In former times missionary giving was always couched in terms like this:
See what the Saviour has come and given us, leaving His glory behind and enduring humiliation even unto a Cross, so should we also give Him all we have.
And much good has come of this, except it isn't third level. It may be how just about every church runs on earth, especially instructing people that salvation comes through Jesus PLUS tithing, and then you will be saved. But this is NOT salvation and it is not third level giving.
So I'll say what third level giving is after quoting these verses.
Psalm110 The affirmation of Jehovah to my Lord: `Sit at My right hand, Till I make thine enemies thy footstool.'
2 The rod of thy strength doth Jehovah send from Zion, Rule in the midst of thine enemies.
3 Thy people [are] free-will gifts in the day of Thy strength, in the honours of holiness, From the womb, from the morning, Thou hast the dew of thy youth.
4 Jehovah hath sworn, and doth not repent, `Thou [art] a priest to the age, According to the order of Melchizedek.'Youngs Literal
This is the true vision of the Church. And the true vision out of which everything proceeds. We have a Risen Head. A Man in heaven. He is not now even a third level Man, a Father level person on earth, as described in 1 John 2 :12 ff, no, this Man is in His fourth stage, prefigured on the Mount of Transfiguration. This is FULLY GLORIFIED, FULLY RISEN MAN exercising Co-Dominion with the Father, and He is the firstborn of ALL CREATION, and ALL NEW CREATION, the first of an innumerable amount of brethren, THE FIRST FRUITS.....from the womb.....from the morning.
What womb?
What morning?
The womb of the sufferings of the Cross.
The Easter morning which is the same day when one single sheaf is waved as first fruits on the first day of the week at Passover.
What gospel missionaries only partially explained in previous times was the victory of Christ and exhorted us to be "like Him", completely missing the point of the Cross.
Were it just to forgive sins, all well and good, but it isn't just to forgive sins.
There were TWO GOATS that were sacrificed to describe this.
One goat was offered for sin and was totally burned up.
A second goat was sent as a scapegoat out from the midst of Israel into the wastes of the wilderness.
Jesus NOT ONLY took all our sins, He bore us away too. He took our essential Adamic spirit identities right down to where they naturally gravitated,hell, and left the Adamic spirit of death right there, then
bound up with Him , He redeemed our spirits that were lost and bound in Darkness, and caught them up in Himself in a New Creation Man.
Our lives are "hidden" Greek...interwoven , interleaved with Christ in GOD.
OUR "I AM's" , our spirits, are hidden with Christ in God. Done deal.
It's just hardly anybody knows......even Christians too.
So this is the source of confusion about giving.
Thy people [are] free-will gifts in the day of Thy strength, in the honours of holiness, From the womb, from the morning,
We do not give gifts really. We do not tithe, that is, the Old Covenant behaviour of tithing
WE ARE the freewill gifts.
And out from our identity as the freewill gifts, comes everything we do as Christians. A part of which is giving.
Oh, Chris, the pastors say, that is idealistic. If I trusted and relied on people getting this revelation of giving then I'd be out of a church and I'd have to get a job.
To which I reply...."And the problem is....?
Just about all of us on Facebook work. All our activities of blogging , using Twitter or Facebook are voluntary.
What I believe is this. We are the household of faith. As the Other-Love, Giving of Self to Others, Revelation of Christ's Giving Person, Our new identity in Him, busts out of our new created spirits and takes over more and more of our we LIVE full time in this revelation
We are GOING to HAVE no trouble at all in supporting people with Word to share full-time, as they did in Acts, and as they supported Jesus in the gospels. Freewill offerings.
although 1980s charismatics don't yet understand the thirdlevel foundation of our giving, they have been learning some precious spiritual principles.
People who live and move in the Melchizedek Order, listening to and seeing what the Master is doing (Psalm 123) and put themselves out on a limb by faith, these are "the sons of God". Those who are led by the Spirit, these are sons of God.Romans 8:14 This is the new priesthood who serve day and night in the house of God. "We are a holy nation,a royal priesthood" 1 Peter 2:9
The Household of faith
Galations 6:10 Interlinear - "so then as occasion we have we should work good toward all but especially toward those of the household - of the- of faith"
It is the household of faith who we give to PRIMARILY. There is a Melchizedek blessing, a special blessing of God for those who give to the household of faith.
Tithing may have worked in the approximate settings of the Nation of Israel, but "a Greater has now come" who now serves in the Heavenly Sanctuary. Ministers who still live from tithes are living in the Old Covenant. They are NOT really the household of faith. Telling people that they must give tithes, then living from this collection of tenths of may as well be a salaried employee of Inland Revenue, because that is all you are doing.
