Friday, 28 February 2025

Sliding Door Seriousness

 Two messages on one video clip . A few seconds pause between the scripted one below and then a Message on how there are Sliding Doors moments in history .

We don't need Jesus to die for us .
Yes we do . Here's why .
Here's the truth .
Our slender existence on this planet is played out in types of blood.
We either submit to the Mafia type protection scandal .....of appeasement to spirits with a system I will describe . Or like Jews we paint blood upon our doorposts and escape the Avenging angel .
The Blood of Jesus Christ alone is our covering .
Angels who fell are consigned to judgment , so the same judgment that they have been promised they want to make sure happens to us , and to be fair , God has to allow that .
But there is an escape . On the day of the Fall He provided a promissory note in the form of real animals giving their lives .
But the true rescue , isn't even from Egypt in the first Passover , it's in the Passover of the Lamb .
Here's the dreadful tale nobody really knew on earth until these last 12 years of exposure .
Every year untold thousands of children die , some bred, some snatched from the streets or social care homes .
Jessie Czebotar is revealing the very architecture and symbols where the ritual murders take place . We walk past these very buildings and coats of arms .
Principalities and powers demand these sacrifices in return for top positions on their manufactured pyramids of Fortune 500 , Army , Government , media , Churches etc etc
Our only escape is Jesus .
He is our only legitimacy left .

Wednesday, 26 February 2025

Free Wilfred Wong Wrongly imprisoned for trying to rescue an SRA victim


Letter from Prison

If you love Wilfred's Testimony write to encourage him.
This is gross British injustice to cover up abuse here.

Wilfred Wong
HMP Stocken
2 Stockenhall Rd
LE15 7 RD

Kingdom as a witness


The gospel presentation in the world ....triggered by the man with the cross and accordion pic I just saw , is yes that we can be born again and follow Jesus .

Then there's the method whereby we bring somebody to church or a crusade knowing that where we gather in Jesus Name there He manifests His Presence or maybe signs amongst us .

The problem is mixing one and two .
We can't actually live together , because nobody on earth knows how to live off Genesis 3, in Galatians 2.20 with signs following or not .
I say or not , giving John 4 and John 7 as " or not " chapters , because other things were happening ....although Jesus did have a word of knowledge in John 4.

We are priesthood .....but at best we seem to only be good at " priesting " in ones .....and when we go out as churches people know it's a presentation and not real life .

We can handle born again and baptism in the Spirit ,
but that's about it .
Acts , 1 John 1 , is so much more .
Jesus living with the 12 is described by John as ," and Jesus came and Tabernacled amongst us ".
And that's what Kingdom is .
Americans don't believe in Kingdom .
They don't believe Galatians 2.20 is even real .
They can't allow churches to function under Jesus because they don't think He's that real .
That He can function through leaders , through everybody , or even direct for example when Jesus sensed that the Presence of the Lord was there to heal .....or like when people prayed on the ground because the holiness of God was on the Hebrides islands .

The Bible says " When the message of the Kingdom has been preached as a witness in all the earth then the end shall come ".

Reinhard Bonnke isn't really preaching Kingdom ....He's preaching signs following being born again and being Spiritfilled ....but that's not what the phrase " as a witness " means .

Jesus came and Tabernacled amongst us is more the context of " as a witness ".
Feast of Booths in the Jewish natural setting , is a transparent look at family enjoying each other in a week long festival .
In the Spirit it's the steady state miracle a witness .....that a bunch of people are now able to live Jesus in them as them beyond a meeting room door .

When the message of the Kingdom has been preached as a witness

You can't fake it .
It's something Romans 6 to 8 hard bakes in us .
Kingdom is near us even in our mouth .
We confess Galatians 2.20 through all the madness , and by it we are fixed .
2 Timothy 2 calls it " being known " by God .
Peter calls it a Morning Star growing in our hearts until the Day come .
Jesus calls it getting enough oil for the Wedding Feast .
He also calls it the 3 difficult areas of life in the middle of the Lords Prayer .
Or the three tests in the wilderness where He just had to say " No ".

The rubbish weekly testimony of churches all the way up high streets ....and it's no better with Charismatic/ Pentecostal churches . Pyramid churches must remain divided because they are flesh . They aren't ecclesia . God only builds in Tabernacles roof with holes .
Americans are wrong . England and Europe are even WRONGIER".
God has laid out the Old Covenant version , so we would slip stream Into the now new Galatians 2.20 version , where the new High Priest of the Order of Melchizedek is for the first time human , acquainted with all our sufferings and griefs , and simultaneously living now within us . This is the most bizarre concept ....but such is quantum , such is spirit , such is John 14.21 and John 17.21.

We the Christ Vine ...but we are the branchey bits .
We bear much fruit , because it's Him ....and our abiding is our continuous heart believing and mouth confession .

It's the abiding that takes us down to the truth , and it's the truth ....that sets us free .....

So like Acts , when we are out together being City on a Hill's cos we really are .....

And not playing silly little American evangelism games on sidewalks .

" Here , do you want to learn how you live Jesus in you as you ?Are you prepared to take up your Cross to all the foul Genesis 3 dogooding and do evilling?
Well you've come to the right bunch . Have some Isaiah 55 water ...without price ".

Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Elephants in Rooms


Elephants in rooms .
 Brits are told not to discuss religion or politics . .....Realised they are the same . Hence psalm 2.

