....Make sure you have enough to Complete it
This is a post about things to consider.
Firstly this missions video, secondly considering Canon Andrew White's reverse pride decision as he called it, to put his best foot forward in his own name brand title.
The musings on the picture of his post today will be way too long for Andrews eyesight , but it triggered me to think back over the weird church transitions of the last 100 years and in particular the George Verwer, Canon Andrew , Brother Andrew , George Wanyando types who have to get on and do what God built them to do ....life is short and we can't wait for people to catch up with the original church that Jesus , God come in flesh , built in Jerusalem .~~~~~~~And it's challenging because of the subject of parachurch things .I have long seen that people had to operate in their specific calling regardless of others present capacity to be in on it .Dawson Trotman . Navigators. Bill Bright George VerwerMorris Cerullo Kenneth Hagin Benny HinnSo that's interesting . Like " this is what I'm standing for on earth ".It's also very attackable .I'm not sure how well Michael Harper or Selwyn Hughes ended . They didn't use their own name but they seemed to get a bit stuck .King David is amazing ......he got out of the frame up that he suffered in the wilderness , then when his son Absalom rebelled even trying to take the Kingdom from his Dad , God got him out of that one too .There are parachurch times , and the people who suffer the most maybe as they want to go into public action are the Ox Face , Cherub face people , the Mark quartile . They can't wait for the church to wake up and help the poor and needy , or to evangelise . It's what Mark type people do whether people accompany them or don't . It's what they were put on earth to do .What should happen is that the Stephens operate in context of City on a Hill , where the continuous generosity and giving to the Lord sets them free to do what God made them to do .There's possibly only ever been one true City on a hill , and that was Jesus Church that He personally founded and located to start the ball rolling . Or the groups through history that EH Broadbent lists in Pilgrim Church got a long way and that's why they were genocided or driven away , just as Jerusalem Church was .Evangelists , helps ministries , reconciliation maybe mercy ministries have to be outside the church rescuing and reaching more people .So do apostles and prophets if they are extending the Kingdom of God .But the question of inverted pride is interesting .It's as interesting as the Let Oral Roberts Die movement . I think Oral Roberts had felt to not come out of his prayer tower until a certain monetary project be fulfilled , I don't know the details . I do know English brothers like Maurice Smith were so offended they preached Let Oral Roberts Die everywhere they went , which was the T shirt slogan at the time .If Oral Roberts was hearing God at the time , then he was making a stand of obedience , regardless of what an English ministry felt about the issue .The same with Morris Cerullo .He used mail order and dubious techniques like providing oil anointed handkerchiefs for donations . But Africans understand that side of the New Testament apostles , the Western mind doesn't . Morris Cerullo was operating during the transition period that all of us have lived through . Rheinhard Bonnke too .....and they both had to fund what they felt God calling them to .Your type of ministry is able to draw money from people in legacy churches which is handy , and because a lot of people understand the need for middle east reconciliation. I just think the complex Jesuit shenanigans that Vatican Assassins describes is also true and that's really what you are up against , or even a part of somehow ,knowingly or unknowingly in Order of Malta . So it's the Grey and Black Popes actually choreographing the Israeli Prime minister, Mossad , Hamas and formerly PLO as shown in Jon Eric Phelps proof photos .That's also what the Gaza , Trump Casino narrative really always was . And some similar gainful tactics in the Soros takeover of Ukraine in 2014, to exacerbate relations with Russia .Who can understand the occult directed game playing where all parties are all gathering frequently ?All people on the ground can do is act as wisely as they can try to get hold of as much of the true picture , but just get on with what God is saying in the Kingdom , and leave Caesar's Rome to go down its own plughole . Particularly Mark type people have to go into action . That's what God built them for . Like Musicians have to write the next creative things whether people like them yet or not . JS Bach wasn't really discovered in a big way until Mendelssohn promoted him 100 years later .Matthew types have to work at solutions of governing and ordering where we are now . We are somewhere on a scale between a world of lords and serfs , kings and minions , masters and slaves that Jesus was born into and moving towards a world where people take Beatitudes seriously and we all have a pure heart and can see God , and we can all function in a Holy Spirit managed set of Tabernacles roof with holes 4 Woods categories system which I think is what St Paul was picking up in Ephesians 1 10....But like the Proverbs Ants who appear to have no king directing them,And like Jesus modelled for us , we only do what we see the Father doing .It will only work if we have the eyesalve to see .Meanwhile we are struggling through from Jesus day , through Magna Carta , through various democracies and dictatorships to find systems relative to our current abilities or non ability to see the true King installed already .And here is Andrew boldly stepping up with his own name . Interesting .I'm not saying any comment on you but my brain remembers David running his idea for building a House for God past the prophet , who likes the sound of a House for the Lord .Later he rings back with the true Word of God ." Errr David , about that House thing .The Lord says " You won't build a House , but He will build you a House " etc etc We have had 2000 years of stabs at trying to copy the one Jesus built ....but it's never had the components .....Jesus 30 years of pioneering life completely off the Genesis 3 lying platform of an Independent me .....Him teaching the disciples that psalm 123 type life plus the Baptism of the Spirit And leading the 12 to a point similar to Joseph's brothers in Genesis , where they make the biggest mistake of history , denying God in the flesh to His own death on the Cross .And it was these failing people that God called to found the Church . That was why it was a City on a Hill type Church with Stephen type ministries attached . It had some grounding .And the main writer of the New Testament went and even had Stephen killed too .What a blooming Bible we have ....the Joseph story , the Jesus disciples and apostles story , and the Saul becoming Paul story with Stephen murdered .This covenant cutting stuff is very messy , for just a lump of foreskin and for a bit of callous on our hearts .
Luke 14
25 Now [q]large crowds were going along with Him, and He turned and said to them,