Doug Alexander MDew Oliver Sacks: "music is the QUICKENING art... (through it) he has reacquired his
Thx Annalize Mouton! Henry's DNA gets re-charged before our very eyes... Music therapy I guess
13 September at 21:28 via mobile · Edited · Like · 1
Doug Alexander MDew Robert and Charlotte this clip sure correlates with your message about music in our cells. The researcher is Oliver Sacks who has collaborated with Mickey Hart extensively. There is a movie about a
man with brain damage that was
QUICKENED like Henry to his identity pre-
amnesia by listening to the music he loved from the 1960's called THE MUSIC NEVER STOPPED, a beautiful film.
13 September at 21:29 via mobile · Edited · Like · 1
Robert D Torango Thanks for posting this Annalize Mouton and thanks Doug for your informative comments! I have to rent that movie for sure. Have you noticed how everything that is being spoken by the Lord to His people is also being acted out in the natural world? Sound and Light is going to be used by the Lord to open up hearts all around the world. This is being done now through musicians but when the sons of God begin to sound forth the sound of resurrection, it will surpass anything man has done as of yet. Every man, woman and child has within them a KNOWING of the sound of their Father/Creator and when we spiritually begin to sound forth with the frequency that IS GOD, every one will be brought back to that memory and re-identified, reconstituted and re-instated to their prior estate and condition. Wondrous!
14 September at 01:27 · Like · 3
Doug Alexander MDew In eternity past those who would be manifest to deliver creation rejoiced to SEE the end from the beginning! Imagine the earth shaking sound of music that will flow from the sons. This event was apparently recorded in the oldest book of the Bible:
Job 38:7 When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy.."
Yes, what a frequency! CONSIDER the song of songs reSounding from the many sons the Chief Musician brings into full glory... Our "prior estate" REINSTATED!
14 September at 05:38 via mobile · Edited · Like · 2
Annalize Mouton Oh, I love that, Bob Torango!
14 September at 16:37 · Like · 2
Doug Alexander MDew Yes Annalize! I'm also excited to read Bob's next newsletter and hear the new song He gave Charlotte! Got a strong feeling the sound of RESURRECTION He is giving 'tuned in' folks will awaken more of our sonship memories! And help us calibrate to a new operating system.... This Day of Atonement Yom Kippur (on the natural calendar) prompts me to pay close attention to what God is revealing today. I had a dream this morning I was sharing with my dad about being a "spiritual Hebrew" after having an intense confrontation with my mom (could symbolize earthly Jerusalem) and my brother's girlfriend (a natural Jew). Both were irate with me lol. They were both offended as I explained the apostle Paul's teaching... That a believer being a spiritual Hebrew "is not replacement theology" but a joining together of gentile & Jew in one new man! It was a tender moment with my dad talking about this afterward. It made me realize that as we increasingly inherit the "commonwealth of Israel" we will experience the adoption (placement as sons) in a more evident way... which drew me to Romans 9:
4 Who are Israelites; to whom [pertaineth] the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law, and the service [of God], and the promises;
5 Whose [are] the fathers, and of whom as concerning the flesh Christ [came], who is over all, God blessed for ever. Amen.
7 Neither, because they are the seed of Abraham, [are they] all children: but, In Isaac shall thy seed be called.
8 That is, They which are the children of the flesh, these [are] not the children of God: but the children of the promise are counted for the seed. . .
23 And that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, which he had afore prepared unto glory,
24 Even us, whom he hath called, not of the Jews only, but also of the Gentiles?
The Amplified says: "and show the wealth of His glory in dealing with the vessels (objects) of His mercy which He has prepared BEFOREHAND for glory..".
Which all leads right back to Bob's comment about everyone being brought back to that memory! The guy in the movie is a similitude of our condition. Our family heritage in ancient Israel was quickened to me this morning. Yet the substance of it (however faint) is a memory hidden within our spiritual genetics of a PLACE with Abba before time. I'm scratching around at this but my sense is that it's on the spiritual calendar for the season ahead to develop a clearer understanding of who we really are as sons and what we are called to administrate in earth from our heavenly position. AS SONS (male & female)... A more pure music He is releasing in the days ahead will help us to re-member to function as His body like never before!
14 September at 17:40 via mobile · Like · 2
Edie Chill This was so touching. I had to share this on my wall.
14 September at 18:38 · Like · 1
Annalize Mouton Reminds me of Zephaniah 3:17
17 The Lord your God is with you,
the Mighty Warrior who saves.
He will take great delight in you;
in his love he will no longer rebuke you,
but will rejoice over you with singing.”
And: Ephesians 5:19
Parallel Verses
speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord,
14 September at 18:56 · Like · 1
Annalize Mouton He says this: a forest is superstrings singing… all sound is the glory of God that has become physical…
14 September at 19:24 · Like · 1
Annalize Mouton Leonardo da Vinci: Music is inventing with the Invisible.
14 September at 19:36 · Like · 2
Annalize Mouton Highest form man has for music is man speaking to God… and then God speaks to man and we give that sound through worship back to man… Wow!!!!!!!
14 September at 19:40 · Edited · Like · 2
Robert D Torango How amazing! Annalize, David Van Koevering is saying many things that go along with the concepts of Quantum Physics and he is bringing those concepts into the dimension of spirit. Wonderful to hear someone that has studied sound all of his life confirm many things that the spirit has said to us recently. Interesting about every color has a sound and every sound has a color. When the DNA is communicating with our cells and transmitting the music of the cellular language of the body, for every sound there is a burst of light and color! As David says, every piece of matter has a frequency of sound associated with it. What the spirit has let me know is that in the present corruptible state of creation, every particle is singing a song of fallen creation, a song that repeats itself throughout the eons and has kept creation imprisoned in a state and condition of death. It is the song of Adam. However, Jesus brought to earth a new song of RISEN MAN, which He sang in the belly of the earth and led captives into captivity. Now, we are starting to become aware of how the natural creation has always had a song to sing, but that song is limited in breaking creation free from its strings of existence. I am just finished writing the first part of a new writing, "A Time Of Trumpets", and I believe that we are in a time when the Lord Himself is descending with a SHOUT and a VOICE of the archangel, which will begin releasing the trumpet blasts that will begin to change the natural state of things, both which are in heaven and which are in earth, into a NEW HEAVEN and a NEW EARTH. I keep getting something spoken to my spirit about there coming to us a PERFECT PITCH which is coming from the VOICE of the Lord. This PITCH will act as a tuning fork by which all creation will begin to tune themselves to until we begin to vibrate with the vibration of God's own substance, having LIFE and God has LIFE, being filled with the LIGHT that He is! A lot of this is way beyond my understanding, but I just know what the spirit is saying to my heart. Perhaps those of you that are much more learned in the musical arena can shed some light on some of these things. We must go beyond just merely trying to copy sound that is already in matter and organic materials and being sounded, because as I have said, that is the song that has been sung by creation since the fall. We will sing a NEW SONG, which will raise creation to that PERFECT PITCH of God's substance.
