The gospel presentation in the world ....triggered by the man with the cross and accordion pic I just saw , is yes that we can be born again and follow Jesus .
Then there's the method whereby we bring somebody to church or a crusade knowing that where we gather in Jesus Name there He manifests His Presence or maybe signs amongst us .
The problem is mixing one and two .
We can't actually live together , because nobody on earth knows how to live off Genesis 3, in Galatians 2.20 with signs following or not .
I say or not , giving John 4 and John 7 as " or not " chapters , because other things were happening ....although Jesus did have a word of knowledge in John 4.
We are priesthood .....but at best we seem to only be good at " priesting " in ones .....and when we go out as churches people know it's a presentation and not real life .
We can handle born again and baptism in the Spirit ,
but that's about it .
Acts , 1 John 1 , is so much more .
Jesus living with the 12 is described by John as ," and Jesus came and Tabernacled amongst us ".
And that's what Kingdom is .
Americans don't believe in Kingdom .
They don't believe Galatians 2.20 is even real .
They can't allow churches to function under Jesus because they don't think He's that real .
That He can function through leaders , through everybody , or even direct for example when Jesus sensed that the Presence of the Lord was there to heal .....or like when people prayed on the ground because the holiness of God was on the Hebrides islands .
The Bible says " When the message of the Kingdom has been preached as a witness in all the earth then the end shall come ".
Reinhard Bonnke isn't really preaching Kingdom ....He's preaching signs following being born again and being Spiritfilled ....but that's not what the phrase " as a witness " means .
Jesus came and Tabernacled amongst us is more the context of " as a witness ".
Feast of Booths in the Jewish natural setting , is a transparent look at family enjoying each other in a week long festival .
In the Spirit it's the steady state miracle a witness .....that a bunch of people are now able to live Jesus in them as them beyond a meeting room door .
When the message of the Kingdom has been preached as a witness
You can't fake it .
It's something Romans 6 to 8 hard bakes in us .
Kingdom is near us even in our mouth .
We confess Galatians 2.20 through all the madness , and by it we are fixed .
2 Timothy 2 calls it " being known " by God .
Peter calls it a Morning Star growing in our hearts until the Day come .
Jesus calls it getting enough oil for the Wedding Feast .
He also calls it the 3 difficult areas of life in the middle of the Lords Prayer .
Or the three tests in the wilderness where He just had to say " No ".
The rubbish weekly testimony of churches all the way up high streets ....and it's no better with Charismatic/ Pentecostal churches . Pyramid churches must remain divided because they are flesh . They aren't ecclesia . God only builds in Tabernacles roof with holes .
Americans are wrong . England and Europe are even WRONGIER".
God has laid out the Old Covenant version , so we would slip stream Into the now new Galatians 2.20 version , where the new High Priest of the Order of Melchizedek is for the first time human , acquainted with all our sufferings and griefs , and simultaneously living now within us . This is the most bizarre concept ....but such is quantum , such is spirit , such is John 14.21 and John 17.21.
We the Christ Vine ...but we are the branchey bits .
We bear much fruit , because it's Him ....and our abiding is our continuous heart believing and mouth confession .
It's the abiding that takes us down to the truth , and it's the truth ....that sets us free .....
So like Acts , when we are out together being City on a Hill's cos we really are .....
And not playing silly little American evangelism games on sidewalks .
" Here , do you want to learn how you live Jesus in you as you ?Are you prepared to take up your Cross to all the foul Genesis 3 dogooding and do evilling?
Well you've come to the right bunch . Have some Isaiah 55 water ...without price ".
It's something Romans 6 to 8 hard bakes in us .
Kingdom is near us even in our mouth .
We confess Galatians 2.20 through all the madness , and by it we are fixed .
2 Timothy 2 calls it " being known " by God .
Peter calls it a Morning Star growing in our hearts until the Day come .
Jesus calls it getting enough oil for the Wedding Feast .
He also calls it the 3 difficult areas of life in the middle of the Lords Prayer .
Or the three tests in the wilderness where He just had to say " No ".
The rubbish weekly testimony of churches all the way up high streets ....and it's no better with Charismatic/ Pentecostal churches . Pyramid churches must remain divided because they are flesh . They aren't ecclesia . God only builds in Tabernacles roof with holes .
Americans are wrong . England and Europe are even WRONGIER".
God has laid out the Old Covenant version , so we would slip stream Into the now new Galatians 2.20 version , where the new High Priest of the Order of Melchizedek is for the first time human , acquainted with all our sufferings and griefs , and simultaneously living now within us . This is the most bizarre concept ....but such is quantum , such is spirit , such is John 14.21 and John 17.21.
We the Christ Vine ...but we are the branchey bits .
We bear much fruit , because it's Him ....and our abiding is our continuous heart believing and mouth confession .
It's the abiding that takes us down to the truth , and it's the truth ....that sets us free .....
So like Acts , when we are out together being City on a Hill's cos we really are .....
And not playing silly little American evangelism games on sidewalks .
" Here , do you want to learn how you live Jesus in you as you ?Are you prepared to take up your Cross to all the foul Genesis 3 dogooding and do evilling?
Well you've come to the right bunch . Have some Isaiah 55 water ...without price ".
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