I've never done more than 6 weeks in the evangelical thing . Nearly none of the Jesus Move have . Many in the Jesus Move went from Enlightenment raised atheism and humanism and crashed through two states into what is , in the heavenly tabernacle the second room experience .. ..the Holy place .
So I honestly don't know what trying to do a going into your inner room thing is like as an evangelical .
The point of tongues , the point of the release of the Holy Spirit , is to zap you into the reality of these things . That was why Jesus suffered so badly and then was able to give everybody the three keys through Peter .
Repent .
Be baptised in water
Be filled with the Spirit
Today's Move of God like Juan Carlos Ortiz prophesied , does the full Ephesians hit !!!!
See , as it says in Ephesians ....Jesus never raised us in Christ and left us in an ante room , saying " ok wait just there , I'll see you later ".
He didn't plonk us in the Outer Courts with an ice cream .
He didn't put us in the holy place with some Bethel Redding earbuds . " Just sit right there and enjoy the Charismatic level ,while I just have fellowship with the 24 elders ".
No , Jesus raised us in Himself and has us seated with Him in the heavenly places .
One of the reasons we are baptised in the Spirit with fire and given the gift of tongues is because our poor Tavistock BBC occult mind is so far out of the loop , and having to catch up , God connects our spirit right away to accelerate us in Himself .
If baptism in the Spirit drove the normal Jews who didn't believe in Jesus as the Son of God nuts ....think what they felt about complete outsiders who had never done their 1700 years or whatever since Abraham .....Corinthians , Asia Minor people , Romans ..... No nothings spiritually from a Jewish standpoint .
We don't know what that's really like , but we do know what dynasty's of State Anglicans thought of us in the Jesus Move . We were teens and we were telling them .....them ...them.......about Christ .
Bishops , ordained Religious Instruction teachers , Anglican raised kids and adults . I'd not had much to do with Catholics until Germany . Anglicans were bad enough . And as for the Methodists I was raised with .....they didn't like me at all .
The Holy Spirit is given to
Convict us of sin , righteousness and judgment .
He is given us to be our Comforter , our military strengthener , our relating Friend , our Indwelling God .
He is our Teacher .
He is sent to lead us into all Truth so we don't go down spiritual cul de sacs.
He teaches us how to pray . He helps us in our weakness with groans and utterances too deep for words . If we ask anything in Jesus Name , conformed to His Person , it will be done for us .
Having been inside the worldwide tribe who took church from the firstlevel to the secondlevel I already had to ' leave ' my earthly family once .
I didn't leave geographically until later , but people like Benny Hinn and myself knew what it was like to even be in the same house as others , while part of that generation relocating church on earth .
We and the current Move of God are doing what Juan Carlos Ortiz prophesied . In the last 40 years we are moving the church kicking and screaming from the secondlevel ,the Pentecostal then charismatic church of the last 100 years , back into Acts .And two of the key indicators are
Addressing 1 Corinthians 12 : 14-26 head on , so we have the knowledge of the Book Surrounded by Idiots , except now in a Body of Christ and Tabernacles 4 Woods context ....
Addressing the Jerusalem Gate 10 of Nehemiah called Miphkad . Which means when we go out on fishing trips we nolonger try to be the lone Marvel Comic Super guy bringing in the biggest nets ....but we are prepared for that Samaritan , MKUltra dynasty family witch who like John 4 , we are asking to draw water for us .
Gate of Miphkad means relearning church completely without a king .
Because we have a Melchizedek king priest called Jesus .
In the third level we don't do rabbi synagogues any more . We do 1 John 1 Church .
We are a Gate , a Core of loving elders who have crossed the 1 Corinthians 12 : 14 -26 dysfunction barrier into Body homeostasis .
Do you know our body has about 24 parallel systems listed by Martin Felt in his 1990 book the Felt Formula .
This was written before the great upsurge in knowledge about prebiotics and probiotics and the gut biome wasn't even a phrase .
Thirdlevel Church is arriving on Platform 9 3/4 in your very city and town .
I hope Bill Johnson likes it . I hope Stan Warren and all the other Warrens that are left down Thorney Road like it . I hope Bridge Church and Elim Church and the Catholic Alpha Course priest Hayling Island like it .
But when God inspired Joel to write His " In the last days I will pour out My Spirit " prophecies
Ephesians 4 ,St Paul on the Mature Man
The latter house shall be greater than the former House , Jesus wasn't asking people's permission .
When , in 2014 , God put it in me to pray for these Samaritan women ....and Men ....like Ronald Bernhard .....to emerge from ' the System' , the Illuminati .....Jesus didn't ask my permission or anybody else's permission . He didn't ask Bill Johnson's permission or the permission of Robin D Bullock , Charlie Shamp or Elijah List.
He just said " This is what I'm going to do , pray ".
He said in Isaiah " I will give you the treasures of Darkness ".
At the moment , because these guys were raised in Mengele's Supersoldier Programme , during the period he was Dr Green in Paraguay , and during the Boys of Brazil period .....so many of these guys are clairvoyants and astral projection people , and remote viewers ......I have no idea how the Holy Spirit turns that around .....all I know is that Jesus is baptising with the Spirit and with fire like He did me and Morris Cerullo and David Hathaway at around 13 and 14.....so Jesus can do this stuff .
He doesn't ask our permission .
If you want another look at what Jesus Kingship means , checkout Psalm 2,because Bill Johnson and Stan Warren seem to think it's about bigger recording studios for earbuds .
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