Tuesday 15 October 2024

The Reality of the world we are in


Timothy Charles Holmseth is a journalist who exposes the underbelly of what is going on and he has put up Jessie Czebotars affidavits which expose a lot of key names.

Monday 14 October 2024

Last Buzz

You remember Jeremiah going to visit the Potter and coming up with a prophecy about knowing our place?
Well I didn't go anywhere. This happened right in front of me in my piano workshop.
It's a prophecy waiting to happen , because the current purpose of the enemy is to stun the minds of both sexes with deepest darkest witchcraft, beginning with the Enlightenment belief that we are just what we think. I think therefore I am , and therefore induce a forgetfulness that we are in fact Living Souls  with the Breath of God. We aren't just brain halves we are spirit. Then Tavistock BBC and other media has fed in more and more lies to induce a feeling of helplessness and dependency. Its far more insidious than web because it is done entirely binding our minds with lies, nothing physical at all and yet if 7 billion don't wake up we will be culled.

Knowing Him , not Getting Burned Out


Tuesday 8 October 2024

Time for the John Quartile to stir

The reason fourth quartiles use one of two appearances is basically the same reason .......Message
Matthews Marks and Lukes are anxious to establish their position and credibility on the pyramid .
Johns wish to tell the truth , which is never pyramid , because pyramid is just a statement of maths .
The maths is true , but it's useless . Simple triangular maths cannot service the bottom layers ..
In our generation we wore outlandish bell bottoms and long hair to show we definitely were not part of the previous generation to us . Remember , the previous generation had fought Hitler , but they had also been stupid enough to get into the situation in the first place . We had already started to learn Germans were normal people . Monty Python may have looked absurd , but it laughed at a stupid generation that thought fighting bloody wars a normal thing to do.
Fourth quartiles are either scruffy or they are meticulously outlandish like Elton John , Freddy Mercury , or demonstrating a style like Paul Weller , or some others might be steam punk .
The thing our generation don't like about our own generations fourth quartile is as soon as they become wealthy they blend back in showing their lyrics and values were only skin deep . They never left the system at all .
Rolling Stones were part of the chink in the curtains revealing that the system and the rebellion are the same thing . As Doreen Irving the ex witch began to reveal , they all attended the very same Satanic events and 50Voices dot org reveals how dirty deadly and corrupt those events are . Whether it be Ian Fleming's accounts of German castles , or whether it be Gaudis surreal " Sagrada Familia "or whether it be chained to the walls underneath the Vatican , there's nothing , nothing holy about ecclesiastical layered types of church .
True church isn't layered which is the true Greek meaning of ekklesia .
Fourth quartiles sense the corruption and start to reveal it from top to bottom . But later in life they have this habit of selling out .

If I be Lifted Up