14 September at 21:13 · Like · 1
Annalize Mouton Oh, Robert, I get so excited reading what you have shared above!!!!!!! I am searching amongst my files (and when I find it I will post and tag you) what someone wrote about when God spoke us into existence He actually was "singing" us into existence. That is the frequency of the son of God in us and as you shared, we are becoming ONE (perfect pitch) with Him! Neville Johnson in one of his video teachings shared that when he was with Jesus in heaven Jesus showed him what emotions look, smell and sound like. Anger for instance has a dark brown gooey substance, is putrid smelling and has a cacophonic, screeching sound! Now can you imagine how distorted His Song of us, in us become with all of those negatives and how amazing it must be when all of that falls away!!!!!
14 September at 21:35 · Like · 2
Annalize Mouton Bob Torango, I believe you know about the Source Field Investigations, but that also confirms what the Lord has been showing you:
Robert D Torango Thanks Annalize Mouton. I am going to a wedding in a few minutes so will look for that later on. Powerful stuff! Glory.
14 September at 21:41 · Like · 2
Annalize Mouton Enjoy the wedding Bob and much love to you and Charlotte! And to you, Doug!
14 September at 21:49 · Like · 1
Doug Alexander MDew Been tracking with (inventor) David Van Koevering and his work in this field but had not seen the video about the synthesized bell sound. I'm so glad you shared this Annalize because Johannah (my eldest daughter) had received a significant dream in early August that had me researching bells and was even referred to Ray Hughes book that mentions the symbolism of bells. This clip brought an important piece to the puzzle. Let the bells of heaven ring & bring liberty & healing to our land! May we hear the trumpets sounding... That makes me think of that CERTAIN SOUND mentioned in Corinthians. It will rearrange our mortal cells till our very DNA is swallowed up in immortality. The tuning fork Bob mentions will give us perfect pitch... so we can discern between the Adamic sounds of the curse and Last Adam melodies of blessing. Jeremiah said we would get to be His mouthpiece if we separate the precious (new song) from the vile (decaying sound of the fall). So much to digest here. Love uR anointed files Annalize. Pray that wedding Bob is going to will show even more of the music bursting forth from the holy of Holies in our wedding supper with the Lamb!
14 September at 21:49 via mobile · Like · 1
Doug Alexander MDew 1 Cor 14 AMP
14:7 If even inanimate musical instruments, such as the flute or the harp, do not give distinct notes, how will anyone [listening] know {or} understand what is played?
14:8 And if the war bugle gives an uncertain (indistinct) call, who will prepare for battle?"
14 September at 21:57 via mobile · Like
Annalize Mouton Doug, there is so much in all of this. Combine what has been written in these comments with the work done by Dr Emoto (I know some say it is nonsense), but Van Koevering in one of his videos shares how we can "recreate" our environment by starting to speak blessings to it – our animals, children, spouses, our whole world. In Zepanaiah 3:9 God says He "will then restore pure speech to the peoples so that all of them may call on the name of Yahweh and serve Him with a single purpose." Just this morning I again read what Rudy Jones wrote: "After years of research, medical scientists today have shown that when a blood sample is highly accelerated in a centrifuge, the red blood separates from the plasma (the water). In a single cell of the newly conceived life, the water part of the blood in the mother’s egg is developed from the mother’s egg – now get this; it never fails, the DNA is always in the water. 70% to 80% of that new life is water; just like your body and like every cell in your body. Just like the physical planet Earth, from which the mineral elements were taken for the “forming” of A-dam. The detailed instructions for your body and your spirit is found in the “water” inside your mother’s egg. This insight will open the door into your spiritual mind. You will “See” the life changing significance of “The Water of Baptism” which flowed from the side of Yeshuah the Christ.
The DNA and RNA are in the water. Water has memory. It can be demonstrated by the “remnant” principle, that where the cells in a glass of tap water are introduced to a very small amount of clustered water (water with an orderly DNA pattern) the entire glass of water will transform into the orderly pattern.
That says to me that those scrambled DNA drops (cells) of water have a former memory of geometric order and harmony and only need to be exposed to a perfect pattern to re-member and return to its’ original design.
The Earth was introduced to a perfect pattern of the water of life, structured and ordered by the words Messiah spoke, around AD30. The Earth today is waiting, travailing in pain, waiting for the Galileans, waiting for the Corporate Body of Messiahs, waiting for the latter rain ministry of Aquarius; waiting for the corporate sound of the many waters; the pure River Of Living Waters as clear as crystal to say the same words of Love and Light that Jesus Christ said.
14 September at 22:00 · Like · 1
Annalize Mouton Could this be the new song sung by the 144 000 in Rev.?
14 September at 22:01 · Like · 1
Doug Alexander MDew Haha that 'twas awesome Rivers of living water healing the nations awesome! I could read this thread over & over... Immerse myself in the water of life that sings... And vibrates with colors and aromas I've never seen or smelled... Methinks the new song of the 144k is somewhere in all this gloriousness
14 September at 22:09 via mobile · Like · 1
Annalize Mouton Ephesians 2:1-2 reads… “As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient.”
Do you realize that the enemy still wants us to think that he controls the air… the air that is THE MEDIUM BY WHICH ALL SOUND TRAVELS TO US. Realize that the enemy is using music and media to convey negative and false words to all of us, IF WE ALLOW IT. He wants to rule the literal air, but we have the choice and decision to FIGHT FOR THE FREQUENCY, to fight to remove negative words and influence from our lives in order to maintain the sound, the frequency of the word of GOD over and in our lives… JESUS has redeemed our air! We must choose it and let others know that they can choose it as well… (Jason Heilman)
14 September at 22:41 · Edited · Like · 1
Annalize Mouton New research confirms that high-frequency acoustic waves can be converted to light. Researchers at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California successfully converted sound waves to light radiation by reversing a process that transforms electricity to sound, which is commonly used in cell phones. This is the first time that sound has been converted to light. The findings, which were published this week in Nature Physics, could improve how computer chips, LEDs, and transistors are made, and also have applications in ultrafast materials science and terahertz radiation (T-ray) generation.
