Sunday, 23 February 2025

Musiiiiiiiiiiiic Goes through another change

 Like it or loathe it I have always stated as a worship leader pressing through  the first 20 years  of the Jesus Move from 1972 to 1988 when I  got effectively thrown out of the secondlevel in Christ  in order to explore and push us forward into the thirdlevel according to Hebrews 13.13......
But I have recognised that  we were moving into a new thing called FLOW....which went beyond the fixed harmonic chord loops of jazz into an exciting instant symphonic realm beyond.

Well , like David  I hung up my harp in another land in order to explore whole of life Galatians 2.20 living. My Double CD 1990 shows where  we had got to ......
For one track  John Daniels, Michael Thom  and I  went into the studio shortly before a lunch break . I state the next track I wanted to do was Joel 2 which begins with a desert scene of a wide expanse with tumble weed blowing across the desert strewn with dry cracked chords.....we just played it. And twenty years following the Holy Spirit in music with keyboards and flute meant that this was now possible. Probably our Eastern raga music friends will say they'd been doing that for centuries.....but to be fair to us Brits, we were staggering out of the cave of leftbrain locked Enlightenment into the worship and praise of our precious Jesus and we had had to learn everything from scratch again.

The second thing , like it or loathe it , is that Rockefeller's Kallergi type plan to corrupt beauty in art with  his foundation's sponsorship of  every thing in art to devalue the human spirit, and which included the promotion  of Schoenberg's Unlistenable 12 tone system ....ACTUALLY had the effect of widening our musical palate to include loads of new experimental soundscapes which have been invaluable to films and documentaries .
This led to extraordinary new orchestral sounds.
This led to Brian Eno .
 This led to Yes, to John and Vangelis.
This then led to hiphop and looping .
This led to Real instrument looping in worship like Phil Driscoll's trumpet playing. Bill Clinton used him at his Presidential Inauguration. 
This led to street busking taken to another level of looping

Rheinhardt Buhr

But I'm really highlighting the new electronic instruments and sound systems that are advancing FLOW MUSIC.

The Table of Shewbread People dislike Flow Music and as Fourth Quartile People ( The St John types)we can take people into wrong spirit  but by the Holy Spirit we  can take people into God areas.
Meditation and Bible verses themselves are portals , as is music , into aspects of God's Kingdom , into righteousness peace and joy and upbuilding , faith and exhortation.
It can be just empty emotion not engagiing in the Spirit , but just hooking us into some mushy emotional high .
But Psalm 150 and the other psalms are taking us into the worship and Presence of God in all the amplitude of life experience and expressed by every instrument and sound and playing  technique under the sun ....or hey .....above the sun .
Even in the public arena Jacob Collier has been taking public participation  and choral song clustering onto a new level .

Joel 2   1990

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