People like Jackie Pullinger To when she started out in Hong Kong, and Elaine Waterfield are putting their lives on the line. It is a different order of giving. It is giving yourself lock stock and barrel to the Lord for your existence.
But as Jessie Duplantis said when talking on this subject. There are people you give to and the blessing does not rebound in the same way. You try it with Elaine Waterfield and Rich Novek, who has just launched himself out in this wayof faith. There is an anointing upon God's work done in God's way.
George Mueller proved to us as a forerunner of our current move, that you don't even have to tell people. In reality there IS NO LAW how we do things. For each it is up to the Holy Spirit to indicate. People can only give according to their standard of measure.
The standard of measure
This is way too weird for those who think their entire brain consists of their articulate reasoning. What about the way music hits you then? Articulate that to me? Sure we can give brief descriptions, but neither music nor the Presence of the Lord can be articulated that well, because that bit of our vessel that articulates wasn't made for picking up things like faith, dreams,"the single eye" that Jesus talks about....all this is understood by spirit and uses different parts of our being.
So the standard of measure is very related to how big our vision of God is. It is related also to what part of the Heavenly Tabernacle we most relate the extent also we have entered into the River of God in experience. If we are just dipping our toes in, we won't have the faith to give that much yet, for we haven't proved God enough in our whole lives. And God knows and understands, and like a kindly Father is just anxious to get us to experiment more.
Experiencing the Seed
The more third level seed we experience. This is the Word of Christ "dwelling in us richly", either in us direct or as spoken to us by a thirdleveller/father ministry, the more our standard of measure changes on our insides.
This is what I wrote on my Facebook status this morning. It is what I woke up with.
In the third level it is Christ's seed,it is Christ Himself speaking through someone. Up until then there are spiritual gifts and people talking ABOUT Christ. What do you think Gideon's smashing of the pots was about? An olympic light festival? The Enemy did a runner. The Enemy is fine with waffle ABOUT Christ but CHRIST HIMSELF "I'm outta here!!"
The issue has always been a Third Level One : Has God Come In the Flesh? Peter said "Yes" and on that foundation the Church in the Earth first manifested.
The Heavenly Tabernacle described in Hebrews still stands. The Brazen Altar and the Laver Mirror is where you receive Christ's Seed of Life from above. The shewbread teaching about Christ and the Holy Spirit (gift) Candlesticks point to an existence of God coming in the flesh,but the Third Level LIVES it. This is an acacia box covered in gold within and without...our human boxes having a consciousness of Christ
The gospel that we share is simply Christ in us the hope of glory. All our giving is voluntary as the Holy Spirit indicates, and comes out of this essential freewill offering of Christ which included OUR DEATH and RESURRECTION IN HIM.
Give and It shall be given Unto you
What do you do as we career along in this life of the Spirit, and He dares to lead in new ways which we can't directly find spelled out in the Bible? Do you shut it off? Or do you adopt new practices as they seem to flow in the Holy Spirit?
Like women preaching and teaching.
Like Oral Roberts and Seed faith
Like Fire Tunnels which I experienced again in Lee On Solent this week.
Seed faith says that as we reach out to God for something that is totally beyond us, we give to the Lord but specifically "name" that seed. What is a seed gift but some money or possession that represents a certain amount of "man hours' labour" to earn? Or in Abrahamic terms,one of his "gifts" was his very own Child of Promise son, Isaac. Either way God honours us reaching out with any faith whatsoever. And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.
Like anything, it can be us rubbing an Aladdin's Lamp in the delusion that we are a self-powered self, and God is at our beck and call. It's amazing how quickly God can disabuse us of this idea. But when we are confident of who we really Christ in our form, in our personlality, in our body....all these spiritual "ways" are ours.....or "no activity at all"....just believing.
But God DOES name and bless spiritual activities that mean nothing after the
baptism in water
and breaking of bread.