The research team initially predicted that the conversion was possible around a year ago, using computer modeling, and has been trying to confirm it in the lab ever since. They used a piezoelectric material, whose intrinsic properties allow it to convert electricity into sound, or movement into electricity, and which is used in speakers and sonar transducers on submarines. In the study, the researchers sent a very-high-frequency sound wave, with a frequency around 100 million times higher than what humans are capable of hearing, through the piezoelectric material, which converted it into electrical signals. The electrical signals gave off radiation, or light waves, in the terahertz frequency.
According to Evan Reed, one of the authors of the study, converting sound to light itself is novel, because there is only a very narrow frequency range -- around 100 GHz to 10 THz -- where sound and light waves overlap.

14 September at 22:30 · Like · 1
Annalize Mouton Some very interesting things in here, Doug and Bob!
December 26, 2007 - JoAnn McFatter:
"Vibration of Sounds will be Released--Get Ready for the Frequency of Heaven!"
A couple of years ago, I heard the Lord say He was extending a scepter, so to speak, to any city in which the churches would come together in unity. It was a scepter of promised visitation. When we believe Psalm 133, the blessing is ALWAYS there, but I felt that this was for visitation, specifically. Where I live, in the state of Alabama, I have great anticipation for this to take place--from top to bottom! I imagine it to be true of any state, but I know it to be true of ours.
"Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious oil upon the head, running down on the beard, the beard of Aaron, running down on the edge of his garments. It is like the dew of Hermon, descending upon the mountains of Zion; for there the LORD commanded the blessing--life forevermore." Psalm 133
Again, it is an invitation for us to come together in the different regions of our states to inquire of the Lord what must be done to see this unity come to pass. What I do know is that we must begin gathering together and release the "sound of supplication" into the atmosphere. Let's be the sound of many waters as the many voices come together to release the "sound of faith" for our land.
"Will You not revive us again, that Your people may rejoice in You? Show us Your mercy, Lord, and grant us Your salvation. I will hear what the Lord will speak, for He will speak peace to His people and to His saints; but let them not turn back to folly. Surely His salvation is near to those who fear Him, that glory may dwell in our land. Mercy and truth have met together; righteousness and peace have kissed. Truth shall spring out of the earth, and righteousness shall look down from Heaven. Yes, the Lord will give what is good; and our land will yield its increase." Psalm 85:6-12
As One Voice
There is a principle of physics called entrainment. It is when two things with different patterns of frequency are placed side by side, they begin to adapt to each other and vibrate at the same frequency. For example, it is a proven fact that if you place two pendulum clocks together, they will begin to swing in unison, thus increasing the strength and fullness of that vibrating frequency.
When we come together in unity, worshipping God, releasing a sound of intercession into the atmosphere--again, in unity--we are causing a physical change in the atmosphere. When we come into agreement with God's ways--with His purposes and desires, we cause the earth to vibrate with the frequency of Heaven. There will be a fullness released into the atmosphere when unity between Heaven and earth (the desires of God) begin to manifest. The vibration of the sounds coming from Heaven and the vibration of the sounds coming from the earth will meet. Could this be a part of what Psalm 85:10-12 refers to? "Mercy and truth have met together ... righteousness shall look down from Heaven...Yes, the Lord will give what is good; and our land will yield its increase."
He even says in verse 9, "That glory may dwell in their land." Is this not what we have been crying out for?! "Lord, let Your glory come!" The physical frequency of vibration of the woman's faith that reached out and touched the hem of His garment (Luke 13) with hope and expectation, I believe came in sync with the "frequency of vibration" in the "virtue of healing" that lay resident in Him. He said her faith made her whole. There is a physical principle taking place when spiritual principles are activated. The sound and/or vibration of supplication released through revelation--brings transformation.
To Cleanse the Land
We need to cleanse the land, the atmosphere around us with the sound of faith, expectation, and that which is righteous and true to see transformation--even to become His place of habitation.
"Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy--meditate on these things." Philippians 4:8
I want to encourage us all to press in these days--to press in with faith and belief in the Word of God to us. What if it is in His heart to take the whole state of Alabama and make it a transformation state?! I believe there is a blessing that He is anxiously waiting to bestow on us as a state, which He has been holding in His heart for some time now. I believe God wrote it down in a book as something He would answer when the time was right--when we, as a state, became the first to recognize Israel as a nation.
We need to gather together and say to Him, "Remember, God? Remember what was done by Your grace by this state on behalf of Your people, Israel? Let this be the time! Look down on us now and release to us the blessing. Visit us in Your grace and mercy. Transform us by the renewing of our minds and line us up with Heaven. Make the state of Alabama (say your state) Your resting place!"
"I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait on the Lord, be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; wait, I say, on the Lord!" Psalm 27:13-14
We need to release that sound of supplication through worship, intercession and declaration in faith, believing for transformation of our whole state. In God, ALL things are possible! Why not a whole state? Why not here? Why not us? Why not NOW?!
JoAnn McFatter
WhiteDove Ministries
14 September at 22:39 · Edited · Like · 1
Annalize Mouton Carlene H. Appleby, Debra Crowley, Shekinah Glory MinGucci, Chris Welch any of you have revelation or info on this matter?
14 September at 22:46 · Edited · Like
Annalize Mouton 528 Hz – The Love Frequency
According to Dr. Leonard Horowitz, 528 Hertz is a frequency that is central to the “musical mathematical matrix of creation.” More than any sound previously discovered, the “LOVE frequency” resonates at the heart of everything. It connects your heart, your spiritual essence, to the spiraling reality of heaven and earth.
14 September at 22:47 · Like · 2
Annalize Mouton In 2010, John Hutchinson, an electromagnetic energy expert from Vancouver, B.C., Canada, helped purify poisoned water off the Gulf of Mexico following the BP oil spill. He and his research partner, Nancy Hutchinson (formerly Nancy Lazaryan), used the 528 Hz frequency and other Solfeggio tones to reduce the oil and grease in polluted waters.
