Tuesday 30 September 2008

No Ordinary Weapon,No Earthly Battle

These are two of the latest messages from Isi De Gersigny. Dan and now Ursula have been recommending Fini and Isi's ministry over many months.

I spent yesterday driving around to these two messages. There are a few audio problems in both, but worth persevering with.
Fresh light concerning the meaning of Epheians 6 Armour....also there is a stunning silence when Isi touches a few raw nerves...both in the people present and me personally. She pinpoints a couple of "enemies" of spiritual warfare...2 types of attitudes that cripple our effectiveness.

Thanks Dan. Thanks Ursula.

Felt God really highlight the fact that part of the present acceleration is the ability now to be able to eat and eat Divine food...books , Cds but also downloadable podcasts and videos. God is behind this voracious appetite He is stirring in His Body.
We need this stuff to grow. And grow faster than any other generation.

Morris Cerullo for decades has gathered all the most on the edge spiritual teachers in the Body of Christ to address his 4 or 5 day teaching sessions. If this system has been a Divinne method in the past, so is our current enabling via the internet. This combined with local Bodies growing themselves in love makes for swift growth.

1 comment:

  1. Its a pleasure. I've kind of been offline for a while, so trying to catch up!

    You know, I'm biased partly, because Fini and Isi are not only my spiritual parents and mentors, but personal friends. They live what they preach. I know. I've seen them with their kids, stayed at their house, looked after their little Ones...and been transformed under their ministry. I recommend them knowing them, and that they are what they speak. That they are real. And they are precious to me. Maybe, that is the highest recommendation.

    Blessings on you...and I will let them know...they are blessing others through their messages on the net!

    (I just wish I had been there for the props...because I know Megan who is an actor and can imagine how funny that must have been!)
