Sunday, 23 February 2025

Dr Naomi Wolf at Oxford Union Debate Last Night

 If  you are new to Jewish Dr Naomi Wolf , she has suffered professionally as a result of her outspokenness during the Covid Period, and through this become  a respected voice of professionalism , intellectual thought and research , now coupled with  the  input of her military husband concerning international trends.
Its quite a lot of video to catch up on  for one post for those who are interested, but I think it's important that  those who  are outside America realise she has a long and developing track record in her outspoken  and envelope pushing views. She has been an advocate of feminism , perhaps without realising there was a hidden Kalergi agenda also. She is an outspoken Jewish voice against what many like myself refer to as the Ezekiel 28 Briers element . Some say  "Those who say they are Jews but are not " type Jews.
Witney Webb's  America under Blackmail Volume 1 and 2 list many of those profiles, and Jeanette Archer, Heather Blessington , Jessie Czebotar (Elon ) and imprisoned Cali Shea Bergandi name Trump and Elon too. The confusion is there are Double Agents, and there are those born in the System fighting against it's WATCH THIS SPACE.  and with SSP it's quite literally watch this space.

Dr Naomi Wolf 1997 on Feminism
Dr Naomi Wolf 2016 on  the Jewish Actions towards Palestinians

Dr Naomi Wolf Last night in Oxford for the Debate on whether we should cancel the cancel culture here in Britain. THIS IS the Direct Telegram Link to her Telegram Channel.

This is a Mirror Copy if you have problems with the Telegram Link

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