John Stevens , whose birthday is today were discussing HMB and whether it really does rebuild muscle as a metabolite derived from leucine .
The sales talk says that although it was discovered in 1887, it wasn't until 1990 it was linked as a muscle restorer , once together with Vitamin D3.
So one report from sports science denies this , but it wasn't in combination with Vit D3.
I said how curcumin doesn't really work unless black pepper is also present .
There's combinations and protocols .
Until God gives us wisdom on His protocols then all we have is the vague " calling upon God ".
This is failsafe when we have no other information .
The Old Testament starts the redemption programme with just one Abrahamic promise .
He was reckoned righteous by believing the promise of God . But the promise unfolded until there was a whole people in Egypt ready for a very real deliverance in real time as a whole people .
This was celebrated in the Passover Feast .
But it transpires there are even bigger , more universally applicable versions of the Three Feasts .
It turns out the whole Tabernacle blueprint are like 3 states in the Spirit too that we are to grow into and explore . Nothing finishes or ends and Matthews Marks Lukes and Johns look a bit different in how it works with each , especially in the final stage where we are all our very human acacia boxes with very unique human graining , being covered in very unique relationship with Jesus ,inside and out with His gold .
The things that got lost in Catholicism midway , were that we returned back to a works religion to get into heaven , so Martin Luther was used to being the whole clarifying process again .
This is triggered by Vitamin D3 and HMB , if that's true. Or curcumin and black pepper , which most now declare is true .
It's Word and Spirit. . ...stamped through like in Blackpool Rock right through the Tabernacle.
That's why New Thought of Eckhard Tolle and New Age are not accurate . They aren't Word and Holy Spirit . Word and Spirit require Jesus and His warm fresh eternal Blood covering us and coming into us .
Psychiatry is clinical by comparison . It only covers two brain halves which includes physical body memories . Jesus delivers us totally by removing our old spirit man and making us new creations .
It goes behind the physical molecules and cells , to spirit level and rebuilds everything out from there .
Now the point of this post is to say HMB and Vitamin D3.....unless you know that can be knowing about 1887 discovery HMB but it's not doing anything . It's not deemed important .
I was brought up a new Methodist but because I didn't have the new birth / regeneration / born again information , I gave it all up and became atheist .
Billy Graham supplied the necessary information , though it's sitting facing all of us in John 3 and Romans 10.
The Jesus Move provided the Pentecostal information ....we must be filled with the Spirit .Baptised in the Spirit .
Repent . Be Baptised in water . Be filled with the Spirit .
We even started running part of our services in the Holy Spirit .
It's the thirdlevel protocols that move us from a kind of Book of Ezekiel Temple only system into a full City on a Hill Book of Nehemiah .....all the Gates and Walls system ready for the multitudes to enter .
As Individuals , the apostolic key for " 1 John 2 fathers knowing Him who is from the beginning is
a much more specific form of Proverbs 3.6.
It's not just the previous " Acknowledge Him in all your ways " instruction .....
It's believe upon your Romans 6 Death on the Cross in Jesus and believe in the Colossians 3. 3 spirit man fusion as your sole new life .
Genesis 3 lied to us and told us we were sheep of our own pasture ....that we are self running souls ....what Madam Guyon describes as front of house serving staff like butlers cleaning staff , cooks , maids and chauffeurs , pretending to be the owners of the estate . No THE BUTLER MIND IS NOT THE OWNER . We were always spirit . Our former spirit was snake bitten . Satan as me .
Now the Greek of Colossians 3.3 is my life is hidden with Christ in God ....which is enlaced or Interwined like DNA with Christ .
The Second thirdlevel key of a City on a Hill EKKLESIA is that unlike anything else in the earth it's not pyramid run , it's run by One Melchizedek human priest off Creation . It must be visibly so .
For that we need thirdlevel elderships who have trained themselves all to see Light , to walk in Light .
This is not me making it up . It's all there in what Luke writes in Acts and what John writes in 1 John 1.
In 1 Corinthians 12 it's all there . It's not even written in strange mysterious language .
Oy , Corinthians , you were used to being moved around by any which Temple cult spirit .....well don't do that moved by the One Holy Spirit that exalts Jesus as Lord .
And He does three main types of things .....
1. He can move anybody in the 9 supernatural gifts, or testimony , prayer , song etc
2. He can move any one of Paul's 3 lists of 14 ministries to do something more substantial
3. He can directly engage the whole congregation in some kind of operation . I've experienced waves of healing , waves of deep worship , waves of deliverance , waves of weeping and lamentation or weeping at the goodness of God , waves of joy , waves of revelation as literal Bible verses are unpacked in almost 3D format ....psalm 123....psalm 23.....Naamans 7 dippings, trying to remember's 50 years ......
Listen to me ......Vitamin D3 had to be added to the 1887 HMB discovery before anybody even recognised its usefulness .
For 2000 years we have rebelled against Christ's words and the world can't think why on earth people go to church .....
Here's the rebellion ......Jesus said if two or more gather in My Name there AM I in your midst .
He didn't say comply with an Anglican Order
He didn't say gather in the name of Bill Johnson or a Warren member in Emsworth or a son of Colin Urquhart or even his Dad .
Here's what Jesus said
Call no man father . Call no man teacher
If I be lifted up before men then I will draw all men unto Me
Build for yourselves Tabernacles of boughs of 4 types of tree. What do we do ? One Bill Johnson Tree. One Kris Vallotten tree . The leafy boughs that form roofs have holes in .
When we go into an ekklesia we sniff Christ . It's different from anything else on the earth .
It's the Pillar and Ground of a Man having the right to reign over us .
But it has a roof , and that's what Gate of Mipkad is .
12 elders judging and weighing things .
Just one tweak in the protocols . Jesus being invited in to pastor His own Bridal spouse .
Radical huh ?
Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God .
If your eye is single your bodies will be filled with Light .
Do we want the Body filled with Light to hand up for 2000 years of religion , even Pentecostal and Charismatic sign seeking religion .
On the first day when humans did church properly in Acts 2, 3000 men who had in some way been involved in the crucifixion of Christ came flooding in to the new ecclesia .
Now that's a tough sell , because 2000 years later Jews are not rushing into church .
But that's what happens when we actually read the Bible and do it instead of playing Portsmouth Havant Hayling Island Emsworth Chichester Party Games in different buildings racking up stupid amounts of electricity bills .