 The secondary reason is that the left , right political divide has no answer ,in the same way male or female has no answer or young and old has no answer .

Sorry to get deep but that's why the two loaves of bread are waved in the middling transition realm of the middle Feast and the middle place in God's House . It's why there are two Spiritfilled houses of God on Hayling Hampshire UK. It's why God Channel can't get it together with Revelation Channel . It's why thousands of baptised in the Spirit people from the charismatic move and the Jesus Move split into two streams in 1976.

We manifest Romans 6 or we don't. 
Nobody can hide what they inwardly believe .
There is NO ANSWER to the Body of Christ divisions until they can see the Head . Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God . Until then ,among the Holy Spirit chasers there's the candlestick people and the Table of ShewBread people . Even in Muslims there are the more mystical dancing Sufis, and Sunnis . In China are the Falun Gong .

There are dancers and there are readers .
Eventually we get settled in the One . The Luciferian idea is that he be the One and we can't buy or sell unless we submit to him . Well that's not a great way of wooing a whole population .Love me or you can't eat and survive !

We manifest Romans 6 or we don't. 

 Others say , well that's what Christianity says . 
No . God is more like the Good Samaritan who crosses boundaries to us in our broken state , binds us up and takes us to hospital and pays the bill . Our state is because of the Satan hookup . And even that was allowed to take place so we would learn secondhand what Satan learned or isn't learning firsthand ...... That there's nothing outside of God's life . The results are truly deadly . 

God has come like a Good Samaritan from another place to provide treatment if we are interested . This way He knows He's spending eternity with people that want Him and also , unlike the third of fallen angels , have had a taste of the alternative , and now think a permanent decision to the wrath state .....NO THANKS ...SELF FOR SELF DOES NOT WORK.

Sunday, 23 February 2025

Dr Naomi Wolf at Oxford Union Debate Last Night

 If  you are new to Jewish Dr Naomi Wolf , she has suffered professionally as a result of her outspokenness during the Covid Period, and through this become  a respected voice of professionalism , intellectual thought and research , now coupled with  the  input of her military husband concerning international trends.
Its quite a lot of video to catch up on  for one post for those who are interested, but I think it's important that  those who  are outside America realise she has a long and developing track record in her outspoken  and envelope pushing views. She has been an advocate of feminism , perhaps without realising there was a hidden Kalergi agenda also. She is an outspoken Jewish voice against what many like myself refer to as the Ezekiel 28 Briers element . Some say  "Those who say they are Jews but are not " type Jews.
Witney Webb's  America under Blackmail Volume 1 and 2 list many of those profiles, and Jeanette Archer, Heather Blessington , Jessie Czebotar (Elon ) and imprisoned Cali Shea Bergandi name Trump and Elon too. The confusion is there are Double Agents, and there are those born in the System fighting against it's WATCH THIS SPACE.  and with SSP it's quite literally watch this space.

Dr Naomi Wolf 1997 on Feminism
Dr Naomi Wolf 2016 on  the Jewish Actions towards Palestinians

Dr Naomi Wolf Last night in Oxford for the Debate on whether we should cancel the cancel culture here in Britain. THIS IS the Direct Telegram Link to her Telegram Channel.

This is a Mirror Copy if you have problems with the Telegram Link

Musiiiiiiiiiiiic Goes through another change

 Like it or loathe it I have always stated as a worship leader pressing through  the first 20 years  of the Jesus Move from 1972 to 1988 when I  got effectively thrown out of the secondlevel in Christ  in order to explore and push us forward into the thirdlevel according to Hebrews 13.13......
But I have recognised that  we were moving into a new thing called FLOW....which went beyond the fixed harmonic chord loops of jazz into an exciting instant symphonic realm beyond.

Well , like David  I hung up my harp in another land in order to explore whole of life Galatians 2.20 living. My Double CD 1990 shows where  we had got to ......
For one track  John Daniels, Michael Thom  and I  went into the studio shortly before a lunch break . I state the next track I wanted to do was Joel 2 which begins with a desert scene of a wide expanse with tumble weed blowing across the desert strewn with dry cracked chords.....we just played it. And twenty years following the Holy Spirit in music with keyboards and flute meant that this was now possible. Probably our Eastern raga music friends will say they'd been doing that for centuries.....but to be fair to us Brits, we were staggering out of the cave of leftbrain locked Enlightenment into the worship and praise of our precious Jesus and we had had to learn everything from scratch again.

The second thing , like it or loathe it , is that Rockefeller's Kallergi type plan to corrupt beauty in art with  his foundation's sponsorship of  every thing in art to devalue the human spirit, and which included the promotion  of Schoenberg's Unlistenable 12 tone system ....ACTUALLY had the effect of widening our musical palate to include loads of new experimental soundscapes which have been invaluable to films and documentaries .
This led to extraordinary new orchestral sounds.
This led to Brian Eno .
 This led to Yes, to John and Vangelis.
This then led to hiphop and looping .
This led to Real instrument looping in worship like Phil Driscoll's trumpet playing. Bill Clinton used him at his Presidential Inauguration. 
This led to street busking taken to another level of looping

Rheinhardt Buhr

But I'm really highlighting the new electronic instruments and sound systems that are advancing FLOW MUSIC.

