God’s Loveliness Leads to Repentance
We are coming up out of the wilderness of our carnal selfish life. We are are not going to have a critical eye for anyone; we’re going to be able to see with eyes of the spirit. As I shared before, we’re going to be able to look into the eyes of a prostitute and say, "There will come a day when you will shine forth in the glory of the Father, because He has decreed it to be so." And when you learn the heart of God, and you begin to speak words like that, you will find that the words you speak will create and generate life in the hearts of those to whom you speak. It’s not a matter of their obedience. It’s a matter of your understanding that you can speak to the Seed of God in someone and cause it to come forth within their innermost being. Do you realize that you have the Seed of God in you? Do you realize what that means? I can guarantee you, friend, there will come a day when you will be so filled with God and so richly blessed—not because you have been a good child, but because you understand and have had revealed to you the love of God. That love will transform you. It will cause you to repent. Does not the Word say that it is the love of God that leads us to repentance? When men and women see the loveliness of God, when they understand why the judgments are coming, they will repent in sackcloth and ashes, even those as wicked as the people of Sodom. You will remember that Jesus said to a certain group of people, "It will be more tolerable on the day of judgment for Sodom and Gomorra than it will be for you." He said that in two different instances (Mt. 10:15, 11:24)! Could that possibly mean that Sodom and Gomorra may have a chance? Is God going to throw them into an eternal, fiery hell simply because they did not have the knowledge that would have caused them to repent? I don’t think so! You need to think about these things.
I can guarantee you, friend, there will come a day when you will be so filled with God and so richly blessed—not because you have been a good child, but because you understand and have had revealed to you the love of God. That love will transform you. It will cause you to repent. Does not the Word say that it is the love of God that leads us to repentance?
Jesus said, "If the mighty works, which were done in you, had been done in Sodom and Gomorra, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes" (Mt. 11:21). So the reason they didn’t repent was because of the darkness. They had not the knowledge of God that came through Jesus Christ. That’s why John says, "The law was given by Moses," (and Christians today still want to live by the law) "but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ" (John 1:17). If you understand the true concept of our Father God, you will become a most obedient person through the love and the drawing attraction of His Spirit. The Christian life is effortless—because it is His life! Transformation It is just natural for you to live the human life, is it not? You don’t have to get up in the morning and figure out how you’re going to be human today. And when God begins to arise in you, you do not have to try to figure out how to live the godly life. Out of your innermost being shall flow rivers of living water, and everywhere that river flows, it brings life and healing and restoration. Do you have sin in your life? You can either fall under condemnation, or you can seek God until the river begins to flow in you. If you are under condemnation because the sin is there, and you feel that you are cut off from God because of your sin and your disobedience, you will never experience the flowing of His River. You must realize that no matter how far into sin you may go, no matter how much disobedience you get into, no matter how far away from God you may fall, if you can but find within yourself the faintest cry, "Oh God!" He will run to you, and out of your innermost being shall flow rivers of living water. The Spirit is represented, beginning in Genesis, by the flowing of a river, and there are precious stones in that river—which simply means that as the river flows, it causes the stones to be transformed into precious gems. And that doesn’t happen today; it doesn’t happen tomorrow; it doesn’t happen next year. Transformation takes a very long time. What you need is not condemnation for the way you are. You are what you are, and you cannot change that. But if you get into the river, if you learn how to release from the very essence of your being the flowing of His Life, it will bring life not only to you, but to everyone who comes into your presence. You will bring life and healing and restoration. In the river of life are the precious stones. So all the years that I’ve sought after God, year after year, sometimes being in hopeless despair of ever becoming what God wanted me to be—all the time that I was seeking after Him, unbeknownst to me, the river was flowing. There were times when I would experience the joy of God. We all experience it from time to time. But the river was flowing, and in the flowing of the river is the transformation process of the spirit. And if you realize that it is not your obedience, it is not your effort, but that through the spirit you put to death the deeds of the flesh, you will also realize that you can do that only in His presence. And again, if you have the concept that sin separates you and keeps you from His presence, you cannot be helped. But if you realize that there is nothing in all of creation that can separate you from the love of God, no matter how great your sin and failure, then all you need is to turn to God with an honest heart and say, "God, I need your help!"
We need a Savior every day. And He is available to us every day. And my friends, if the Life of God never arises in you, your enemies will never be scattered. But oh, it will arise in you if the Sun of Righteousness appears with healing in His wings! Let God arise, and His enemies be scattered! In the presence of your enemies of anger, and bitterness, and resentment—in the very midst of those enemies that beset you and torment you, there is a table spread out before you.