The polluted area was treated with the frequencies for four hours the first day, and by the next morning, the waters were cleared. They also did four more hours of RF frequency to complete the test. The frequency device was situated about 25 feet up the beach from the water.
They restored the water’s vitality as manifested by the return of fish, dolphins and even barnacles. Nancy said that ‘the water that had been murky brown was a clear green. Two dolphins came into 5 feet of water to visit. Lots of schools of fish and crabs [were] very active’.
John at work
Their results were certified by Dr. Robert Naman, President of Analytical Chemical Testing Laboratory, Inc. of Mobile, Alabama. Dr. Naman, an analytical chemist with almost 30 years in the field, tested the samples and confirmed the complete removal of oil and grease from the after treatment sample source tested.
As you can see, the amount of oil and grease “before” the frequency treatment was 7 ppm (parts per million, or milligrams per liter); while the samples that had undergone the frequency exposure measured less than 1 ppm.
John’s method of using sound and radio frequencies nearly eliminates the oil and toxins completely, and has no known dangerous side effects. John and Nancy can clear a radius of about a mile in one 24-hour session.
Analytical Chemical Testing Laboratory, Inc. (ACT) stated, “While the technology is not completely understood by the undersigned, it is clear that the process may have extreme value, and it should be given a chance to be presented and tested on a large scale basis.”
14 September at 22:51 · Edited · Like
Chris Welch This I believe relates to A444......528 is probably =C or something. I'm a piano tuner and use the A=440 set by Rockefeller Institute in 1928 for maximum distortion against natural wavelengths.
14 September at 22:53 · Like · 2
Chris Welch Ofcourse I never knew i was doing this until a DJ pointed out recently about the Love frequency. I never set myself up against the frequencies God gave....I just obeyed the people who told me what "concert pitch is"
14 September at 22:54 · Like · 2
Annalize Mouton A film was made in the Himalayas in the 1930's showing a group of Tibetan monks, who with the use of ordinary Tibetan musical instruments, would gather into a pie-shape configuration and direct their playing towards a huge boulder that was located on the ground roughly one hundred fifty feet away and at the base of sheer rising mountain wall. About three minutes after the 'concert' began, the boulder began to vibrate and lift off the ground. A moment later, it shot up about 150 feet into the air and landed on a ledge above it, where other monks were using the boulders to seal the entrance of meditation enclaves that they had cut into the sides of the mountain.
14 September at 22:55 · Unlike · 1
- December 26, 2007 - JoAnn McFatter:
"Vibration of Sounds will be Released--Get Ready for the Frequency of Heaven!"
A couple of years ago, I heard the Lord say He was extending a scepter, so to speak, to any city in which the churches would come together in unity. It was a scepter of promised visitation. When we believe Psalm 133, the blessing is ALWAYS there, but I felt that this was for visitation, specifically. Where I live, in the state of Alabama, I have great anticipation for this to take place--from top to bottom! I imagine it to be true of any state, but I know it to be true of ours.
"Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious oil upon the head, running down on the beard, the beard of Aaron, running down on the edge of his garments. It is like the dew of Hermon, descending upon the mountains of Zion; for there the LORD commanded the blessing--life forevermore." Psalm 133
Again, it is an invitation for us to come together in the different regions of our states to inquire of the Lord what must be done to see this unity come to pass. What I do know is that we must begin gathering together and release the "sound of supplication" into the atmosphere. Let's be the sound of many waters as the many voices come together to release the "sound of faith" for our land.
"Will You not revive us again, that Your people may rejoice in You? Show us Your mercy, Lord, and grant us Your salvation. I will hear what the Lord will speak, for He will speak peace to His people and to His saints; but let them not turn back to folly. Surely His salvation is near to those who fear Him, that glory may dwell in our land. Mercy and truth have met together; righteousness and peace have kissed. Truth shall spring out of the earth, and righteousness shall look down from Heaven. Yes, the Lord will give what is good; and our land will yield its increase." Psalm 85:6-12
As One Voice
There is a principle of physics called entrainment. It is when two things with different patterns of frequency are placed side by side, they begin to adapt to each other and vibrate at the same frequency. For example, it is a proven fact that if you place two pendulum clocks together, they will begin to swing in unison, thus increasing the strength and fullness of that vibrating frequency.
When we come together in unity, worshipping God, releasing a sound of intercession into the atmosphere--again, in unity--we are causing a physical change in the atmosphere. When we come into agreement with God's ways--with His purposes and desires, we cause the earth to vibrate with the frequency of Heaven. There will be a fullness released into the atmosphere when unity between Heaven and earth (the desires of God) begin to manifest. The vibration of the sounds coming from Heaven and the vibration of the sounds coming from the earth will meet. Could this be a part of what Psalm 85:10-12 refers to? "Mercy and truth have met together ... righteousness shall look down from Heaven...Yes, the Lord will give what is good; and our land will yield its increase."
He even says in verse 9, "That glory may dwell in their land." Is this not what we have been crying out for?! "Lord, let Your glory come!" The physical frequency of vibration of the woman's faith that reached out and touched the hem of His garment (Luke 13) with hope and expectation, I believe came in sync with the "frequency of vibration" in the "virtue of healing" that lay resident in Him. He said her faith made her whole. There is a physical principle taking place when spiritual principles are activated. The sound and/or vibration of supplication released through revelation--brings transformation.
To Cleanse the Land
We need to cleanse the land, the atmosphere around us with the sound of faith, expectation, and that which is righteous and true to see transformation--even to become His place of habitation.
"Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy--meditate on these things." Philippians 4:8
I want to encourage us all to press in these days--to press in with faith and belief in the Word of God to us. What if it is in His heart to take the whole state of Alabama and make it a transformation state?! I believe there is a blessing that He is anxiously waiting to bestow on us as a state, which He has been holding in His heart for some time now. I believe God wrote it down in a book as something He would answer when the time was right--when we, as a state, became the first to recognize Israel as a nation.
We need to gather together and say to Him, "Remember, God? Remember what was done by Your grace by this state on behalf of Your people, Israel? Let this be the time! Look down on us now and release to us the blessing. Visit us in Your grace and mercy. Transform us by the renewing of our minds and line us up with Heaven. Make the state of Alabama (say your state) Your resting place!"
"I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait on the Lord, be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; wait, I say, on the Lord!" Psalm 27:13-14
We need to release that sound of supplication through worship, intercession and declaration in faith, believing for transformation of our whole state. In God, ALL things are possible! Why not a whole state? Why not here? Why not us? Why not NOW?!
