A Prayer for You

Lord God,
Lord of Host,
Holy Spirit,
Thanks for calling us and sending us to the world with the Cross. Carrying it. Sharing the message of the Cross and Jesus with the people.
Oh, how blessed to see and hear the mighty things You are doing.
Even as we go on the seed springs to life behind us and brings in a mighty harvest.
May we never be discouraged in well doing and sharing Jesus.
Lord bless every step,
every word in person or on TV or in print on on the internet that brings Glory to You and changes peoples lives.
Bless those that read this and send them forth into the harvest fields as a living witness for You.
I love you Jesus
In Jesus Name
Contact Info
Arthur & Denise Blessitt
Arthur Blessitt Evangelistic Association
P.O. Box 632246
Littleton, Co.
(303) 355-2234
Checks to the above address
Thanks for your support and prayers. You our partners have been so generous in supporting this cross mission and cross walk around the world. Together we are a mighty witness for Jesus. Thank you and keep us in your prayers as we pray for you and ask God to meet your every need. Thanks for praying about our home/office. We have now moved in and all is wonderful. Thanks for supporting us in the mission and calling of Jesus. We love you all. God bless you always. Pilgrim followers of Jesus. Arthur, Denise and Sophia. Luke 18:1
For some truly good news of Jesus moving in the world today I invite you to read some of the e mail I have received. I know this is long but you need to see the power of the cross and the life changing power of Jesus. It's time to return to the Cross and open witness. It's all about Jesus. Now be blessed as you read. You may want to forward this to friends or share with our church or pastor or friends. God bless you all,
Pilgrim followers of Jesus: arthur, denise and sophia.
Luke 18:1It was on 27th August, 1997, when my brother Arthur blessitt come to me. we travelled to the mountain and after completion of the mission, he was crying with full of tears in his eyes. He was holding a picture of a man and thanking him for all his blessing and mercy for completion of the mission. When I see the familiar face, I asked him who is this man. He said why, I said I know this man. He said how, I said I use to see me time and again in dream. Arthur was astonished and asked me, when, where, how. I narrated the story to him. His eyes were full of tears and floating tears were falling down on the land. He hugged me and said you are great. I was astonished to hear his words and emotion. This was the time, he introduce my Lord Jesus and said this is Lord Jesus.
This was the day, my life was completely changed and I left my tourism business and fully joint humanitarian services. For last 15 years I am exclusively working in humanitarian organization helping the poor, needy, women and children. I am happy to see my Lord many time and speaking with him time to time. When I am in trouble, God is coming to me and speaking with me. God give you to me and my ailing daughters to help her to support her and to send back her to me. Syed
You will beleive or not, but this is 1st time in the history of Chitral, Pakistan that Christmas is officially been celeberated in Chitral. Local Government Head cutting Christmas cack with the followers of our Lord!! This is just 12 years back, no body know His name in these mountain region, but today over 1000 brothers and sisters are openly celeberating this event. Those were the days, when one was prosecuted with many threats and dire consequence, there was one lover of our Lord who follow the way to never surrender and this is the result that in this city how many others followere are !!!!!
Thanks to our beleived Lord for HIS BLESSING and we see the mericale of Cross in the mountain since you been here.
Attached herewith is a local news paper clips which is showing the picture of Christmas Cack cutting celeberation. Thank you Lord Jesus and Thank you brother Arthur blessitt, for this wonderful gift. The community is now demanding for establishment oc Church in Chitral. Wow!!!
This is a gift on the occasion of Christmas and new year, and we hope to see next Christmas with more brother and sister. This was my policy and strategy and I was working for about the decade.
Thank you Lord and Thank you brother,
Your missing brother.
Saw your show on TBN 1-24-2012 from 6:00 to 6:30 Birmingham Alabama. When I was about 12 years old (1972). My family and I went to heard you speak for a week at Hunter Street Baptist Church. You challenged the students to take their Bible to school and we did. I remember the JESUS yell and the church elders thought that it was not proper for the church. So you led us outside on the steps and told us to "wake the neighborhood". I think we did. Thanks for the memories and wish you well on your travels and ministry.
I'm Albert Bogle. I was the lead singer with the Living Stones the band that played with you in Glasgow and Dundee. In one of the Park's a young man went forward and committed his life to Christ. His name was John Proctor, today you might be interested to know he is a Professor of New Testament in Cambridge England. I ended up a minister and evangelist with the Church of Scotland.
I have rolled thru alot of hard roads thru the years. U however, DID the stuff! I hope to meet with u sometime.
Ur alright. J.