The Table of Shewbread People dislike Flow Music and as Fourth Quartile People ( The St John types)we can take people into wrong spirit  but by the Holy Spirit we  can take people into God areas.
Meditation and Bible verses themselves are portals , as is music , into aspects of God's Kingdom , into righteousness peace and joy and upbuilding , faith and exhortation.
It can be just empty emotion not engagiing in the Spirit , but just hooking us into some mushy emotional high .
But Psalm 150 and the other psalms are taking us into the worship and Presence of God in all the amplitude of life experience and expressed by every instrument and sound and playing  technique under the sun ....or hey .....above the sun .
Even in the public arena Jacob Collier has been taking public participation  and choral song clustering onto a new level .

Joel 2   1990

Practice Four Living Beings


Practice Four living Beings 

We are going to need it .

We are doing a crash course in 4 Woods Tabernacles .

Practice the legal ordering , the organisation of things , our sovereign rights as humans , our rights to trade good services and products 

That's Matthew culture 

Practice hospitality , sending money , helping , friendliness , something new and practical 

That's Mark 

Practice thinking , outside tramlines . Solutions . Teaching steps . Read something different . Teach somebody something .
That'll be Lukish

Capture some vision . Hear some psalm 19 on the breeze . Dream greater . See some glory . If you are surrounded by brick and concrete , meditate on some Word , something the Holy Spirit wants to take of Jesus and show us .

Put on some John stuff.


THE DEVILS HAD 6000 YEARS AND WE HAVE ENTERTAINED HIM .....USELESSLY IN THE LAST 2000 YEARS BECAUSE HE WAS STRIPPED OF ALL RIGHTS . It's a bit like looking back at all your unnecessary Genesis 3 years outside of God's Covenant . Totally unnecessary . Partly ignorance .

Partly the continued stupidity of trying to make Genesis 3 independent self work . A clue is cemeteries .

Saturday, 22 February 2025

Some Fresh Thirdlevel Foundations

These messages were recorded separately, and at very different times by Chris Welch and Mike Parsons. There's no real reason to put my name first as both are different aspects of what Paul wrote to Timothy in book 2 second chapter. 

  Nevertheless, the firm foundation of God stands, having this seal: “The Lord knows those who are His;” and, “Everyone who names the name of the Lord is to keep away from wickedness.”

These two videos cover KNOWING HIM WHO IS FROM THE BEGINNING from two angles. The KNOWING precedes the real permanent leaving. No you are right we can never say we are perfect in a leftbrain steady state kind of way, because to even speak like that is deception because its a Genesis 3 kind of separation statement. Nevertheless if we let ourselves be known by God , He Himself becomes our aversion to wickedness...and not just from a moral glowing holy point of view....but because like the disciples letting Jesus be crucufied in front of them and Paul having Stephen murdered, it haunts us for the rest of the lives to see what Satan pulled off through us. So these are two angles on a new foundation that is being put into all the Church , of KNOWING HIM.

Please put comments on this blog or on each of our Youtube videos.

These two videos cover KNOWING HIM WHO IS FROM THE BEGINNING from two angles.

The KNOWING precedes the real permanent leaving. No you are right we can never say we are perfect in a leftbrain steady state kind of way, because to even speak like that is deception  because its a Genesis 3 kind of separation statement.
Nevertheless if we let ourselves be known by God , He Himself becomes our aversion  to wickedness...and not just from a moral glowing holy point of view....but because like the disciples letting Jesus be crucufied in front of them  and Paul having Stephen murdered, it haunts us for the rest of the lives to see what Satan pulled off through us.

So these are two angles on a new foundation that is being put into all the Church , of KNOWING HIM.

Please put comments on this blog or on each of our Youtube videos.

Friday, 21 February 2025

Sean Mc Cann and Jaymee Jay, Deep Dive into Satanic Methods so we become wiser

 As Survivirs break free and write their testimonies in books Jaymee Jay explains  many of the Satanic systems which we need to be aware of as believers because many things are paraded in Plain sight but we are too naive.
I dont think I hold to their opinions about male circumcision , whereas I am against female circumcision .
Either way as a Christian Gentile I am glad it is nolonger relevant and a lot of my blog is about the real circuncision of the heart as described in Ezekiel 36 and jeremiah 31 and is a work of the glorious  Third Person of the Trinity . I just add this for my regular readers, and not because it is a major part of this presentation.
The Odysee film is shorter and below that is a link to the Wake the dead page of Sean McCann which is the longer version

Wednesday, 19 February 2025

William Seymour and Azusa Street


Do you know William Seymour? You’ve heard about other God’s Generals, but what about the one-eyed, humble black preacher who shook the world from a run-down stable in Los Angeles? It all started with a prayer meeting in a small house on Bonnie Brae Street. Seymour and a few others were hungry… not for fame, not for wealth, but for God. They had read about the Holy Spirit’s power in the Bible, and they wanted to see it. For months, they prayed, fasted, and waited. And then, on April 9, 1906, something happened. That night, as they gathered, the atmosphere shifted. Edward Lee, one of the believers, suddenly fell to the floor and began speaking in tongues. The room exploded! people cried out, fell on their faces, wept, and shouted for joy. Some ran into the streets, unable to contain what they had just experienced. And before they knew it, hundreds gathered outside, desperate to encounter the presence of God. The porch of the house collapsed under the weight of the crowd, but even that couldn’t stop the fire. It was clear, they needed a bigger space. That’s how they found 312 Azusa Street, a dirty, abandoned warehouse that once housed a church but was now being used as a stable. It had no fancy altar, no comfortable pews, just a dusty floor covered in sawdust. But the moment they stepped in, Heaven invaded Earth. Then came the fire!!! Not just the fire of passion, not just revival, real fire!! One night, flames were seen rising from the Azusa Street building, so high that neighbors called the fire department. But when the firefighters arrived, they found something they couldn’t explain, there was no natural fire, only the supernatural glory of God. And inside? People were being healed on the spot. The blind saw, The lame walked, The sick were instantly made whole. And the strangest part? The revival was unstoppable. Word spread. Missionaries came from across the world, hungry to see what God was doing. And when they left, they carried the fire with them. The Pentecostal movement was born, and from that one stable in Los Angeles, it spread to the nations. This was not just a revival. This was a movement that still shakes the world today. And it all started because one man dared to believe that God still moves. William Seymour! How many of can dare to believe in God and reality of his power. Nations are waiting! Follow Amarachi Raphael for more edifying content


