Some straight talking from Romans 2. Evangelicals don't like this.........
For there is no partiality with God.
12 For all who have sinned [f]without the Law will also perish [g]without the Law, and all who have sinned [h]under the Law will be judged [i]by the Law; 13 for it is not the hearers [j]of the Law who are just before God, but the doers [l]of the Law will be justified. 14 For when Gentiles who do not have [m]the Law do [n]instinctively the things of the Law, these, not having [o]the Law, are a law to themselves, 15 in that they show the work of the Law written in their hearts, their conscience bearing witness and their thoughts alternately accusing or else defending them, 16 on the day when, according to my gospel, God will judge the secrets of men through Christ Jesus.
Now read also Psalm 1. And Proverbs 1.
Forget terminologies. let's talk about our human experience on planet earth.
I mean you can call it Karma as eastern religions do.
You can call it Law...or the Law of life as Jews do
You can call it healthy functioning as atheist humanists do.
You can call it doing what God wants as Christians (as well as Jews) do.
Basically, we all piece together internally or externally what we should be doing. Then we do it.
Or we don't, and inwardly we know we should....and face the consequences.
What you call that is up to you. It really really makes no difference.
Now an atheist will say, we go through all this process and after 70 years or more, it is all as nothing....that was your human experience, that was your stab at, according to the length of time your memory lingers in people's minds, so is your longevity before all trace of you is gone.
We and other faiths no no.....we don't go through all these troubles just to go through them....then nothing....
we go through them because we are growing souls....and as the easterners believe, we either reincarnate and carry on....
or as we believe, we walk straight through thin veil of our molecular spirit container, and step straight into another dimension called eternity to face judgment....either to life....or....and here people are divided....different forms of disciplining or endless hell.
But here and now we experience real life grillings for things we have left undone....
or as I have written recently....
"this one is taken, the other is left", in the form of promotions, demotions, or relocations, or isolations, or praise and honour....
This stuff is absolutely daily fare.....WHATEVER you call it.
This is what evangelicals don't like....
For when Gentiles who do not have [m]the Law do [n]instinctively the things of the Law, these, not having [o]the Law, are a law to themselves, 15 in that they show the work of the Law written in their hearts, their conscience bearing witness and their thoughts alternately accusing or else defending them, 16 on the day when, according to my gospel, God will judge the secrets of men through Christ Jesus.
They don't like it, because it "sounds like works" and Martin Luther said it's NOT works.....well it was St Paul who said it's not works.
The Bible is the WHOLE WORD. When we rightly divide the Word we are , by the Spirit, sloughing off the wrong spirit which either
A. says we can get salvation by works
B. says as long as we believe we can get away without doing a thing
Both A and B are wrong spirits.
Everything is complicated in the leftbrain.
It's either/or
It's not this but this....
But in the Spirit it's easy.
Spiritually, Juan Carlos Ortiz said, when you get to the gates of heaven, they don't ask what you believe, they take your pulse.
if you are alive in Jesus you can walk in.
The Union message doesn't half clear up a whole load of Christian tosh talked about daily on Facebook.
Works or not works. Grace or hypergrace this or that.
Nancy Gilmore says it straight.
If something is fake, manipulated,'s not actually God going on.
It's masquerading as God going on.
For when Gentiles who do not have the Law do instinctively the things of the Law, these, not having the Law, are a law to themselves, 15 in that they show the work of the Law written in their hearts, ........
"Instinctively" means God is definitely going on here
It's consistant with love
with self for others action
with man acting according to his original God authenticity.
The evangelical says.....but is that man or woman saved?
If they are not's just works....
As if nothing any man or woman does can ever be any good.
Well King Cyrus provided a lot of the materials for Solomon to build the Temple, and he wasn't "saved".
Let's take another example. God said in the Old Testament, let's reason together.
Now clever clogs philosophers think reasoning is to do with seeing how many leftbrain parameters you can fit together like a jigsaw to impress your opponent.
God knows everything and could bamboozle us a bit like He did Job in Job 38 -42.
But you know what? He's dead simple in what He says....unlike cleverclogs.
"See that sinful behaviour of yours that like leprosy is currently red raw like a rash......well it's about to get so bad that it will become so white like dead skin your limbs will start dropping off one by one. You simply have GOT to address that problem now before the repercussions hit you full on!!!!"
For there is no partiality with God.
Do you understand that?
Sin is a bad affair that destroys those caught up in it. Whatever we believe. Whatever we call it. Whatever language we put to it.
Proverbs 1 says.....wisdom can call out to us all day long for weeks. If we ignore it, when calamity hits us.....wisdom won't help us.....but will appear distanced and laughing at what is after all an objective set of laws.....
step in front of a'll mow you down
if you are merciless to others.....they will be merciless to you
fail to pay the rent.....YOU WILL BECOME HOMELESS.
Because there is NO PARTIALITY with God, the Samaritan gets the praise, because he helped the person who was mugged in the street, and the well to do or religious man will get no praise whatsoever. THERE IS NO PARTIALITY WITH GOD.
The Jews were all about themselves as the "Kiddies" and God by Jesus words, sidleines them and throws the Kingdom open to those people bearing the fruit thereof.
You can be "saved". You can be part of His Move. But as the Israelites in the wilderness proved.....if you become hard of heart, and fail to go with His flow.....He will just bypass the whole generation for the next one.
And let's be honest.....God has so far bypassed EVERY MOVE in EVERY GENERATION for 2000 years waiting for one that will manifest
Catholics and Anglicans are even worse, because they were never a move of God, so were never alive, but were simply a manmade constructed "work of God" to look as if genuine.
God is not partial.
He will throw the Kingdom open to a "nation" who are no people. In the highways and byways.
In the hedges and gutters.
He just doesn't care.
It's all simply about finding a people