Giving is a great "spiritual activity"
Not only is it great to give to God and other people, but God attaches special promises to it. Now my Facebook friend is a musician by temperament and he once wrote that we should be able to just give, and not expect stuff in return, for that means we are only giving to get, and that isn't giving at all. Well that's a musician's way of looking at things, content to make beautiful sounds all day. And my temperament is similar.However thankfully some of us are expressors of another part of God's personality: God the Entrepreneur, God the Developer and Multiplyer and Fruit Harvester. For this side of God the former talk is just way too airy fairy. So you see God is both. God is the Guardian Reader Leftie and the hardbitten Industrialist Telegraph reader Conservative.God is the God of Proverbs and prosperous businesses and farms and families, and God is also the God of the Jubilee Year when all property and money loans are called in.Giving is a great "spiritual activity"
Imagine one side of God allowed to run forever and ever on a tape loop? And what you get is the Illuminati,the council of 300,the Bankers, the Elite who want everything their way and are planning to destroy ninetenths of the Earth so that all the resources remain theirs with a manageable serfdom administrating it all....the survivors under them.
So God gives this promise. He says "Try Me". Give and it shall be given unto you, pressed down,running over, shall it be returned to you.
It's not always money. It's the WHOLE OF YOU. "I came that you should have life and life more abundantly." We think we are giving Him something when we give Him our life. So the first bit of Christianity is learning we are in fact nothing. Nothing but containers. before we were containers filled with Satan's false spirit of the Delusion of being self-powered, but it was really Satan. Self for self. Moving out of "survival"
Once God has eaten us out of house and home, and learned that we were never anything in our own right.....He then ADDS to us, pressed down, packed with abundance....Heaven's endless supply warehouses!!!!!! All accessed by faith....THE FAITH of the Son of God. Who Now lives within us.
Intercessory Trigger for Revival
If you have read Yonghi Cho of South Korea you will know that his vision only came to pass when a small old lady shuffled to the front, gave her only possession, a beaten up rice bowl with herself balanced precariously on it or around it. This so moved a millionnaire, that he offered to buy the bowl for a huge sum of money. And this was the trigger for the great church in Seoul. Which has become a mother church for so many around the world.
The Welsh revival began not with money or a gift....but the "giving" of a very reluctant confession of sinfulness by a teenage girl in the face of all the people she knew around her.
Elaine has already had national impact through Kenya television and meeting the Prime Minister two weeks ago. In the Spirit, though no official organisation will touch her or adopt her, just as to start with no organisation would touch Norman Grubb's latest materials, or Jackie Pullinger's early work in Hong Kong....yet Elaine has been faithful to sow in every bit of money left over from what she inherited at Nigel her husband's death.
It's not always money. It's the WHOLE OF YOU. "I came that you should have life and life more abundantly." We think we are giving Him something when we give Him our life. So the first bit of Christianity is learning we are in fact nothing. Nothing but containers. before we were containers filled with Satan's false spirit of the Delusion of being self-powered, but it was really Satan. Self for self. Moving out of "survival"
Once God has eaten us out of house and home, and learned that we were never anything in our own right.....He then ADDS to us, pressed down, packed with abundance....Heaven's endless supply warehouses!!!!!! All accessed by faith....THE FAITH of the Son of God. Who Now lives within us.
Intercessory Trigger for Revival
If you have read Yonghi Cho of South Korea you will know that his vision only came to pass when a small old lady shuffled to the front, gave her only possession, a beaten up rice bowl with herself balanced precariously on it or around it. This so moved a millionnaire, that he offered to buy the bowl for a huge sum of money. And this was the trigger for the great church in Seoul. Which has become a mother church for so many around the world.
The Welsh revival began not with money or a gift....but the "giving" of a very reluctant confession of sinfulness by a teenage girl in the face of all the people she knew around her.
Elaine has already had national impact through Kenya television and meeting the Prime Minister two weeks ago. In the Spirit, though no official organisation will touch her or adopt her, just as to start with no organisation would touch Norman Grubb's latest materials, or Jackie Pullinger's early work in Hong Kong....yet Elaine has been faithful to sow in every bit of money left over from what she inherited at Nigel her husband's death.
This is a completely different foundation for giving to someone like Elaine....and you just see what happens!!!!
Cherry Silcox on Facebook
23 July
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Cherry Silcox |
If you are in the UK send money to
Elaine Waterfield
sort code 20 49 11
acc no 73486850
* VIA CHRISTIAN SUPPLIES (UK registered charity 1028509)
If outside the UK and you have a Paypal Account (And if you haven't it's really easy to sign up)
1.Log In to Your Account
2.Press The Second Tab - Send Money email put
4.Put amount in your local money
5. Choose Personal Tab (it's NOT a Purchase) and click on GIFTS. This is a lower rate.
Elaine and George both did the climb up Kilimanjaro. You cannot just go up to the top without paying an enormous sum of money , which is hard enough for first world people, but absolutely impossible for most Kenyans and missionaries there. So they climbed halfway up.