JoAnn McFatter
WhiteDove Ministries
Annalize Mouton Carlene H. Appleby, Debra Crowley, Shekinah Glory MinGucci, Chris Welch any of you have revelation or info on this matter?
14 September at 22:46 · Edited · Like
Annalize Mouton 528 Hz – The Love Frequency
According to Dr. Leonard Horowitz, 528 Hertz is a frequency that is central to the “musical mathematical matrix of creation.” More than any sound previously discovered, the “LOVE frequency” resonates at the heart of everything. It connects your heart, your spiritual essence, to the spiraling reality of heaven and earth.
14 September at 22:47 · Like · 2
Annalize Mouton In 2010, John Hutchinson, an electromagnetic energy expert from Vancouver, B.C., Canada, helped purify poisoned water off the Gulf of Mexico following the BP oil spill. He and his research partner, Nancy Hutchinson (formerly Nancy Lazaryan), used the 528 Hz frequency and other Solfeggio tones to reduce the oil and grease in polluted waters.
The polluted area was treated with the frequencies for four hours the first day, and by the next morning, the waters were cleared. They also did four more hours of RF frequency to complete the test. The frequency device was situated about 25 feet up the beach from the water.
They restored the water’s vitality as manifested by the return of fish, dolphins and even barnacles. Nancy said that ‘the water that had been murky brown was a clear green. Two dolphins came into 5 feet of water to visit. Lots of schools of fish and crabs [were] very active’.
John at work
Their results were certified by Dr. Robert Naman, President of Analytical Chemical Testing Laboratory, Inc. of Mobile, Alabama. Dr. Naman, an analytical chemist with almost 30 years in the field, tested the samples and confirmed the complete removal of oil and grease from the after treatment sample source tested.
As you can see, the amount of oil and grease “before” the frequency treatment was 7 ppm (parts per million, or milligrams per liter); while the samples that had undergone the frequency exposure measured less than 1 ppm.
John’s method of using sound and radio frequencies nearly eliminates the oil and toxins completely, and has no known dangerous side effects. John and Nancy can clear a radius of about a mile in one 24-hour session.
Analytical Chemical Testing Laboratory, Inc. (ACT) stated, “While the technology is not completely understood by the undersigned, it is clear that the process may have extreme value, and it should be given a chance to be presented and tested on a large scale basis.”
14 September at 22:51 · Edited · Like
Chris Welch This I believe relates to A444......528 is probably =C or something. I'm a piano tuner and use the A=440 set by Rockefeller Institute in 1928 for maximum distortion against natural wavelengths.
14 September at 22:53 · Like · 2
Chris Welch Ofcourse I never knew i was doing this until a DJ pointed out recently about the Love frequency. I never set myself up against the frequencies God gave....I just obeyed the people who told me what "concert pitch is"
14 September at 22:54 · Like · 2
Annalize Mouton A film was made in the Himalayas in the 1930's showing a group of Tibetan monks, who with the use of ordinary Tibetan musical instruments, would gather into a pie-shape configuration and direct their playing towards a huge boulder that was located on the ground roughly one hundred fifty feet away and at the base of sheer rising mountain wall. About three minutes after the 'concert' began, the boulder began to vibrate and lift off the ground. A moment later, it shot up about 150 feet into the air and landed on a ledge above it, where other monks were using the boulders to seal the entrance of meditation enclaves that they had cut into the sides of the mountain.
14 September at 22:55 · Unlike · 1
Chris Welch If you asked a bunch of non Christians about unity they would have no clue about the weekly miracle felt in a lot of Spiritfilled churches how God can take a roomful of totally disparate individuals of all ages and life experiences that week, and conduct a meaningful symphony or gathering from though everybody was the same natural family and had known each other all their lives. Now that is a Holy place reality in the Spirit. But as we "see" the realities Ian Clayton shares...or norman Grubb in his books...or other thirdlevellers over the ages...that all declare the VEIL is torn...we may freely partake of the third and final area of God's presence....and as we by faith take hold of this Galations 2:20 Jesus Consciousness, we find a unity on a totally new level. This is not just the "Covering presence" Unity of the Cloud of the Spirit. This is now the inworked soul unity of Christ in us as us. Where many of the soul strongholds have been violently purged through very original dealings by the Spirit...all love...ofcourse.Certainly not our doing. In fact how many testify to when we eventually give up trying...the Holy Spirit seems to kick in and bring about the thing we could not do!! Anyhow...the most amazing thing about our gathering together is God often takes us to this point "ahead of time" or like Ian Clayton says...outside of all time. For the victory of Christ takes this form...a. in time it happened 2000 years ago...a complete victory wrought for us and b. it existed outside all time for He was the Lamb slain from before the beginning of Creation.
So really this "third level" or "Holiest place" into which ALL have been born in the Spirit...they just don't know a place of God's Eternal NOW. It exists within His heart and within our hearts. It is FIRST LOVE. IT IS BRIDALUNION. Like Psalm 133 declares....It is a realm of total impossiblility. For the DEW of Hermon...Falls upon Mount Zion. The TWO in the natural can't even mix!!!!!
Think of the people MOST AT LOGGERHEADS in the Earth and you have some idea!!!
And in Psalm 134...this same people Declare a blessing upon the whole Earth.
Psalm 145 also declares a secret about perpetual revival.
It comes in the verse AFTER another impossiblity. The Impossibility that Older Men will ever allow their own move to be called by the name of younger men!!! NO WAY JOSE! In place of your fathers will be your sons;
You shall make them princes in all the earth.
17 I will cause Your name to be remembered in all generations;
Therefore the peoples will give You thanks forever and ever.
or as was mentioned concerning John the Baptist....I will send him in the spirit of Elijah to turn the hearts of the fathers to their sons and sons to their fathers....
But ofcourse in the Father realm of 1 John 2...this is possible...for everyone from the least to the greatest knows the lord....knows the love of their heavenly father.
So really this "third level" or "Holiest place" into which ALL have been born in the Spirit...they just don't know a place of God's Eternal NOW. It exists within His heart and within our hearts. It is FIRST LOVE. IT IS BRIDALUNION. Like Psalm 133 declares....It is a realm of total impossiblility. For the DEW of Hermon...Falls upon Mount Zion. The TWO in the natural can't even mix!!!!!
Think of the people MOST AT LOGGERHEADS in the Earth and you have some idea!!!
