by Nya Suna on Wednesday, 6 March 2013 at 09:33 ·
remember not long after Nigel died I had a dream and in the dream I saw
what I believe was scenery of Africa, flat topped trees and miles and
milles of greenery. I thought it meant that my friend John Fairburn was
being called back to kenya I had no idea it was me that God was calling.
I moved from Leicester to Southampton I heard the voice of the Lord
saying that he was going to send me to the far corners of the earth. I
wasn’t really sure what that would mean but I never thought in a million
years that I would become friends with the Judge who sentenced Saddam
Hussien and his family and I would visit them in Iraq aswell as Canon
Andrew White in St Georges Baghdad… then to Suna Migori.
During this time George went to Asago Mountain with Heaven on Earth Ministries to fast and pray about my coming and he had a vision with me coming and many people behind me. Margeret his mum a prayer warrior unbeknown to me had a vision of my coming ten years previouse.
When I arrived here I lived for a time in a house in Homa Bay with Joshua Wagunda and his family, but on arrival I went to a convention in Suna in a place called Chungni / kihoru where I prophacied that they would have a school, orphanage, rehab, shop, clinic, hospital and church. I had no idea that George had been given this idea some ten years ago. I even drew my vision and the drawing was more or less the same as what George had drawn.
On day we decided that Heaven on Erath would climb Asago mountain again, but Joshua didn’t believe that I could climb the mountain as I was too fat and even mocked me as he took photos of me at the bottom and he climbed the to the top. However I was determind to climb the mountain and listened to Godfrey Birtills music to help me have the faith. George and a lady called Mary encouraged me to get to the top and I did, I achieved it through faith and George and Marys help.
On the way down George told me about his life as a young man at school and all the struggles he had, no money for school fees and also about how Girls have to prostitute themselves for school fees and uniform, sanitary towels and all about child labour.
I was so touched that I gave George a box of sanitary towels to give to Kihoru school.. from that time God forced me to live in in Chungni with George and Sarah
And I began to work with George and Sarah round the schools and provoding sanitary towels to 998 girls at one time, football tournaments for girls, to raise the profile of Girls in schools, we have raised funds for school fees, walked half way up Kilomnajaro in Tanzania to raise funds for Girl child education, built a clinic and a labour ward, formed a CBO REDIM to empower the community, provided the community with medicine and many babies have been born in the labour ward.. many girls have been called Lane after me Elaine…
We have also a ministry with the alcoholics and several men have had their lives restored from years of being bound by Chang’a, they have become farmers and Challis recently got married something nobody in the community ever thought would be possible. But nothing is impossible for God he makes away out of no where.
It was difficult at first getting used to no running water living in a mud hut and having to go to the toilet outside just a hole in the ground.
I had many mardy momenets especially with the language barrier, but as I have got my head round so many challenges, I have got into the community and see some terrible things because of ignorance and illiteracy.
John Ocuckoo the brother of Challis was also a drunk and he too gave his life back to God and now he is 100% better he even bought some chairs and table with the money he got from tabbaco cash crop and paid for school fees. However his son Zonne, had maleria and a chest infection he coughed so much that he fell off the chair and his face got burned in the fire, he did come to the clinic and Zonne was treated but his mother took him to the traditional herbalist and they put hebs on the wound. The wound was terribly infected and its only now three months later there is progress through the hand of God.
Maureen Zonnes sister came home with her two children one baby Paul. Maureen died last week and baby Paul is very malnurished so much so I thought the baby woulod die but we have been buying Paul milk.
Had there been an orphanage Baby Paul would have been looked after by trained staff and he would have a bright future.
REDIM are launching an orphanage and school May 4th 2013 with a fundraising
We want to build two nurseries, eight primary classes, a boys and a girls dormatry and an admin block plus a kitchen each class will cost £2,000.
At the minute we have started the foundation of one class and made several thousand bricks, but we are lacking sand, cement and stones plus the cost of labour.
To make bricks you have to hire a fundi to dig soil and stir in water from the lake, then they mould the brick in a wooden brick maker, then burn the bricks in a kiln.
Its hard work and made worse by the heat of the mid day sun, but this work empowers the communtity by offering employment to local men and women.
Here so many children are orphaned because of HIV / AIDS maleria, typhoid and ignorance. Oprhans are usually taken in by family members or caretakers, but generally these children are used in child labour to work the land, or sex trafficked in cities, but for the most many don’t go to school and remaim illiterate, girls become pregnant at a young age and married off for dowery of cows, asnd inturn they too get HIV/AIDS.
REDIM orphanage and school will give these children in our church and community a chance in life they never had and a hope.