Sunday, 16 February 2025

Health Statistics


Anybody waking up to the Club of Rome Bertrand Russell Plan to genocide a large percentage of humanity by 2030 yet?

Part of the Hearts and Minds campaign tested in Jewish Ghettoes, in the camps with Mengele, and then subsequent places of torture in Vietnam, North Korea, South America, was testing out wearing people down by stating what they are doing but rendering everybody with a feeling of powerlessness to resist.

The first concentration camps were invented by Kitchener in the Boer War. Our history is an Internationalist group of truly evil and some say not human or hybrid class at the top.
Satanic Ritual Abuse survivors have never spoken out in history ever, which is how occult remained occult. For the first time they lay bare the plans of this wicked group of humans and their experiences with them in 50Voicesdotorg.

Elaine Kelly on what she doesn't want a Digital World for



Elaine Kelly 
 I don’t want to connect my coffee machine to the wifi network. 

 I don’t want to share the file with OneDrive.

 I don’t want to download an app to check my car’s fluid levels.

 I don’t want to scan a QR code to view the restaurant menu.

 I don’t want to let Google know my location before showing me the search results. 

 I don’t want to include a Teams link on the calendar invite. 

 I don’t want to pay 50 different monthly subscription fees for all my software. 

 I don’t want to upgrade to TurboTax platinum plus audit protection.

 I don’t want to install the Webex plugin to join the meeting.

 I don’t want to share my car’s braking data with the actuaries at State Farm.

 I don’t want to text with your AI chatbot. 

 I don’t want to download the Instagram app to look at your picture.

 I don’t want to type in my email address to view the content on your company’s website.

 I don’t want text messages with promo codes. 

 I don’t want to leave your company a five-star Google review in exchange for the chance to win a $20 Starbucks gift card.

 I don’t want to join your exclusive community in the metaverse.

 I don’t want AI to help me write my comments on LinkedIn.
 I don’t even want to be on LinkedIn in the first place.

 I just want to pay for a product one time (and only one time), know that it’s going to work flawlessly, press 0 to speak to an operator if I need help, and otherwise be left alone and treated with some small measure of human dignity, if that’s not too much to ask anymore. I love technology...but I also love limits and boundaries.

Thursday, 13 February 2025


 We have looked at Loosh. Here's the subject of Vril .

Chantelle of Aquarius Rising South Africa just did a three part serial podcast on Vril energy .
I would handle this information with care, because Dr Dennis Carroll states he is of the Knights Templars.  This entire set of conversations  is  for information purposes , but do not be lulled away from the Cross and the revelation in the Bible. There are many other sources of  information from fallen lying principalities and powers.
Vril....Lizard Race?????

Why is Vril central ?

The podcasts didn't state it but this is what it is related to 

The glory and power of God in earthen vessels that Paul refers to .

Whoever wrote Hebrews 13 13 this is what that Intercession power paragraph refers to . NOT MORMONS AND GENEALOGIES AT ALL .

Vril is a Vedic term ... But that's what the principalities and powers and Tavistock Institute hybrid beings are desperately after . That's why they brainwash small kids like Jeanette Archer at 5.

That's what they are after .....the Vril energy that is in all of us but is nearer the surface in the fourth quartile , so like in Minority Report with the sages in tanks , they hunt down and stalk the ' gifted ' , the Yuri Gellers ....while they tell the public there's nothing other than two brainhalves .


This next bigger piece was written to the  Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivors Group in Telegram 

Chantelle of Aquarius Rising South Africa just did a two part serial podcast on Vril energy .

Why is Vril central ?

The podcasts didn't state it but this is what it is related to 

The glory and power of God in earthen vessels that Paul refers to .

Whoever wrote Hebrews 13 13 this is what that Intercession power paragraph refers to . NOT MORMONS AND GENEALOGIES AT ALL .

Vril is a Vedic term ... But that's what the principalities and powers and Tavistock Institute hybrid beings are desperately after . That's why they brainwash small kids like Jeanette Archer at 5.

That's what they are after .....the Vril energy that is in all of us but is nearer the surface in the fourth quartile , so like in Minority Report with the sages in tanks , they hunt down and stalk the ' gifted ' , the Yuri Gellers ....while they tell the public there's nothing other than two brainhalves .

Chris Welch:

I knew about Vril vaguely but the series of two last podcasts by Aquarius Rising helped me understand the link between 

Rape of children and trafficking 

Use of children's Vril vital energy 

Use of Vril in fourth quartiles ....Matthew Mark Luke John ....the John quartile ....who like Children have more accessible Vril from the word go ....

