takes you on an illuminating journey from God's original thought and intent before time began, right into man's conflicting experience within himself and with his God, and breaks through with the beautiful understanding of the Treasure that is in each one of us, redeemed and revealed in the Light that lights up every man - Christ. Read it, digest it, be nourished with the Bread of Heaven; and go awaken the sleeping with loud shouts of joy; tell the World that Hope is here, and He lives in YOU.
Colin Lagerwell
To imagine that God imagined me before time began is the most liberating thought! It immediately gives substance to faith and relevance to the gospel.I matter to my Maker! He is mindful of me! Andre’s writing beautifully frames the picture that God painted and exhibits it in the grand gallery of our own reflections.
Francois Du Toit
The revelation of the Logos, the Word of God, appeals to more than our human intellect. It is the call of His Spirit to our spirit. Jesus said: “the Words which I speak to you are spirit and are life.” (John 6:63) Natural words can captivate your mind, but Spirit and Life go beyond your mind and grasp your spirit man, your inner being. The book Imagine… is such a call. The words contain more than intellectual stimulation, they are ‘spirit and life’ for your spirit and for your life.
Jozsef Palavics M.D.
The book should be available from most bookstores and online stores - the ISBN is: 978-0956334633.
Here is the direct link for all my books in the UK: http://astore.amazon.com/hearhimnet-20
...and for the USA: http://astore.amazon.com/hearhimnet-20
All these books are now also available in Kindle format.
Please feel free to join the discussions on facebook at: http://www.facebook.com/BookImagine
Imagine ... on Amazon UK: http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/0956334636/
Andre Rabe
For more information and extracts see my post
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