If you wish to donate any amount of money please send money into my account
Barclays sort code 20-49-11
Account Number 73486850
Elaine Waterfield
A cheque to
Suna Charitable Youth group
c/o Green Acres
Allington Lane
West End
SO30 3HP

During this time George went to Asago Mountain with Heaven on Earth Ministries to fast and pray about my coming and he had a vision with me coming and many people behind me. Margeret his mum a prayer warrior unbeknown to me had a vision of my coming ten years previouse.
When I arrived here I lived for a time in a house in Homa Bay with Joshua Wagunda and his family, but on arrival I went to a convention in Suna in a place called Chungni / kihoru where I prophacied that they would have a school, orphanage, rehab, shop, clinic, hospital and church. I had no idea that George had been given this idea some ten years ago. I even drew my vision and the drawing was more or less the same as what George had drawn.
On day we decided that Heaven on Erath would climb Asago mountain again, but Joshua didn’t believe that I could climb the mountain as I was too fat and even mocked me as he took photos of me at the bottom and he climbed the to the top. However I was determind to climb the mountain and listened to Godfrey Birtills music to help me have the faith. George and a lady called Mary encouraged me to get to the top and I did, I achieved it through faith and George and Marys help.
On the way down George told me about his life as a young man at school and all the struggles he had, no money for school fees and also about how Girls have to prostitute themselves for school fees and uniform, sanitary towels and all about child labour.
I was so touched that I gave George a box of sanitary towels to give to Kihoru school.. from that time God forced me to live in in Chungni with George and Sarah
And I began to work with George and Sarah round the schools and provoding sanitary towels to 998 girls at one time, football tournaments for girls, to raise the profile of Girls in schools, we have raised funds for school fees, walked half way up Kilomnajaro in Tanzania to raise funds for Girl child education, built a clinic and a labour ward, formed a CBO REDIM to empower the community, provided the community with medicine and many babies have been born in the labour ward.. many girls have been called Lane after me Elaine…
We have also a ministry with the alcoholics and several men have had their lives restored from years of being bound by Chang’a, they have become farmers and Challis recently got married something nobody in the community ever thought would be possible. But nothing is impossible for God he makes away out of no where.
It was difficult at first getting used to no running water living in a mud hut and having to go to the toilet outside just a hole in the ground.
I had many mardy momenets especially with the language barrier, but as I have got my head round so many challenges, I have got into the community and see some terrible things because of ignorance and illiteracy.
John Ocuckoo the brother of Challis was also a drunk and he too gave his life back to God and now he is 100% better he even bought some chairs and table with the money he got from tabbaco cash crop and paid for school fees. However his son Zonne, had maleria and a chest infection he coughed so much that he fell off the chair and his face got burned in the fire, he did come to the clinic and Zonne was treated but his mother took him to the traditional herbalist and they put hebs on the wound. The wound was terribly infected and its only now three months later there is progress through the hand of God.
Maureen Zonnes sister came home with her two children one baby Paul. Maureen died last week and baby Paul is very malnurished so much so I thought the baby woulod die but we have been buying Paul milk.
Had there been an orphanage Baby Paul would have been looked after by trained staff and he would have a bright future.
REDIM are launching an orphanage and school May 4th 2013 with a fundraising
We want to build two nurseries, eight primary classes, a boys and a girls dormatry and an admin block plus a kitchen each class will cost £2,000.
At the minute we have started the foundation of one class and made several thousand bricks, but we are lacking sand, cement and stones plus the cost of labour.
To make bricks you have to hire a fundi to dig soil and stir in water from the lake, then they mould the brick in a wooden brick maker, then burn the bricks in a kiln.
Its hard work and made worse by the heat of the mid day sun, but this work empowers the communtity by offering employment to local men and women.
Here so many children are orphaned because of HIV / AIDS maleria, typhoid and ignorance. Oprhans are usually taken in by family members or caretakers, but generally these children are used in child labour to work the land, or sex trafficked in cities, but for the most many don’t go to school and remaim illiterate, girls become pregnant at a young age and married off for dowery of cows, asnd inturn they too get HIV/AIDS.
REDIM orphanage and school will give these children in our church and community a chance in life they never had and a hope.
If you wish to donate any amount of money please send money into my account
Barclays sort code 20-49-11
Account Number 73486850
Elaine Waterfield
A cheque to
Suna Charitable Youth group
c/o Green Acres
Allington Lane
West End
SO30 3HP
- 2 people like this.
- Mutumba Gerald how great is our GOD., m really so humbled by the great work u doin..,right now ican't give in donation but what i can say GOD IS ABLE., it is written.' en all these blessings shall come on thee and overtake thee, if thou shalt hearken unto the voice of the lord thy GOD' DEU..28:2..
GOD is ready to provide..,thanks again 4 the great work may GOD richly bless u.
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