Dear Arthur, Im so pleased to see you, I was only 10yrs old when you came to cannon hill park birmingham in the early 1970's I gave my life to Jesus that day, I was a child in care, broken, hurting, worn out, abused, but Jesus touched my life, and now nearly 40yrs on Im still learning lol, still walking with him, and so excited about Jesus, that spark never goes out, I run a global prayer network, and speak in various countries. Jesus really touched my heart the day you spoke, and I will be forever grateful to you for your courage, your love of Jesus and the word that changed my life and turned it around. God bless you Arthur love in Jesus Heather Wales UK
Dear - Arthur, It has been a great blessing to many in our villages, especially my home village (SAKILA) where Arthur preached in our muddy walls building in 1973. We are using our laptop computer and villagers are gathering in great numbers to see and to hear "The Cross" movie. Many are touched and blessed to see dvd of the Cross in the villages of Africa (Tanzania) Pray for our mission. Many are crying in joyful tears, as are giving their lives to Jesus. This week we have our mission represantantive from Malawi and Mozambique, and they are blessed to see the DVD of the Cross for theri very first time. They will go back with the news. We are travellng from one village to another, in homes and in simply made church houses and many are flocked to see the cross, and many aare giving their lives to the Lord in Tanzania. Pray for our - INTERNET RADIO/TV - MINISTRY of our mission.
Dear - Arthur and Denise, Yesterday I called you on phone and left the message. I was in the remote villages for weeks showing DVD of The Cross and I just come in the city (Arusha) to check my emails, then back to of African villages where many are hungry to see - THE CROSS.
Some at our first church's village (SAKILA village) believers who saw you preaching in our - Muddy walls church building, holding Joshua in 1973, are still alive and they give the testimonies of how they saw you , before crowds flock to watch THE CROSS (DVD)
We have two - Laptops that we use, and we have to go to te city to charge them each in every two hours - villagers has never seen TV or DVD so they are excited to see The Cross. We need at least 20 DVDS; Projector; Petrol generator; Sound system
We apeal for our friends to support orur mission so that we can show THE CROSS to the larger crowd. Pastor - Nixon Issangya
Hi Arthur, I heard you as a very young Christian in UK in the 1970's, you encouraged me then, the other week as a fat fifty- odd year old preacher I used you as a sermon illustration whilst expounding 2 Cor 5.1-10; almost everyone in the congregation said how you had encouraged them in your travels with the cross. So I thought I'd say Hi and Bye and thank you and say God Bless you brother.
Dear Mr. Blessit. I was in Berlin Olympic stadium in June 1981 at a rally. Suddenly you stod there with the cross. You spoke to to crowd and then started to go away. I was drawn to you like a magnet. You were surrounded by so many people that I realized that I had no chance. But suddenly a miracle happened. You stood in front of me and said:"I´m thirsty". I "happened" to have a can of lemonade and when I handed it to you I felt like giving it to Jesus. Then you laid your arm around me and prayed for me. I felt the love of Jesus so strongly that I never before or after have felt. During all these years the memory of that moment have helped me through hard times. I wanted to tell you and thank you, but not until now have I known your adress. God bless you and your family! Mona from Finland.
Dear Arthur, it's sure you cannot remember everywhere you've been, but who knows... if you remember this small country Luxembourg where you've been in 1980. We had a good time together in the streets of our small country. You came back later and preached at Pentecost in the cathedral of Luxembourg together with Pastor Richard Wurmbrand. After so many years, I suddenly saw you recently on TBN channel, looking some years older but still young in heart and spirit!! I myself carry a wooden cross on the roads of Luxembourg every year before Pentecost, where we celebrate annually our "Feast of Joy". Our community is called "Auberge de Dieu" referring to Luke 10,25-37. We have a large ministry in the area of the railway station in L.city. During the last 20 years, many people who were lost found a refuge here and they are found in the arms of Jesus. If you are ever able to come back to Luxembourg, I am ready to go with you again to evangelize in our country. Last time by your testimony, I was delivered from all fear to testify the Lord publicly! Thank you so much.
Many lost people should find the love of God: JESUS!!! Halleluja!