Then I understood something ....

Like when he said the swastika can be used left or right .

The vedic use in Indian culture claims it uses it the right way .

Personally I don't trust anything that hasn't been through Jesus blood at the Cross ....the ultimate teastrainer .

But the main things to catch hold of in SRA ....yes rape physically is one thing ....but Satan is after your and my Vril  ...which is far more sinister .

Using our spirit .

Why ?

This is the weird thing about humans the Bible says 

Made a little lower than the angels yet crowned with glory and honour .

And another verse about the glory and power being released from earthenware containers .

That's the secret the fallen angels are after .

While continually telling us we are nothing ....they are jealous for the bits of ALL POWER that are resident in our spirit man . It is even beyond ANGELIC.

This is God's madness in psalm 8.

To blow up the whole finest plans of the highest fallen angels through specks of dust .Us . And children .

Let the children come unto Me says Jesus .

Since the power of the baptism in the Spirit restarted  in a big way 100 years ago .....there's tons of accounts of kids being caught up in the Spirit .

On my FB friends list two ministries , David and Kathie Walters , have ministered majorly with children , especially David . Their own children have grown up in like manner . One child was taking Bibles into Russia at 11 or something .

I don't know if psalm 8 refers to all of humanity as babes and sucklings recently out of heaven compared with eons old angels .....

Or whether the plans of God literally have children at the centre .

Some say aborted babies fly around God's throne ....maybe that too is a crazy form of intercession provoking the strongest kind of Power in God .

Paul said God's grace is perfected in weakness . It's just our switchover point into the Vril God power .

I guess because of Nazis it's not safe to use the word Vril .

But anyway that's certainly how real Jesusianity works .

When we do something God puts on our heart to do , it has crazy power ....even if like Jesus in a food trough it  doesn't seem that way at the time .

So imagine as Jeanette was waking up and wanting to do something ....there's tons of things she could have done .

But by far the two biggest , that are so strategic , but not immediately obvious ....especially after thousands of years of a cult of silence .....

Standing outside one of the very places of your rape and torture , but not only that .....

One of the main seats of world demonic enslavement ....The Crown 

And yelling with a megaphone and recording that ....but especially in Windsor also reading that South African letter which is a secondary piece of evidence of the Royal instigated cloning and supersoldier programme . That took it outside just Jeanette's testimony .

Many of us had already watched Miles Johnston's Bases series ....which errrrr suddenly taken down either after Alternative View last conferences ....Tim Rafat conducting some  kind of takedown intention of Rothschild ....and of course Jeanette in 2021.

The second thing which wasn't obvious was arranging the first ever blooming world conference of SRA survivors which together with 50Voices , Max and other websites , Rachel's repeated onslaughts on Australian crooked Infrastructures , all had something more than just good mental ideas about them .

They are all God ideas with Vril power .

If you are aware , there's two scales of God power .

Because churches can't be assed to behave like Jerusalem church in Acts ....where you had 12 ridiculously anointed people just walking past people and their shadows or auras healed them .

All we can be bothered to do since 100 years ago are have one ridiculously anointed ministry like Benson Idahosa , or Benny Hinn strutting around on a podium for money's got nothing to do with kingdom's ME-dom

Nevertheless that's one scale of power . Jesus always said ' I only do what I see my Father doing '

Now here's the weird thing ...and it's also Jeanette or Heather ....there's another scale . That's where you just simply don't care and behave like an idiot anyway .

Like Peter walking on water .

But here's the thing we only learned recently .

I was tipped off to it by Mother Basilea Schlink who chased Chairman Mao off his swoop on Europe in the 70s . She had learned of this ....and it's true because Jung Chang put the army details in her big Mao book . Anyway next thing the earth knew Nixon and Mao were having a tea party .

This is the key sentence Basilea told us " Go the Way of the Lamb it's a way of Great Power ".

So if you look at all the Gates of Jerusalem the most powerful gate is gate 12. The prison gate .

I think it's the most powerful because it's the very opposite of Aleister Crowley Do what thou willst and the Genesis 3 " duality " or moon reflection lie .

Jesus last week was prison ....but His last prison was what you'd call pretty darned committed ....Hades .

And the Holy Spirit exploded Him and us out of death . It's the greatest show of power from being ' enclosed ' and shut in ....ever .

When Jeanette was surrounded yet again with death and torture of babies ....after years of the stuff her spirit finally exploded in some kind of Vril energy ....however it worked ....there were 8 dead people .

Anyway this second , regional and international scale of energy was imitated by Paul . Being imprisoned happened to all the apostles but Paul made it into a profession .

Whoever wrote Hebrews ....chapter 13.13 describes this mad intercession trick of letting God put you in things which release such spiritual power change explodes across a region or nation .

As mad as Wilfrid Wong's situation looks .....something like this is happening through his mad situation .

David Hathaway was taking Bibles into USSR around 1961 and was jailed for a year .  But since that time he has been used phenomenally in breaking Russia and the Balkans and Northern states open . He drives me nuts because he's the old school Pentecostal solo wunderkind ....forgetting the whole way Jesus actually built the first church . But hey .....every church in the earth is a solo wunderkind or boringkind model !!!Nobody does what Jesus and Paul put in the Bible at all .

Paul was another level of crazy some of you guys as you are breaking free .