And in Psalm 134...this same people Declare a blessing upon the whole Earth.
Psalm 145 also declares a secret about perpetual revival.
It comes in the verse AFTER another impossiblity. The Impossibility that Older Men will ever allow their own move to be called by the name of younger men!!! NO WAY JOSE! In place of your fathers will be your sons;
You shall make them princes in all the earth.
17 I will cause Your name to be remembered in all generations;
Therefore the peoples will give You thanks forever and ever.
or as was mentioned concerning John the Baptist....I will send him in the spirit of Elijah to turn the hearts of the fathers to their sons and sons to their fathers....
But ofcourse in the Father realm of 1 John 2...this is possible...for everyone from the least to the greatest knows the lord....knows the love of their heavenly father.
- Doug Alexander Mercy Aiken I know we R speaking your language here too. Thought you might wanna knit something into the thread. Quite a fabric here.
- Doug Alexander Here's an excerpt from a DI book I contributed a chapter to:
My heart bursts its banks, spilling beauty and goodness. I pour it out in a poem to the king, shaping the river into words (Psalm 45:1 TM).
"... A river of Life flowing from the Throne of Heaven is bursting its banks in the corporate heart of the Body of the Anointed One. The intimate ecstasies of individuals, enthralled with their King, are converging into one body of living water. This curse-free creation is wildly celebrating with holy abandon. The greatest, happiest party of all time is breaking forth! A rush of bliss-saturated poetry, brimming with (zoe-filled) divine life, is coursing through a people who are beside themselves with adoration. These mighty rivers of living water can no longer be contained in the confines of the human heart. The out-flowing “zoetry” is a spontaneous art form that originates from the indwelling Creator. These floodwaters are coming soon to a neighborhood near you.
No one in their right mind would argue that the world doesn’t need to be changed. This cannot be achieved politically or by the hand of man. Nonetheless the world must be changed for the better—and not just a makeover. It needs a complete Kingdom takeover! It is begging for a lasting change from the roots up.
The good news is that this world will be changed beyond recognition as the dams burst and this raging river starts rolling. This ecstatic move will not just come and go as another visitation of revival. It is no less than the permanent habitation of God’s presence permeating planet earth. Psalm 45 is a dynamic illustration of how this mega-reformation will transpire. This transformation is conceived in a simple love song as our Beloved woos us into the chambers of His innermost Being.
A Scribal Activation
God is draping the mantle of a “ready writer” on His Body in these end times. The earth needs the Spirit of Truth like never before. The Lord recently whispered in my spirit, “I’m activating a strong anointing in My people to release a bardic YALP to the nations. A Psalm 45 activation is at hand. It will enable them to ride the high places and suck sweet honey from the Rock and draw oil out of the Scriptures. This activation will quicken their tongues to speak the oracles of God as the pen of a ready writer.”
This corporate movement can only be ignited through an intimate relationship with the Author and Finisher of our faith. So what exactly then is a “bardic yalp”?
In the Celtic tradition, a “bard” is defined as: “A person who composed and recited epic or heroic poems, often while playing an instrument. Any poet.” No one has a more epic story to show and tell, than the people who’ve come into league with the greatest superhero of all time: Jesus—the King of Glory (see Ps. 24). A bardic anointing to articulate who He is—through prose, poetry, and a plethora of other artistic expressions—has been triggered in this era. This good news (Gospel) of nothing less than the invasion of Heaven on earth will result in a creative renaissance and a festival of planetary jubilee!
The “yalp” can represent the archetypal battle cry of the warrior intercessor (see Isa. 58:1). It is like a travailing mother giving birth to new life (see Isa. 54:1; 66:7-8). It can also be likened to the enslaved Israelites making their mass exodus from Egypt into the land of promise after Moses commanded of Pharaoh: “Let my people go”! God heard their cry. This “yalp” is undoubtedly the Pauline description (in Romans of the entire creation groaning in anticipation—of the promised unveiling of the fully formed sons of God—who finally rid earth of the curse originally broken at Calvary’s cross.
Paul’s YALP:
My little children, for whom I am again suffering birth pangs until Christ is completely and permanently formed (molded) within you (Galatians 4:19 AMP).
Job painted the following word picture of this spiritual out bursting of our inner man:
For I am full of words; the spirit within me compels me. Indeed my belly is like wine that has no vent; it is ready to burst like new wineskins. I will speak, that I may find relief; I must open my lips and answer (Job 32:18-20 NKJV).
The sound of this strategic “yalp” can also be heard throughout popular culture:
I too am not a bit tamed, I too am untranslatable, I sound my barbaric YAWP over the roofs of the world. ~ Walt Whitman, “Leaves of Grass”
In the movie, The Dead Poets Society, when the unconventional teacher Mr. Keating (played by Robin Williams) provokes his shy student Todd (played by Ethan Hawke) to emote his own “barbaric YAWP,” the result is pure liberation. Todd is loosed from the shackles of societal conformity and personal intimidation that had him subdued. His inner poet busts loose with newfound passion. He discovers the fire in his belly.
In the Dr. Seuss classic Horton Hears a Who, the Mayor of Whoville advises little Jojo:
“We’ve GOT to make noises in greater amounts!
So, open your mouth, lad! For every voice counts!”
Thus he spoke as he climbed. When they got to the top,
The lad cleared his throat and he shouted out, “YOPP!”
And that Yopp… That one small, extra Yopp put it over!
Finally, at last! From that speck on that clover
Their voices were heard! They rang out clear and clean.
And the elephant smiled. “Do you see what I mean?…
They’ve proved they ARE persons, no matter how small.
And their whole world was saved by the smallest of All!”
Somehow a sound barrier is broken by this primitive groan, or yalp, if you will. From our inarticulate cry something happens in the heavens (see Rom. 8:26; 1 Cor. 14:14-15). Out of weakness and suffering strength arises. Understanding also comes. This breaking of the sound barrier opens up an articulation of fresh wisdom. Grace answers the groan. Dr. Kelley Varner called it “the groan from the Throne” and often said, “You are an original. There is no one uniquely made like you, who can say it quite like you can say it.” So don’t delay, discover your individual yalp! This is just another strange way God uses the foolish things to confound the wise.
book excerpt continued next comment > - Doug Alexander >
Speaking From the Most Holy Place
A “ready writer” who has “touched the King” taps the inner voice. He is not only “ready” to right the wrongs in his own thinking but starts to shine brightly on the kingdom of darkness around him. This “ready writer” becomes “instant in season and out of season,” having discovered the secret of abiding—of remaining continually refreshed in his relationship with God.