Elaine is really real. She doesn't pretend. She is driven onward by her inward drive, and by reaching out to God in faith.(Think Jackie Pullinger) But from one day to the next her feelings about it all may go right up and down.
Yet she feels called by God to serve here, share her faith, and encourage others in a poor part of Kenya towards new ways of life, and ofcourse faith in God.
Facebook statuses
"when people in western world see people asking in third world for money they see with western world eyes with their wealth and how they liue but here in remote kenya they have nothing and poverty is extreme so whenwe say we need money we need money for medical education electricity and bed 4 wards rehab oqphanage etc its ouerwhelming but if we got some backers it would change a community especially as god is changing lives andwe empower them 2 help themselves i pray god will help us"
"laineeloo is so fed up being on her own single and uery lonely and prays that god will send along a mate whose fun loving and will join her as a mirsionary on her trauels"
"today another drinker nelson elderly man christopher and solomon came 2 the lord and we praise god for salvation so please pray 4 them we so need money 4 a rehab i pray joey and noel and trev will come here we so need donors 2 help the work here love laineeloo"
"Laineeloo has a request what we need is surgical gloves and plastic covers for shoes, and anything thats helps in Midwifery. We also need a delivery couch. Yesterday we had a woman giving birth and its really difficult for Sarah to help in labour when the woman is laying on the floor also without proper medical wear and protection its really concerning me as HIV?AIDS is so high here and Hep A,B,C Can anyone Help Sarah even wih medical equipment its urgently needed here in a remote part of Suna Migori"
"so much has happened in the last year doing things i never thought and meeting people like the judge who sentenced suddam 2 death but nobody wants 2 no wat god has been doing because i am laineeloo or they think i am lying or i am a nobody not in the big christian scene but god knows and hears my prayers and i praise him for how is using me
Emma Mcglynn Your a Giant, and we are all blessed by what God has been doing in your life and how you have stepped out in Faith. You have been a great Testimony and Servant and Helper and Encourager and far more than you realise. Thank you for sharing all your accounts and photos of your Mission and pray for me! Love Emma. xx
23 July at 14:55 · · 1
Elaine Waterfield thank u emma but i wud like 2 say thank u 2 all the missionaries who work 4 the lord nobody nos about who work tiresly 4 the lord from uk 2 timbuck 2 without them people wud be lost so many big names get praise butwat about prison chaplains and vicars pastors on the front line
James Lornie Elaine you have no need for manly fame, the LORD OUR GOD will accliam you in his time, and when you are ready keep true to your promise give me the work, and I shall do it and that is just what your doing chin up keep your promise and God will keep his OK. xx
23 July at 16:45 · · 1
Cherry Silcox You ARE a BLESSING!!! and a CHAMPION!!!! a GREAT testimony to ALL who see and hear what God is doing thru you!!!!
Elaine Waterfield jim what i meant was that so many big orgaqisations could hekp prax 4 people i haue met but dont want 2 no because i am a nobody i haue alwaxs struggled whth bg keaderrs pastors thex will not euen speak 2 u on fb but god knows and prouides and sends hekp from the sanctuary from many louely penple "" i have got 2 the point where i am defeated. We have done all we can as we build hopes up at schools with girls and giving them pads. Go round community groups but with no money even for light bulbs now we are getting electric or beds for the labour ward its pointless. George gave up his job 2 do this work and i have no real income what we do is from the heart and own pocket. If we had a donor or charity who could give us a lot of money then we could out small loans 2 groups 4 seeds then pay the loan off when crops grow or buy seeds and give gift for school fee. We spent more money on kilamanjaro walk than what was sponsered. So we so want 2 change community but we just need god 2 provide a donor such is the endless need here up and until then we are stranded"
If you have time read more of her story in Kenya , with more photographs.
*DIRECTIf you are in the UK send money to
Elaine Waterfield
sort code 20 49 11
acc no 73486850
* VIA CHRISTIAN SUPPLIES (UK registered charity 1028509)
If outside the UK and you have a Paypal Account (And if you haven't it's really easy to sign up)
1.Log In to Your Account
2.Press The Second Tab - Send Money email put
4.Put amount in your local money
5. Choose Personal Tab (it's NOT a Purchase) and click on GIFTS. This is a lower rate.
I refuse to let this discourage me, because I know deep within me Christ taking root in our being means that we become generous, and that to expect that in one weekend is silly, but I thought I'd just give feedback as to how this post has been received compared to all the other posts here.
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