That gathering together is to the fullness of the Lord Jesus Christ revealed now in our lives; it is a gathering to life.
Jesus said, "Eat of Me."
What does that mean? How far does our eating of Him go?
We are filled with life, the life of Christ, the life of the age to come. What does that mean? How do we walk in, how do we express that life?
Jesus said that the life of the age to come, eternal life, is to know the Father and to know Jesus-Sent.
This volume contends that this very knowledge of God, this knowledge of Jesus-Sent will be fulfilled in full right here where it counts, right here on this earth, right now in this age.
The Lord Jesus is right now preparing His ministry, His elect, as the vessels through whom He will send that word of life, that water of life, that will bring the full life of Christ into the experience of His church, brethren walking together in love.
His own ones must be real, they must know Him, they must know that life is real. They do not pretend.
The revelation of Jesus Christ is community, it is family.
Christ is a many-membered body.
The kingdom of God, the revelation of Jesus Christ is multiplied little communities of believers, walking together as a family, scattered all over this planet.
It is real.
What does that gathering together look like? How does it happen? It is not a "lightning flash," it is, rather, the arising of the Day Star in our hearts.
Right now God's elect seem to be in a time of isolation scattered far from one another across the earth. It is evident that "churches" and church structure as we see all around are hostile to the revelation of Jesus Christ, to our gathering together unto Him.
No top-down structure survives that event.
In the community of Christ, the "apostles" are the least and there is no place for any individual "pastor." Every little member of the church is the Lord Jesus Himself in Person in them.
When I give to you, I am giving to the Lord Jesus. When I receive from you, it is the Lord Jesus Himself giving life to me.
How can there be anything higher than He?
But God's own ones are not satisfied with the current state of affairs, the present scatteredness of His body. No, they travail before Him, bearing in themselves that great desire of the Lord Jesus to gather His own to Himself, to gather them to Life.
And out of their bellies is birthed community, family, the fellowship of brethren, men and women, old and young, brothers and sisters, fathers and mothers and little children, sharing life together as God intended from the beginning.
As the revelation of Jesus Christ.
There is a very real and critical part of the Lord Jesus Christ, His very self, that almost all Christians do not know. Those portions of Christ, given only to those who desire, are found inside of Christ as a Corporate Body, found only in the church as family.
There is an anointing that rests upon Christian community that is simply not known outside of that experience. There is a fellowship, a friendship, that is known only there.
This book is written for the sole purpose of calling forth those little communities of Christ all over this earth.
Whosoever will may come and freely drink.
And the Spirit calleth, "Come."
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