Bad energy
Frank Peretti This Present Darkness
Ghostbusters film
Monsters Inc
needs to extract our life energy to supply principalities and powers because living outside of God doesn't work !!!!
Honestly , we don't have the first clue what a big subject Loosh is .
Pure Evil is not the biggest Loosh source .
No . Evil close by or embedded within good , is the greatest source of Loosh .
The parable of the Good Farmer and the Enemy sowing bad seed in the Kingdom field is a Loosh story .
The Baal priests all pouring water around Elijah's altar is a Loosh story .
Judas syphoning off funds while being Treasurer for Jesus own ministry is a Loosh story .
Judas kissing Jesus as identification is a Loosh story .
Revelation 12 Dragon ready to pounce on the Manchild is a Loosh story .
"Look behind you" in a pantomime is a Loosh story .
It's a created tension . The audience can see the enemy but the main characters can't .
Children being abused then unalived under the Vatican in black mass while the Mass is celebrated above is Loosh .
The fourth quartile St John types stating clearly what COVID was and how it was to be treated while the majority of the earth took insufficiently tested vaxxes which didn't even prevent anything ....that's Loosh .
Gaslighting is Loosh . Harvesting frustration energy .
God is an OVER ABOVE GOD .
Elijah still commanded fire down from heaven .
Jesus resurrected as He said He would .
Every Resistance to the gospel has failed . The Pagan Empire of Rome disappeared down its own plughole .
The persecution of Non Conformists shutting them out of higher education , and politics , and 100yards off high streets , still resulted in them forming
Major Confectionary brands , and the Industrial revolution, and before that as UK and Europeans left , they formed America .
I was thrown out of one Charismatic church and told never to speak again publicly in another .
My blog however has been page opened 3.6million times .
George H Warnock was PA to Ern Baxter and wrote Feast of Tabernacles 1951. Ern was used phenomenally but he will be forgotten and George H Warnock will be remembered , though no American ever saw fit to even give him a pastorship. He died in 1914 , a carpenter / cabinet maker .
Madam Guyon was burned by Catholics . Yet she and Jessie Penn Lewis material were taught by Margaret Barber to Watchman Nee . The rest is Chinese and world history .
Because of a census causing relocation to Mary at the last moment , and because I'm guessing 3 Luke type ,intelligent but not street smart wise men asked Herod of all people ,about the future king ....
Jesus was born in the prophesied House of Bread
Jesus came up out of the prophesied Egypt and settled in the prophesied region Galilee .
If that's God's prophecies on a bad day , think what He's like prophesying on good days !
God treats fallen angel's Loosh as a faith gymnasium for Overcomers who are living by His own Life formed within them .