The principle that Paul shared in the Book of Romans that “faith comes by hearing,” can only happen by a devoted listening in the present tense—which releases a fresh sense of God’s presence every time one speaks and hears. Romans 10:17 doesn’t say faith comes by having heard (in the past tense). The apostle Peter wrote about being “established in the present truth” (1 Pet. 1:12). The word in that verse translated “present” is the word pareimi, which means: “to be by, be at hand, to have arrived, to be present, to be ready, in store, at command, be here, be present here, come, in the moment.” Present truth connects us to His presence. The present moment is the eternal gift that keeps on giving. That’s probably why it is called “the present.” There is only the ever-present and eternal “now”—where we become current with whatever He is speaking to us today and thus enter into His sabbath rest, if we mix His words with faith (see Heb. 4).
There is always a “right now” word from the I AM (not “I was,” or “I will be….”). Our “right now” God keeps talking to us in the present. We must “be here now” ever ready with Jehovah Shammah (the “Lord is There” = means HERE!) sensitized to His “still small voice”—every moment…day after day. Silence also speaks volumes (it really is golden!). To “be still” is how we come to “know God” intimately (see Ps. 46:10).
We also learn to behold His beauty and awe in the natural world, as it too preaches the Gospel—without ever uttering words (see Rom. 1:20). Creation reveals the artistry and attributes of the Creator. Nature unveils the divine nature. The omnipresent Creator manifests in space and time when we approach Him with open hearts, eyes, and ears—ready to engage with Him at all times.
Paul guarantees that faith comes only through hearing and hearing. It is a continual ongoing place of hearing His Word in the present. We can’t live off yesterday’s meal. We live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God now, not the preceding words…the “proceeding” Word is what keeps us moving forward (see Matt. 4:4). Static faith is death. Yesterday’s manna is rotten and riddled with worms (see Exod. 16:18-20).
There’s a breakfast of heavenly baked manna awaiting us every morning, prompting the age-old question: “WHAT IS IT”? Manna causes us to inquire of the Father and, with the inner aid of the Holy Spirit, to solve the hidden mysteries. Greater understanding comes as we develop this lifestyle of divine inquiry.
We “touch” the King, when our attention is riveted on Him, attending or inclining to His words (see Prov. 4:1-13). This unbroken focus is one of the major ways we embrace the Lord and bring Him pleasure. It is impossible to please God without faith (see Heb. 11:6). When we learn to listen, God actually “creates a hearing ear” (see Prov. 20:12). His creative voice implants seeds of new life to germinate in us and generate fresh thinking and vision. A genesis happens!
The prophet Jeremiah spoke about “separating the precious from the profane” to remain His mouthpiece (see Jer. 15:19). I’ve learned over time to search for the sacred in the secular, to not run scared from it. His omniscience is everywhere if we really believe He is everywhere (omnipresent). In other words the knowledge of God is available in every situation at all times. Wisdom actually cries in the streets day and night to be heard (8th chapter of Proverbs).
He is always speaking. There is a massive feast of truth available to all, yet Amos warned about a “famine of the hearing of the Word.” We shouldn’t just listen for God when we hear a sermon, or read the Bible. The mind of Christ “instructs” in every situation (see 1 Cor. 2:16). Whether I’m watching an episode of Lost on TV, looking at a billboard driving down the road, listening to a rock song on the radio, talking to a friend, or a colleague, a client, or supervisor, or just chilling with my family, I keep listening carefully (see Mark 4:24) for that Voice within the voice. I stay dialed to His station, tuned into His heart and mind, surrounded by His counsel…expecting fresh revelation. Poet Robert Hunter put it this way: “Once in a while you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right” (from the song, “Scarlet Begonias”).
After we have been turned onto the Lord and have touched the King, He turns up the volume. Thus we become individual channels of His Voice and unique expressions of His person. What possibilities. What a life! Endless epiphanies await us. Now He may speak through me as a “ready writer.” Simply because I’m tuned in, He is able to first broadcast to me, and then through me. I become a mobile radio station of Heaven in my regular daily walk, transmitting rarefied sound waves from the other side. The ordinary life becomes extraordinary—beaming the Kingdom of Heaven to every sphere of influence I have. When we communicate from this transcendent realm of communion, real Life begins to happen. A person’s spirit literally transforms into His Holy of Holies on the ground—empowering him to “speak as the oracles of God” (1 Pet. 4:11 NKJV).
This scribal “activation” is a tsunami starter, the catalyst of a prophetic wave of unparalleled proportions. It breaks down the barrier that has long existed between Christian and popular culture at large. It is not an invasion of overzealous Bible thumpers, but an infiltration of divine trumpeters who exhibit both a compassionate sensitivity and supernatural power. Bob Jones says that “the greatest bait on our fishing hook is the glory.” The splendor of Heaven emanating from God’s people draws this world into His Kingdom like nothing else.
15 September at 01:03 · Edited · Like · 2
Doug Alexander - However this tidal wave manifests, it will not reek with the stench of dry religion but rather an aroma of heavenly wisdom that is peaceable and irrefutable. We are spiritually born from above by the Word of truth (see James 1:17-18). The living Word is also the spiritual milk that enables us to grow (see 1 Pet. 2:2). God’s kids must learn to live and speak the Word till the things which are not have become a tangible reality (see Rom. 4:17). The invisible and impossible promises are rendered visible and entirely possible as we boldly proclaim and consistently confess them.
The past 40 years the Body of Christ has been taught the power of the spoken word and how to move mountains through the power of life and death that is resident in the tongue (see Mark 11:23; Prov. 18:21). This was not meant to just get our personal needs met. We are now being released from the four walls of the buildings that contained us and compelled outward to move the mountains that have been in the way. Our expression will become culturally relevant in the marketplace among non-believers without compromising one iota of Kingdom truth or love. The spoken word has corporate purpose foremost.
Out of my belly (innermost being) flows a fountain of living waters! (See John 7:38.) Out of this “common union” between man and God, we encourage and feed one another with the “commonwealth” of our mutual inheritance. Bill Johnson has described it as sharing a slice of bread from your own loaf. This isn’t coming up with clever sermon ideas to impress people. It is ministering His Life through our lives! Talk about a state of grace! This condition of inner union makes sharing our faith with others an effortless delight. Nothing is forced. It just “oozes” out by impartation and never comes off as stale, didactic, or judgmental. This form of communion is relational and utterly relevant. Fun, even. And world-changing at the same time!