Albert Franck - catholic priest
thank you so much for writing back, we absolutley loved the movie and the book. We were so moved and the love you have for are lord and savior. That now for the first time in my life i am stepping out and telling people about jesus christ and are ministing to people at homeless shelters with the word and our music.And when we play are music i feel such an anointing come over me like i have never felt before.Thank you so much for touching are lives and helping us to step out and tell people about jesus christ. God bless you and yours and may god continue to bless you cause you have blessed us and made us better christians. Barry/Anna
I have watched your movie " The Cross" was thinking about purchasing it for my dad but did not get to it. I would really love it and I know that he would be so blessed if you could send us that movie. He always preached about a man who carried a cross and walked the streets of Papua New Guinea (specifically Madang) and would always talk about how it took someone from America to come to PNG just so he could get saved and know the truth and the gospel of Jesus Christ. I know that he is going to be so thrilled to have it and knowing that it was from you would make it even more special. God is moving in PNG like never before, thousands of people have come to know Christ as their personal Lord and Savior as a result of your "seed". The Lord is using my dad as well as other pastors in PNG to accomplish great thing for His kingdom. Thousand of people have come to know God as a result of you obeying God and going to a country where you did not know of. I just want to say THANK YOU so much for listening to God's voice and coming to my country. About 25 years ago, you came to my country and started preaching and my dad got saved as a result of that. I just want to say THANK YOU. I have so much to tell you about what the Lord has done in my life and my family's. He is now a pastor and national overseer of a ministry that the Lord had entrusted him with and we have over 50 different churches in Papua New Guinea and over 60 pastors. I would love to keep tell you some of the amazing stories that the Lord have done. I m his daughter. My dad is back in Papua New Guinea but I m in the states currently in college. Esther Dii
Hello, i am Pastor Daniel i am pastoring a church in Europe in the country of Ireland and i have a small testimony. During the late decade of the 80s you visited the country where i was born, the country of Mozambique in Africa, by then our country was in a civil war, when you (Arthur Blessitt) visited our church, the Assembly of God in the Capital Maputo, during the service you seid God was showing you that there were young people inside that church who were going to travel the world to preach the gospel to the nations, i was still strugling with my sins, i was in a extreem poverty, i did not have any hope of a future, i was seating in the last banch line of that church, when you pointed at the direction i was seating and said there is one of this young man, i was between 18 to 19 years old, when you said that i felt a power arrising me, the same power puxed me to the corredor, you pointed to me and said young man, Jesus is going to use you arround the world, is going to take you to many nations, is going to use to cross the oceans to different continents of the earth to preach the gospel. Everyone in that church including myself could not that believe it that much given the poor conditions, the suffering, the lack of means, lack of opportunities it was humanly impossible for that to happen, i did not have any hope even for the following day due to civil war, etc...
God made His way, Jesus changed my story, took me to the bible institute for training, in Swaziland from 1991 to 1994, after that i have worked as an associate pastor, missionary, evangelist, pastor, gospel singer, bible teacher, etc... I served Jesus in south america (Brazil, Paraguay) for 8 years, i have served Jesus in South africa, Swaziland, Mozambique..., I have preached in Europe serving for 3 years in Portugal and Spain, i preached in Germany, Holland, Sweeden, today i am serving as a pastor Church in Ireland and the Uk, you may see some of my work on my facebook page on the name of "Daniel Magaia", i am a black man pastoring a church which is about 98% composed of white people, living in Europe. Today i am 42 years of age, I never forgot how God used you that day and always i have spoken about you arround the world. Thank you for let God use you.
Dear Arthur Blessitt My name is Margaret t Stratton on 21st Oct 1978 in Perth Western Australia you came as the guest speaker to a womens aglow invitation I was not saved and saw you being interveiwed on tv my friend gave me her ticket you preached on the women at the well as I entered the building I wanted to cry all through the meeting I cried with out stopping when you gave the invitation I did not want to put my hand up but it went up when I went forward I could barely see through my tears surely the HolGhost was in the building when I was with the councilers a the back something happened I had what to me seemed like a Damascus Roa experience and encounter with the Holy Ghost I was on a glory cloud for about 6 months I beleive I recieved an impartation as the thing that is strongest in me is the desire to introduce people to our Savoir the Lord Jesus Christ this is the first opportuniity to tell you about my incredible dynamic experience Iwas the first one to be saved IN MY WHOLE FAMILY is now serving the Lord my son belongs to World Harvest Church for 18 years my daughter leads worship my grand children are in music team this is incredible fruit from your ministry Mr Arthur Blessitt thank you so very very much for answering the call of God and for coming all the way to western aust all that long time ago you are one of my heroes I am now 75 and cant wait to catch up with you in Heaven
Bro. Blessitt was holding a revial in Goodwill, LA. when I was 12 years old I am now 56. I ask God that one spring night to come into my heart and I accepted Him as my Lord and Savior. That same night that I walk down front there was about 36 that was saved that night. That was just one night of the revial, we still had 6 more nights. I dont know how many got saved during that revial but Bro Blessitt preacher on given your life to God. Sharon
we absolutley loved the movie and the book. We were so moved and the love you have for are lord and savior.That now for the first time in my life iam stepping out and telling people about jesus christ and are ministing to people at homeless shelters with the word and our music.And when we play are music i feel such an anointing come over me like i have never felt before.Thank you so much for touching are lives and helping us to step out and tell people about jesus christ. God bless you and yours and may god continue to bless you cause you have blessed us and made us better christians. Barry/Anna
I met you about 25 years ago at a church you were speaking at in Phoenix, Arizona. I can't remember the name. After you finished speaking, I quietly waited in the back of the crowd that swarmed you to give you a letter to deliver to your then secretary. What I remember the most about that day....is seeing Jesus in your eyes. Even after I left the church a few years later filled with doubt and questions searching many religions for the answers I never forgot that day I saw Jesus in you. I use to pass out your Jesus stickers as I street witnessed in those days. After 24 years of wandering in the wilderness, in the darkness, today G-d answered me through a series of increasingly dark dreams of the last days. When I dreamed of hell and the anguish of those who were trapped and the watchers who closely guard those gates against anyone being saved.....All my doubts and questions about Yeshua being G-d's Son and our Moshiach was gone in an instant and now
I KNOW that He is. And then I remembered you. Thank you. Patricia
Your "Life Lessons from the Road", Vol 1, title- "How to Judge Others" was a big help to me! Didn't know there were so many verses dealing with not judging. Haven't heard many preachers touch on this. It was good to be reminded that all truth will be revealed one day and that we don't have to justify ourselves here and now. God is indeed a just Judge. Thank you for the "Weekly Life Teachings-Lessons from the Road" series. There is so much truth in them!