To Experience the Love of God O Father, we ask for the fire of Your Spirit. O God, I am so glad that You have changed my concept of an angry, vengeful, wrathful God into One who is a Father, who loves beyond all comprehension. And Father, I ask that each of us may begin to more deeply experience Your love.
If You Turn Unto Me . . . And I say unto you that if you turn unto Me in the midst of any situation and any trial, if you will but turn to Me in the very midst of sin and depression and anger and hatefulness and bitterness, and cry out from deep within, "O God! I need You!", out of your innermost being will flow My transforming power. So come unto Me, all ye that labor. Some of My people have labored so strenuously to enter into My rest, but I say to you today, that it is so easy to enter into My rest. All you have to do is to cease from your own works. And realize that I am El Elyon, the Most High God, and that I have a will, a plan, and a purpose for your life. And I say to you, because I have covenanted with that Seed that is within you, I look far beyond your mind, your emotion and your will.
if the Life of God never arises in you,
your enemies will never be scattered.
But oh, it will arise in you
if the Sun of Righteousness
appears with healing in His wings!
Let God arise, and His enemies be scattered!
In the presence of your enemies
of anger, and bitterness, and resentment—
in the very midst of those enemies
that beset you and torment you,
there is a table spread out before you.
I look far beyond that natural person that you are, and I see deep within the center, the very core of your being, and I see that Seed of My Life that I placed there, and I say to you, that the Seed of My Life shall come forth. The Seed of my Kingdom shall reproduce within you, and you shall manifest My glory unto this earth.
We have been thrilled with the response we have received from these messages. The reports are coming in from all over the world that people are so excited and appreciate the love of God much more since realizing His heart as a Father. I must admit that I was somewhat surprised. The system of Christianity has given us many wrong concepts of God, which makes it very confusing and hard for some to realize that our Father will perfect His plan and purpose in our lives. Jesus said to His disciples, "It is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given" (Matt. 13:11). God is revealing to His seekers in these days the reality of walking in the Kingdom of God. This revelation is not given to the masses of Christianity, but to those who have a heart-cry to know the reality of His indwelling life. God has been restoring many things to the Church since the days of Martin Luther. I believe that one of the last revelations to be given before the complete manifestation of the "Sons of God" is that the hearts of the children must be turned toward God to see him as their Father, who is perfecting them according to His plan and purpose. God has certain times and seasons in your life when He will bring to you that which you need for your spiritual growth and understanding. I will never forget when I was introduced to a book by E.W. Kenyon. I was going over my bookshelf one day looking for something to read when I found a book called In His Presence by Kenyon. I have no idea how that book was placed on my bookshelf. I was amazed at the revelation, and yet the simplicity that was in that writing. When I read In His Presence, I was so excited that I wrote to Kenyon’s publishing company and ordered every book he had written. I saturated myself in his writings for about three months and they literally changed my life. I had such a revelation of the living and abiding Word of God. After I read those books, I gave away hundreds of Kenyon’s books, but not one person that I gave them to seemed to have their lives impacted the way I did. I really believe that Jesus is the author and the finisher of our faith (Heb. 12:2). He brought me to a point where I could receive more light and understanding. 
My burden in ministry today is to bring people out of the darkness of religion, and human effort, into the glorious light of the gospel message proclaimed by the Apostle Paul of the New Testament. I believe that God is beginning to remove the veil that has been cast over all nations (Isa. 25:7). He is beginning to reveal His heart toward His creation. No matter how much Bible knowledge we have, only God can open our understanding and our hearts to be able to receive that which He has. This is according to His timetable and not ours. As I have shared before, "For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ’s at his coming" (1 Cor. 15:22-23). God has a specific plan and purpose for every person. For some, it takes much more time and dealings by God before they will submit to His will, but eventually every knee shall bow.

My burden in ministry today is to bring people out of the darkness of religion, and human effort, into the glorious light of the gospel message proclaimed by the Apostle Paul of the New Testament. I believe that God is beginning to remove the veil that has been cast over all nations (Isa. 25:7). He is beginning to reveal His heart toward His creation. No matter how much Bible knowledge we have, only God can open our understanding and our hearts to be able to receive that which He has. This is according to His timetable and not ours. As I have shared before, "For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ’s at his coming" (1 Cor. 15:22-23). God has a specific plan and purpose for every person. For some, it takes much more time and dealings by God before they will submit to His will, but eventually every knee shall bow.
To be continued
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