Saturday, 22 February 2025

Some Fresh Thirdlevel Foundations

These messages were recorded separately, and at very different times by Chris Welch and Mike Parsons. There's no real reason to put my name first as both are different aspects of what Paul wrote to Timothy in book 2 second chapter. 

  Nevertheless, the firm foundation of God stands, having this seal: “The Lord knows those who are His;” and, “Everyone who names the name of the Lord is to keep away from wickedness.”

These two videos cover KNOWING HIM WHO IS FROM THE BEGINNING from two angles. The KNOWING precedes the real permanent leaving. No you are right we can never say we are perfect in a leftbrain steady state kind of way, because to even speak like that is deception because its a Genesis 3 kind of separation statement. Nevertheless if we let ourselves be known by God , He Himself becomes our aversion to wickedness...and not just from a moral glowing holy point of view....but because like the disciples letting Jesus be crucufied in front of them and Paul having Stephen murdered, it haunts us for the rest of the lives to see what Satan pulled off through us. So these are two angles on a new foundation that is being put into all the Church , of KNOWING HIM.

Please put comments on this blog or on each of our Youtube videos.

These two videos cover KNOWING HIM WHO IS FROM THE BEGINNING from two angles.

The KNOWING precedes the real permanent leaving. No you are right we can never say we are perfect in a leftbrain steady state kind of way, because to even speak like that is deception  because its a Genesis 3 kind of separation statement.
Nevertheless if we let ourselves be known by God , He Himself becomes our aversion  to wickedness...and not just from a moral glowing holy point of view....but because like the disciples letting Jesus be crucufied in front of them  and Paul having Stephen murdered, it haunts us for the rest of the lives to see what Satan pulled off through us.

So these are two angles on a new foundation that is being put into all the Church , of KNOWING HIM.

Please put comments on this blog or on each of our Youtube videos.

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