He was stoned by his fellow Jews outside one City . The other believers prayed for him , raised him up from death and the first thing he says cup of tea nothing ....Right which city shall we do next ?

Which reminds me of the last point .

SRA is really weird humanly but from a heartless fallen angelic point of view using people who can dissociate ....they know of the power of our spirit being . That's why they have this callous attitude to whether we die or don't . So parents in the system may even kill or very nearly kill you ....but a lot of times they will bring you back or arrange for in house doctors and surgeons .

It's a system that thinks totally objectively can we use your energy ...your spirit ....your soul .

It's using humans as farmers use animals ....well worse .

Apart from military soldiers ....maybe firemen and hospital staff  ...who gets such insight into the edge of eternity like you crowd ??

Chris Welch:If you are aware , there's two scales of God power .Because churches can't be assed to behave like Jerusalem church in Acts ....where you had 12 ridiculously anointed people just walking past people and their shadows or auras healed them .All we can be bothered to do since 100 years ago are have one ridiculously anointed ministry like Benson Idahosa , or Benny Hinn strutting around on a podium for money's got nothing to do with kingdom's ME-domNevertheless that's one scale of power . Jesus always said ' I only do what I see my Father doing 'Now here's the weird thing ...and it's also Jeanette or Heather ....there's another scale . That's where you just simply don't care and behave like an idiot anyway .Like Peter walking on water .But here's the thing we only learned recently .I was tipped off to it by Mother Basilea Schlink who chased Chairman Mao off his swoop on Europe in the 70s . She had learned of this ....and it's true because Jung Chang put the army details in her big Mao book . Anyway next thing the earth knew Nixon and Mao were having a tea party .This is the key sentence Basilea told us " Go the Way of the Lamb it's a way of Great Power ".So if you look at all the Gates of Jerusalem the most powerful gate is gate 12. The prison gate .I think it's the most powerful because it's the very opposite of Aleister Crowley Do what thou willst and the Genesis 3 " duality " or moon reflection lie .Jesus last week was prison ....but His last prison was what you'd call pretty darned committed ....Hades .And the Holy Spirit exploded Him and us out of death . It's the greatest show of power from being ' enclosed ' and shut in ....ever .When Jeanette was surrounded yet again with death and torture of babies ....after years of the stuff her spirit finally exploded in some kind of Vril energy ....however it worked ....there were 8 dead people .Anyway this second , regional and international scale of energy was imitated by Paul . Being imprisoned happened to all the apostles but Paul made it into a profession .Whoever wrote Hebrews ....chapter 13.13 describes this mad intercession trick of letting God put you in things which release such spiritual power change explodes across a region or nation .As mad as Wilfrid Wong's situation looks .....something like this is happening through his mad situation .David Hathaway was taking Bibles into USSR around 1961 and was jailed for a year .  But since that time he has been used phenomenally in breaking Russia and the Balkans and Northern states open . He drives me nuts because he's the old school Pentecostal solo wunderkind ....forgetting the whole way Jesus actually built the first church . But hey .....every church in the earth is a solo wunderkind or boringkind model !!!Nobody does what Jesus and Paul put in the Bible at all .Paul was another level of crazy some of you guys as you are breaking free .He was stoned by his fellow Jews outside one City . The other believers prayed for him , raised him up from death and the first thing he says cup of tea nothing ....Right which city shall we do next ?Which reminds me of the last point .SRA is really weird humanly but from a heartless fallen angelic point of view using people who can dissociate ....they know of the power of our spirit being . That's why they have this callous attitude to whether we die or don't . So parents in the system may even kill or very nearly kill you ....but a lot of times they will bring you back or arrange for in house doctors and surgeons .It's a system that thinks totally objectively can we use your energy ...your spirit ....your soul .It's using humans as farmers use animals ....well worse .Apart from military soldiers ....maybe firemen and hospital staff  ...who gets such insight into the edge of eternity like you crowd ??Christians cast demons out ....which looks worrying , because they aren't happy about leaving .But SRA people have been out to the edge so many times to create the amnesia barriers .But on the other side of things , many of you have such high performance in some of your training , you can't have that taken away .The Vril messages shed light on Vikings , South American Jaguar people , Beserkers and bears , why people eat kidneys .....why the System were about to invite James Kawalya the Ugandan witch back to Europe after his success ....not to honour him ...but to eat him to gain his power .Satan's systems are totally weird and round the houses .  The Cross cuts our corrupted spirit man stone dead ,and we are raised in Christ which is the most centre of Command we could get to ....but like Jesus own life ....down here it looks really weird as though we are none of these things .But even Satanists like Aleister Crowley lived in a two up two down terrace house in Margate . Who'd have known ?

Tuesday, 11 February 2025

When Armstrongism and Plain Truth folded

 Taken from Stay at Home Mum reply on Quora

Is or was the Worldwide Church of God a cult?

YES it was! After having been out of it for 20 plus years…I would venture to say that many churches could fall into the category of cult.

I actually grew up in the World Wide Church of God…born into it 1975 and left in 1997. I remember sitting in my Religious Studies class in a regular University and reading through Cults…and seeing the name of my Church!! I didn’t even think about it like that. Of course at the time I was still attending and I said something like “well it isn’t a bad one… and we were the only TRUE church so who cares?” Little did I know…because it was all I even knew and of course I was somewhat brainwashed…

That next year I attended the University that Church kids were encouraged to attend…down in Big Sandy, Texas not knowing within the next year it was about to all fall apart. I was 19 when everything I ever believed and was taught to be TRUTH was thrown in my face to possibly be wrong. It was a crazy time for sure. I witnessed the falling apart of a very LARGE church…and saw a lot of ugliness. It wasn’t pretty…and was an easy excuse for me to RUN from all things Religious…and feel like I was FREE from so many of the extreme Rules of the Church.

