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Kansas City Shepherds Crusade |
We were new Christians who had come out of denominations after being converted and filled with the Spirit. At that time we had the American belief of Tim La Haye that we had to get everybody converted as quickly as possible because Jesus was coming back soon. We held little value in the world system and were concerned mostly with preparing for after death. Then Ern Baxter arrived in the UK under a peculiar, (as in strong) anointing.
He addressed our whole generation stating Biblically why our belief was incomplete.
This in itself is not new. There are two instances when apostles asked believers if they received the Spirit when they believed. And Paul instructed teachers further in the gospel.
In the Lakes messages 1975 Ern likened the new Spiritfilled generation to David and his relationship with the equally Spiritfilled Saul, yet made it clear anointing wasnt everything, and God took David as He did His own Son through testing.
In the Capel Bible Week Ern laid out the nature of Covenantal relationship with God and with one another, forming the apostolic basis right there of thousands of new UK and European churches.
In Dales Bible Week 1976 and Kansas City Shepherds Conference Thy Kingdom Come message
Ern stated unequivocally that God spoke in this way to His Son
Sit at my right hand and RULE until your enemies are made your footsool.
He also compared the Israelites in the wilderness to all charismatics and evangelicals, stating that God's objective was to bring us into the Land, and contrary to erroneous doctrine of the evangelical church, since the Cross the LAND now means the whole globe, which has been bought back through the Lamb's own work.
From 1976- 2000s at least some of our number have been repeating the error of the Catholics and the Jesuits by following a carnal manipulation of the fulfilment, which has resulted in evangelicals who are still rooted in the old after life objective, rightly calling their approach Triumphalist.
I saw from the psalms that God has never changed His approach ever, which unlike Abraham and Hagar, involved His original promise to Abraham and Sarah of a Child of Promise fulfilled by the arm of the Lord supernaturally.
I could see this clearly in Psalm 24,Psalm 110, Psalm 123,Psalms of Ascent especially 134 and Psalm 149.
But what the praying intercessors known as the Sisters of the Candlestick in the 50s saw, and what has been continued by brethren such as Ian Clayton,Mike Parsons, Praying Medic and now many others, is that this very fulfilment is wholly connected to us taking our heavenly role in the Courts of the Lord. Surely this was at least part of the meaning of what was formerly called the Rapture, in our invitation to be caught up, raptured into the clouds of Shekinah, God's own glory.
As I have indicated this week, as well as us rising into our place in the Son of Man , where the government is upon His shoulders, is our earthly walk which I challenged Justin Abraham about pictured in the Tabernacle as the Mercy Seat, the walk of Galatians 2.20. But simultaneous to this Psalm 133 and the last discourse of Jesus in John 17 before death, was that we ARE ONE, and we walk together as such, and are KNOWN as such.
The World Council of Churches is attempting an Ishmael coercive unity under the Pope, but according to the Commandments of the Lord and now the in working work of the Holy Spirit to fulfil it,
both the first commandment of loving the Lord with all we are and have, and loving our brethren with whom we have covenantal rights as ones who dwell and continue in the Light, as the fulfilment of the second commandment, are both relational and real experiences, rather than mere coerced outer formalities which have little reality at all.
God has been filling in the dots as we come into more Light to be able to understand those dots. With this greater clarity go back and read Maurice Smith's Prophecy in 1977 in one of the London meetings
One of the places I reposted this was 19th May 2011
Maurice Smith – The Glorious Church - 1977
Have you noticed the way I have led you so far?First of all I have lifted your eyes and given you a vision. A vision that encompassed the whole church. A vision that speaks in ultimate terms and shows you the finished product from heaven's perspective. Your heart was touched by the thought of a great church 'without spot or wrinkle'. As Ispoke to you in those early days it all seemed so attainable,so within reach. The detail was not apparent to you, only the fact that I had spoken, and you saw clearly that now was the hour for the church to become one people. Now was the hour for barriers to go down, for people to come together,regardless of their upbringing and background.
John 17 -•that they might be one' - seemed to be re-echoing fromevery corner of the world and without any collaboration between the voices. You were convinced God was at work.This was his move and he would accomplish it. (So far so good, but now pause and think).
Have you noticed that the outworking is not as easy as it seemed when you received your revelation? Had I wanted to wave an arm in heaven and accomplish my purposes, I would have done so. But I have set my heart upon a personal relationship with everyone who forms a part of this glorious church. 'My ways are not your ways' still remains true, and whereas men would organise a one-church-movement, and set the wheels in motion to co-ordinate this group with that, I have spoken again into the hearts of men that I am growing the church. As ever I am starting small and consolidatingevery move I make. Every now and then there is an upsurge and an outbreak on a larger scale, which is an encouragement to everyone, but the master-builders know that at such times extravagant things are said and believed, and the idea spreads that we are farther on than we really are.
According to eternal principles I then prune that which has borne fruit that it may bring forth more fruit, andthe master-builders are not token by surprise when thishappens. They know that every step of the way I insist that the personal relationship of God and man is developed, and that this explains many apparent set-backs. I do not want people carried along on the crest of a wave, but people with some realisation of the cost, who nevertheless still desire above all else to be a part of this glorious church which gripped their imagination long ago. Indeed many only get their first glimpse of this holy and unified church in the midst of this upsurge stage of my purposes. (Pause again and think about what I am saying).
Now, because of all I have allowed to work upon your lives,you have a deepening relationship with me. Now you really begin to relate to one another. Not as a people who have in mind some grand successful church movement, but as a peopie captivated by my love and grace toward you; as a people thankful to be included at all in what I have set my heart upon. Now you are prepared to go at my pace, you do not despise the time it takes to form a relationship.You begin to understand that I really was unhurried as I made my friendship with sinners, that I was fully prepared for the disappointments and the rewards of friendship, and so it shall be with you more and more. As the barriers between one and one go down, as friendships are formed,and commitments made, you became more vulnerable to being hurt, and yet also on the verge of great discoveries. The riches that I have placed within every single one of you,becomes the available treasure of each other, and the poverty that has marked my people for so long shall be swallowed up in an abundance of supply.There I go again, re-envisioning you and lifting your eyes to the inevitable goal; but take it steady, be prepared for set-backs, be realistic - all in the true knowledgethat,although in one sense it has to be done stone upon stone, it is later than you think, and that finally everything shall be done suddenly.
For there shall be a great unveiling, a pulling aside of the curtain in a moment of time, a trumpet blast and the body of God forged through many trials and heartaches, joined together by many sinews and main arteries across the world, shall arise and dismay shall strike the hearts of many as they see that which they have scorned so long become the evident dwelling place of God.
In an hour when all is falling down, this church shall stand up like an army with abundant life and flexible structure. The bones shall have real flesh on them, andall the world shall see and marvel at this glorious church without spot or wrinkle, that first captivated the hearts of many of you so long ago.
this was a Prophecy through Maurice Smith 7 January 1977 at the Friends MeetingHouse, London