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Merri Trifiro ·
So true...I would go as far as to say, most modern Jews, particularly Reform and Conservative Jews, by and large, have no idea what Talmud says with regard to the " Rebbe"'s views on those who are not Jews, as they define a Jew.
I have reasearched quite a bit re these things, and some published texts of the Talmud for broader public consumption have been edited and watered down for all but serious Yeshiva students. I have an English translation in a single volume paperback, that illustrates this point.
Yes, it would truly shock the "Christian" world to know the truth about the Talmudic teachings.
Stacie Schulz Merri Trifiro —you are absolutely right, most Jews have no idea what the Talmud says....it would definitely shock the Christian world.
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Chris Welch
Chris Welch How have you learned it Stacie Schulz because they keep it hidden. It’s virtually another form of occult
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Chris Welch
Chris Welch It also helps explain Fiona BARNETT’s relations who are all this European twisted Nazi form of Jewry and Kabbalism and witchcraft
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Chris Welch
Chris Welch Stacie Schulz in keeping with exposing the works of Darkness we must do so
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Stacie Schulz
Stacie Schulz Chris Welch , yes that’s right, exposing the works of darkness.
Many years ago the Lord revealed to me that the political ideology of Zionism is different than Judaism...He also revealed to me that modern Judaism gives the Talmud more preeminence than the Torah...& this is how Zionism was birthed—b/c Zionism is a racist ideology & the Talmud is steeped in racism & hatred.
The Talmud is blasphemous.
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Chris Welch
Chris Welch Stacie Schulz can you remember more detail.?
How on earth did you, an American, start to see that Israel isn’t Israel?
Suddenly during worship?…See more
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Stacie Schulz
Stacie Schulz Chris Welch , It was a progressive unfolding...the Lord used many things to remove the scales from my eyes.
The Lord began stirring in me & my husband that the “church” (the church system) is OF man & not of God...it is full of mixture & seeks its own glory instead of seeking the glory of the Father.
We began hearing the call of the Spirit “Come out of her my people”....this call encompasses many things...including the call to repent of all heart idols...one of those idols is Israel.
At that particular time in our lives we had been steeped in the false doctrine of dispensationalism (as the vast majority of most American churches are...around 80% of Christians today have been taught dispensationalism —an end time eschatology that interprets the book of The Revelation of Jesus Christ through a *futuristic literal* lens ...and sees the earthy nation created in 1948 named “Israel” as being the same Israel of the Old Testament. This erroneous interpretation robs the follower of Christ of understanding that the Book of Revelation is a book of spiritual symbols that can only be understood by the mind of the Spirit...and the book reveals the glorious progression of our growing up in Christ, the many stages of growth—all the various battles we will go through, the trials, the processing’s...being confirmed into the image of the FULLness of Christ...being made an overcomer! Glory!
Christian Zionism was at one time in my life an idol...the Lord had to purge that mindset out of my life...He used many events/people/writings to reveal to me the truth.
The Lord opened my eyes to see how cruel the Government of Israel treated its own Israeli citizens (especially Orthodox Jews with cruelty...I saw videos of the IDF on horses beating Israeli Jews who were protesting)....this was eye-opening to me (because at that time I thought Israel was God’s favored nation & could do no wrong)—the Lord would speak to me about how He has no favorites & how His Kingdom ways are to be obeyed—no one can bypass His ways (including Israel!) His ways are that of mercy, justice, love, truth.
While all this was happening The Lord then began opening our eyes to the corrupt government here in America...the lies we had been taught in history...the DEPTH of lies.
Oh how are eyes were opened!—our hearts were broken as we learned how the policies of the U.S. Government has caused so much evil and UNTOLD SUFFERING AND PAIN of many nations & millions of people...including Native Americans & Black Americans.
The Lord was dealing with the idol of nationalism in our lives.
The Lord is no respecter of persons. He loves all. He died for all. He has no favorite nation. All nations are loved by the Father.
I share all of this to reveal how the Lord had to purge us of many things in order to get us to the place of seeing PEOPLE as human beings dearly loved by the Father...seeing them through HIS EYES...not through the filters of “partisan politics” or “Christian Zionism” or “American Patriotism”.
The Lord then opened our eyes to see how Palestinians were cruelly treated by Israel.
He then began opening our eyes to the real history of the people of Palestine....and how these people have suffered deeply due in large part to Christian Zionism -from American Christians supporting U.S. politicians who write laws to support Israel by financially giving Israel billions of US tax dollars....supporting the military occupation of Palestine.
The Lord has allowed us to feel His heart for Palestinian’s.
He loves them & wants to see them set free from their misery of Israeli oppression.
This was a long comment...but you asked how did the Lord show us that the earthy carnal country of *Israel* is not the real Israel of scripture.
The Israel of God is a heavenly people born of the Spirit of Christ.👑
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