I could write a book…and there are some that have been written. There is even a wonderful little documentary that shows how we came out of a Theology that wasn’t pointing us to Christ. We were a obedient group…but much of it was off of FEAR than out of LOVE. There were congregations and ministers that def took advantage and there was manipulation and HURT in areas. Power and abuse…def was in this church…as with many churches. We were a “cult” based on a few factors.

You couldn’t just walk in off the street. There was structure to joining the church. You had to abide by the theology or you would be disfellowshipped. You weren’t “saved” by the blood of Jesus but by doing all the old testament laws. We segregated ourselves and tended to only be around CHURCH members. I know many kids couldn’t hang out with friends outside church.

He taught something called British Israelism. Many different beliefs that aren’t like mainstream Christianity. We were taught that we couldn’t sing “christian songs” outside our own church and read literature outside our own church. Couldn’t wear a cross. God's children are not actually "born again" into spirit until after the return of Jesus to the Earth.

They didn’t believe in the the trinity. They were set apart from other churches and considered ourselves only TRUE church. ‘

They focused on doomsday end times..hence fear. We twisted scripture. Armstrong actually predicted end times would happen between 1975–1978 and HE would be the one to guide people through to safety.

Armstrong taught that he was God’s Apostle- and that there was only ONE that God talked to and he was the selected…

I don’t remember learning much about Jesus…growing up. It was fear driven….I really thought END TIMES could be at any moment as a young girl in the 80s. I do think that has affected me as an adult even though I haven’t really analyzed that at 49!! I never felt the FREEDOM of Christ and the Grace and Mercy of God got left out of the mix. We were very set apart…and most of our lives were focused on “the Church”. Many kids didn’t associate with friends outside the Church and we weren’t allowed to sing songs and read literature “outside” the Church. It was exclusive. If you left…you would be disfellowshipped and risk loosing all the church family you might have ever known. Much of the Theology wasn’t mainstream and sort of a mix of what Armstrong took from the 7th Day, Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses- plus we kept all the Jewish Holidays. Many members adored Armstrong like he was God. I remember when he died…I was scared. WHAT NOW? Our ministers had a lot of power of their congregations and many rules and regulations! I remember members going to ask our ministry if they should buy a car or if there were any major decisions they had to ask first.

Anyways…saw this question and just made me go back 20 plus years. Never a regret growing up in this Church…but I was lucky with my immediate family. There is a lot of junk that came along with this…distrust of all things God and people and institutions. I spent my 20s a bit bitter and lost. I just wished I knew the LOVE of Christ and the Freedom he gives much sooner! I grew character from being so different…no doubt. I was not a “normal” kid at all…but I was taught good values and morals…along with some really jacked up bad theology. Many many people were very hurt within the church as well (as with many churches for that matter). It took me 13 years to seek him out for myself and I’m still learning and growing and getting rid of some of the false teachings of the Church.

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In the last 30 days, I have earned $1218. Was that a side hustle? Yes, but also more than that. Wait for it, I'll tell you everything.

Here’s the thing — I’ve tried maaany ways to make money on the side. I did freelancing, tried teaching English, and made some pottery (I enjoyed it, but let’s face it, I’m not an artist 😂).

Then, completely by chance, I learned about Freecash. And here I am, a bit more than a month later, with $1,200+ cashed out in my PayPal account.

So, what’s Freecash?

No rocket science here. It’s a platform that pays you to test apps and games and complete surveys.

Why would the

How dangerous was/is the worldwide church of God?

What is Armstrongism? Is the Worldwide Church of God a cult?

What are the beliefs of the World Mission Society Church of God, and why is it considered a cult?

Is the World Missionary Society Church of God a cult?

Why do some people consider the Church of God a cult?

I grew up in The Church, and we went to United Church of God an International Association when The Church split. I left when I was about 17, and to this day my dad and I don't speak because of it. His choice. He's still in it. I left when I came to the realization that I hated The Church and didn't believe in God (and may never have).

Growing up in it created so much isolation for me and my family. “Live in the world, but be not of it" meant that I didn't have many friends at all- especially from school. In Birmingham, AL, our congregation was super small, with very few kids. We weren't really

Yes , I was victim of this church for 7 years and with full confidence I can say it is a cult and exploits it's members financially and physically.

Dont be trapped by

1) their prophecies

2) Fake love

3) Their pressure to join them and get baptized immediately

4) Fake social service

Cross check

There prophecies about End of the world -1988,1999,2012,2017

There mother god personal and sexual life

Church Earnings

Ex members testimonies

Reasons they are spreading

Innocent members are motivated by so called blessings and celestial bodies God offering them in next world

Ex :- wmscog says if you save a member and

My grandmother is in the WMSCOG cult. It is definitely a cult I'm 13 now but i remember them recruiting her when i was around 4. They pressured her to be baptized right there and she gave in and baptized her in the yard. THEY GAVE ME YACULT AS A TREAT LOL. She is still in the cult and i will put evidence down bellow as to why i refer to it like this.


my grandma cant even celebrate Christmas

they act like she's special and get mad when she doesn't go no matter what (manipulative tactic)


she has multiple “niv bibles” around her house

there is a bible that is highli

I am writing anonymously since my family was intimately related with the Lexington Church of Christ and Kip McKean, the founder of the International Churches of Christ, and historically the members of the church have been very hostile to detractors. Note that, while I had lots of interaction/knowledge of the church up through mid-1990’s or so, I haven’t followed it much since then, but am familiar with the events leading to McKean’s ouster.

