Tuesday 9 September 2008

Last night's Heidi Baker meeting on God TV

.....entitled "Intimacy" is the same thing as.................................................................................................
the middle sections of meetings run by Jorge Pradas , Jack Schisler or Ed Miller in Emsworth in the late 70s and early 80s.
This is as much a revelation to me as those reading this blog. I have never been to an "Intimacy" meeting ...so I could never be sure. This is a Holy Spirit inspired pattern that you do not learn from Bible College, or from men. Ed Miller , an American Pentecostal missionary to Argentina, so fed up of beating his head against a brick wall in evangelism...said to God one day...I am not doing another thing. I am going to pray...and unless You do something...I am not going to do another thing.
So through a convoluted series of events which are described in his book "Thy God Reigneth", Ed did just that. And eventually God came...and bombed Argentina with His grace. This was the 1950's. Ed has spent the rest of his life teaching the truths of entering the Presence of God, and running meetings in the Presence of God....of which the mid-section often takes the format of what you saw last night. When I said to Dan, I have been chucked out by better people than some of New Frontiers ministries, I am not joking. So imagine how confusing that was. And imagine how keen I am for the Body to join up the dots between Zerubbabel and Ed Miller. Zerubbabel have no concept of Ed Miller or Heidi Baker. Ed Miller if still alive, has no concept of Zerubbabel. Yet as truly as I have lived the last 20 years, they are both the "Third Level" but viewed from different angles. One angle is from over the Mercy Seat in the Holy of Holies, the other angle is from the gold- covered acacia box called the Ark of the Covenant upwards. It is time to stop fighting, to worship and get the complete download.

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