I have to apologize to you for thinking that you were some kind of nut for carrying the cross all over the world. I repent of being so shortsighted and ignorant that Jesus had called you to this mission. I read your book and it was one of the most profound experiences I have ever had reading a book. I am so ashamed of myself of thinking the shallow thought I had about you. I have never read about anyone who had such a intimate walk with the Lord. Now I pray to the Lord, "Lord, give me the sweet, loving,
commpationate heart of Arthur Blessitt. Thank you for your book and your obedience to the Lord. You have deep affected my thinking and the profound insight you have giving me to be more obedient to the Lord's voice and obey what He wants me to do.God Bless you sweet Arthur, Theresa
I now live in UK and Australia (depending where the ministry workload is. In Australia I have a friend named Pastor Dan Armstrong from Toronto NSW north of Sydney, who sends me his newsletter regularly. Dan ministers a lot to the Aboriginal people and in his latest newsletter has included an amazing story of how you led a drunk aboriginal man named Mile Williams to Jesus on one of your visits to Australia. The account is in the newsletter page attached, together with a summary of what has happened in Mike's life and ministry since. I don't know if you knew these facts but I trust they will encourage you. Sue and I have just returned
from a ministry trip to the outback.
We stayed at Mimili community at the home of an aboriginal couple called Mike and Tapi Williams. Mike is the Pastor of the Mimili community church and for many years he has traveled throughout the APY Lands evangelizing and encouraging the local churches. In doing so he has endured much hardship and personal suffering. In sharing his experiences with me as we sat on his verandah late into the night it sounded like St. Paul telling of his struggles to preach the gospel in his day (2 Cor. 6).
With a twinkle in his eye Mike said to me that about the only thing he didn't share was being shipwrecked which would be a little difficult in the desert!
Mike, as a young man, had been wild and dissolute, spending his days fighting and in an alcoholic haze, without hope. One day he and a group of his cronies were in Darwin in the dry bed of the a river sleeping off a huge drinking binge. Mike said,
"I just happened to open my eyes and saw an amazing sight. A tall white fella was walking along the path at the side of the river bed carrying a big white wooden cross." Mike staggered to his feet and called, "What you doin', what you doin'." The man stopped and said, "My name is Arthur Blessitt and I am traveling around the World telling people what this cross is all about!" Arthur put down the cross and sat on the ground and told Mike the Gospel story, that Jesus died for the sins of the World and especially for Mike's sins. Then he stood, lifted the huge cross onto his shoulders and began to walk along the path.
"Let me help you" Mike called out, and for a little distance he carried the cross for the white fella. Just before they parted Arthur Blessitt turned to Mike and said, "One day you are going to take up the cross and follow Jesus wherever He will call you to go". As we sat on the verandah under the Milky Way, the Southern Cross shining so brightly Mike said, "Those words pierced my heart, and forgiveness and love for Jesus rang in my ears until I gave Him my life and took up my cross and followed Him". I saw the tears of thankfulness in Mike's eyes and thought that Arthur Blessitt probably has no idea what followed from his brief encounter with an unkempt character who staggered up from the dry river bed and helped him carry the cross. But Arthur's faithfulness to Jesus that day brought another soul into the Kingdom who took up his cross and led many others to Jesus, many of whom are out in the desert country today doing the same. Mike is planning a great gathering from all the communities next Easter. The Theme he has chosen is "It's time to come back to the cross" "This is the intervention that is needed in aboriginal communities" says Mike. It is what is needed in every village, town and city throughout this Nation, to be reminded again of what Jesus has done for us all.
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