The Church of Christ denomination from which the ICOC originated is a fairly mainstream sort of evangelical Christian denomination. They aren’t so much diff

Is the Restored Church of God a cult?

What is the Mother God cult?

Is the International Churches of Christ a cult? If so, how?

What are the beliefs of the Members Church of God International?

What is Members Church of God International?

My husband got involved in it when he was younger. He didn’t go to meetings, but read the Plain Truth and sent them money. They taught a lot of truth, but they got those truthful ideas from my religion, Jehovah’s Witnesses. But they also incorporated tithing which is not something Christians are expected to do. So they got ten percent of people’s income.

I think Worldwide Church of God was like a lot of religions. Many have extremism, the Catholic Church has corruption, so do other churches. There are a lot of undesirable things about many religion. As far as words like brainwashing and cult, I

The International Church of Christ is a denomination, similar in ways to other denominations in that they have a hierarchical type organization structure, or at least have periodic meetings where groups of men get together to make decisions on what the denomination believes, how the worship services will be held, and develop man-made creeds and doctrine that are often published. Oversight is then given to ensure those claiming to be part of that denomination do not overstep these man-made creeds or they will be told they can no longer wear the name of that denomination.

As stated in Acts 2, the

Is or was the Worldwide Church of God a cult?

I agree with Steven T Cook, that the World Wide Church of God met most of the criteria of a cult under Herbert W Armstrong, particularly in areas like restricting members’ involvement with members of other religions, requiring high levels of commitment of time and money, and considering themselves the only ones who are saved. Of course, there was no questioning the doctrines Armstrong taught.

They were also a Jesus-only (anti-trinitarian) group.

The woman who brought members of my family, including myself, into the Baptist Church joined them not long

If anyone wants proof that the CAG (Church of Almighty God) is a cult, they should watch these two YouTube videos now. In this first one, an elderly man tells point by point why the cult is heretical and unChristian after comparison to Bible Scripture.

The second video is by a woman who exposes cults. She shows the horrific past of the CAG in China and then how they abuse members and non members alike. These two videos are extensive but only two of the many videos I found that expose the CAG as a dangerous cult with worldwide reach.

Yes grew up in the church from a baby fasted at 4 years old Friday night till sat night feast in big sandy texas was a cheerleader basket ball .baseball volleyball .married who the family chose for Me both family had too approve the marriage. No birthday no halloween no christmas no fri or sat with friends my ex husband and I got a divorce he got custody of the kids I was disowned placed on the streets my family didn't talk too me for 27 yrs made peace with 1 yr before he passed my mother is methodist now ..but still believe in some .beliefs my other half still believe all of the old ways even

Acts 5:38-39 But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God. And now I say unto you, Refrain from these men, and let them alone: for if this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to nought:

Matthew 12:31–32 Why I say to you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven to men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven to men. And whoever speaks a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whoever speaks against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world


I don’t like to attach the word “Cult” to religious groups as a rule. There are too many shades of meaning to “cult” and so it isn’t specific enough.

Any group, religious or secular, should be examined as to whether they have one or two dangerous characteristics, such as being Authoritarian and/or using Mind Control techniques.

If the answer is yes to either or both of those, AVOID !

How dangerous was/is the worldwide church of God?

What is Armstrongism? Is the Worldwide Church of God a cult?

What are the beliefs of the World Mission Society Church of God, and why is it considered a cult?

Is the World Missionary Society Church of God a cult?

Why do some people consider the Church of God a cult?

Is the Restored Church of God a cult?

What is the Mother God cult?

Is the International Churches of Christ a cult? If so, how?

What are the beliefs of the Members Church of God International?

What is Members Church of God International?

Is the church of Christ (the United Church of Christ) a cult?

Is the ICOC (International Church of Christ) a cult? And if so, how are they more cult-like than other religious groups?

What happened to the Worldwide Church of God?

Is the Worldwide Church of God the same as the church of God?

Is the Bountyful Church a cult?

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Published in 1990

Whether as a Calming Night Time Video or Informative Video...

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Sunday, 9 February 2025

Benny Hinn


Videos: Kingdom In Every Place and Define Kingdom


Word As Seed

 First the Video Message followed by a poem really saying the same thing poetically .

The poem is by my friend John Stevens and originated  here on his blog .

The poem Flowers in full below todays  Word as Seed message .

You stand there with half-flowers
Hidden behind your back
One eye glistening, the other
Flooded with immeasurable joy

Whilst I fuss and chatter
Battering you with
Requests I think you’d
Like to grant me

Exhausted by your silence
After decades
I stop talking

And look up
And see your glistening eye
And the other, an ocean
For me to swim in

Only then can you surprise me,
A man, with flowers, half-flowers
Dressed in colours I’d never seen
Some already gone to seed

You hold them out to me
Silent me. Before I take them
I close my eyes and bask
In scents from another world

Then, I take the flowers
And wonder about the seeds?
And finally, I know
What lies there, behind your eyes