The Sound of a Most Holy Place People
Do you not discern and understand that you…are God’s temple (His sanctuary), and that God’s Spirit has His permanent dwelling in you [to be at home in you, collectively as a church and also individually]? (1 Corinthians 3:16 AMP)
As His Sanctuary, we begin individually as an actual Holy of Holies (a mobile Most Holy Place) transporting the Ark of the Covenant in our spirit being, transmitting His same Spirit into the atmosphere. Our environment can be sanctified to the point of becoming a most holy place! When we assemble with others we comprise a collective temple of the Spirit, a superstructure habitation. From the threshold of our inner chambers the living waters flow to the outer courts of the surrounding world. The spiritual journey in Psalm 45 begins with a “touch” and extends into full possession, since we are not our own and have been bought with a price (see 1 Cor. 6:20). God takes full ownership as the rightful Lord of our lives. His glory transcends the universe with the celestial sounds of Heaven.
To the Chief Musician, Concerning the Lilies. For the sons of Korah. A Poem; a Song of the Beloved…My heart is overflowing with a good matter. I am speaking of my works to the King; my tongue is the pen of a rapidwriter (Psalm 45:1 Green’s Literal Translation).
Jesus Christ is the Chief Musician. He conducts the symphony and directs the choir. He is both the Song and the Chief Singer. He is the lion of the Tribe of Judah (Judah = “Praise”) roaring out of Zion. He is the Heavenly David playing the stringed instruments that drives the forces of darkness off of Saul (who typifies the demonized SOUL). Jesus also personifies the music of Heaven. He is the song of songs in the Most Holy Place. In the overflow of our hearts comes a new song radiating the high praises of God.
"So sing, Daughter Zion! Raise the rafters, Israel! Daughter Jerusalem, be happy! celebrate! God has reversed His judgments against you and sent your enemies off chasing their tails. From now on, God is Israel’s king, in charge at the center. There’s nothing to fear from evil ever again! Jerusalem will be told: “Don’t be afraid. Dear Zion, don’t despair. Your God is present among you, a strong Warrior there to save you. Happy to have you back, He’ll calm you with His love and delight you with His songs” (Zephaniah 3:14-17 TM).
The New King James version put it this way:
The Lord your God in your midst, the Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing (Zephaniah 3:17 NKJV).
The universal language of music transcends every culture. God has hidden Himself in every form of music and can be discovered singing and rejoicing over His Beloved. The Song of Songs streaming from the Holy of Holies may be heard if you are listening. It is one of the main keys that will open a door to changing the nations.
There are “God winks” throughout the music of popular culture and among every tribe and tongue. God continually sings over His creation. Psalm 45:1 is also called “The Song of the Beloved.” The first eight verses unveil the King (the Redeemer deity) in all His glory and the final nine verses reveal His Bride the Queen (redeemed humanity).
“The Song of Loves” Touching the King
The 45th Psalm, a royal offering of praise, has also been titled “The Song of Loves.” The “ready writers” of verse 1 do not speak so much out of what they know, but from who they know. Change can only happen after a people have “touched the King.” The catalyst to a global transformation of Heaven on earth is intimate contact between individuals and their Maker. Once we have “touched the King” and received His touch in return, we can then “pay it forward” and touch others. This is how the world is transformed—one testimony at a time. The anointed touch of His Body nudges humanity into His proximity…and into a close encounter with the King.
~ end of excerpt from chapter 9 by Doug Alexander
Annalize Mouton Love, love, love this! Thank you for sharing Doug!
15 September at 09:41 · Like · 1
Doug Alexander MDew Preciate it my encouraging friend!!
15 September at 09:44 via mobile · Like · 1
Annalize Mouton Hey, precious one, Doug, are you not supposed to be still sleeping?! Should still be night on your side of the world…
15 September at 09:51 · Like · 1
Doug Alexander MDew Haha having me a time with Jesus... Be sleeping soon. Trying to process all He seems to sayin this Yom Kippur/day of atonement/shepherd's rod...
15 September at 10:11 via mobile · Like · 1
Annalize Mouton Please share more of what He is saying to you now, whenever you are ready. And have a blessed time with Him and a peaceful sleep filled with revelatory dreams and walks in heavenly places.
15 September at 10:28 · Unlike · 2
Chris Welch Doug this was the Word I felt to write down in 1990 and blogged it soon after I began my blog
Doug Alexander powerful word Chris!!
16 September at 03:43 · Unlike · 2
Doug Alexander MDew More about this "music" we are hearing within....At the risk of causing a word overload for us all I thought this passage by bro Eby might serve as a capstone to this thread (or ignite another round lol). I'm currently finishing the Echoes From Eden s...See More
16 September at 19:23 via mobile · Like · 1
Mercy Aiken I wish I had the time to carefully go through this thread and read everything and watch every video, but I am at work...and at home cannot access the videos. I will say that just reading through all this made my heart flutter with wonder and joy. Will try to get back later and read it all! Thanks everyone for this treasure trove! thanks for sharing it with me, Doug Alexander!
16 September at 19:36 · Like · 2
Doug Alexander MDew Take uR time... It is a marathon not a sprint lol ESPECIALLY this thread hehee... I'm still going through all the wonderful links Annalize shared! We are nothing if NOT THOROUGH in this little group. We've been taught by the best!
16 September at 20:04 via mobile · Like · 2
Annalize Mouton Hahahaha, I love you lot!!!!!!!
16 September at 20:05 · Like · 1
Doug Alexander MDew A LOT backachya! UR new nickname:
Our Lady of Resources
16 September at 20:10 via mobile · Like · 1
Annalize Mouton Not the first one to name me such! Thank you!
16 September at 20:18 · Edited · Like
Doug Alexander MDew What can u do? U carry The Source within resourceful friend!
16 September at 20:15 via mobile · Like · 1
Annalize Mouton Chris Welch and Doug Alexander MDew watch this:
Doug Alexander MDew Sure will my friend!
2 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1
Doug Alexander MDew Reminds me to complete a few other links from this thread on my TO DEW list (through the anointed 1 which strengthens me)
2 hours ago via mobile · Edited · Like · 1
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