Thursday 22 January 2009

List of Recommended Favorite Soaking Cds from friends on Facebook

This post is dedicated to Penny Scott of Goldhill Baptist Church. This was the one Roy Castle went to.

I want to thank all the people that responded to my Facebook request - even if in the end I had to address each one's wall individually which took some time. I also want to thank Dan for addressing this subject

I don't want anyone to be under any illusion here though. Apart from the tracks that the leaders sometimes use in our meetings...I have never heard a soaking CD. Certainly not right through.

Don't get me wrong...what I have heard I love. Also, we have hours and hours of recorded material from Florida last year. Nope....but there is something interesting here. 2 of my friends had to be told what soaking went like this.

Rachel Fieldhouse -

What are 'soaking CDs'? I tend to spend more time listening to classical chill collections as this really helps me to unwind while enjoying the beautiful location we live in - glass of wine in hand!
Chris Welch wrote at 10:39
Anna in America asked me that one - and she knew but not by that name. Remember in Grimsdells Lane, where after we had broken through in praise a bit...we'd go silent for a bit waiting on God...and maybe Ron would prophesy something or we'd begin praying out prophetically...or I'd get a song.....or it would just feel right to share a scripture or... share revelation...well nowadays...the sensitive musicians who play/sing/prophesy during this phase are recording this on to Cds...which is music to soak in the Presence of God to. What we learned in Ron and Pam's house, I learned further in my time with Martin Franke in Germany(he had just learned it off Judson Cornwall while going around with him)...then I took this into Exeter with me...see Val Fane....after this, when I arrived in Emsworth, the guy who had taught Judson Cornwall in the first place - Ed Miller turned up...and Emsworth was established in running meetings like this....what Peter Stott now calls "Key of David " meetings
Anna Andrews wrote at 22:37
You are the only other person besides my friend who has talked about soaking Cds. Are they just a particular type of music you enjoy? Can you give me some examples....

Chris Welch wrote at 22:46
anna just watch my wall...Ursula has already answered. You know the music Jordi,Timotee and others played when we were seeking the Lord....maybe on our faces.Well it is this,but has developed to be quite lengthy prophetic singing.In extreme cases like Josh Mills, you get inundated with gold dust if you are anywhere near him at the time.


So the following friends on Facebook- see my friends ...but who may or may not know "soaking" as a phrase, nevertheless could soak you quite thoroughly are Anna Andrews, Emmanuel Ferradura (one amazing Argentinian guy) Jean Marc Dunys( I knew him while he was called Timotee) and his wife Ruth, Lois Fryatt, the whole Wentworth dynasty of which Helen Rubio ,Anna and Elizabeth are just a fraction, Elizabeth's hubby Jose Rubio and probably if pressed Rachel Fieldhouse was in her house that we were all inundated by the power of the Holy Spirit in April 1972.
Thing is....this was an earlier wave!! We were still discovering things that today seem commonplace. Who'd have thought you could franchise the middle bit of meetings!!! Surely only the Americans would come up with that!!! They've franchised water!!!. Only leaves air still"blowing in the Wind"....but give it time.

I would love to insert an early bit of soaking music from 1984 Emsworth Glory Conference, featuring Marcus Roberts:piano Mike Thom:keyboards and myself on flute. But the input on this computer is not working. And in those days it was all tape cassettes. Maybe I'll be able to include it some time.

Here are the responses.

Wendy Wilbraham: There are loads that I can recommend. Yesterdays was JoAnn McFatter - The Invitation. Some excellent ones also are; Alberto and Kimberly Rivera-Live Soaking Sessions 1 and no 2 has just been released but haven't heard it yet, Captured and The Longing are others by same people. Also, Kelly Warren - Here With You, Beautiful or Heaven's Whisper. Here ... With You particularly good. Is that enough for now or do you want me to write you out a list? Just ordered a large amount into J Source! Hope that helps.


Ursula Kuba wrote at 22:34
Chris! 100% Cool of the evening by Isi de GersignyOpen Heaven by Isi de GersignyKari Jobe - The more I seek you?Ummm....Alberto and Kimberly Reviera...Thats about it! I actually need to ask Jamie how to put a CD on my blog so you guys can listen in....
Wall-to-Wall - Write on Ursula's Wall
Ursula Kuba wrote at 22:35
ooohhhhh....Joshua Mills - the Drinkand Joanne McFatter....

Chris, thanks! This is awesome. ANyways....thought I'd let you know, I have updated my blog with 2 (very loosely called videos) of Isi's music.Video 1 ..... Video 2It was the only way I could figure to actually load the flipping things on to the blog. So I will make some more...sooon, they are just a tad timeconsuming! lol But there they, a start for people who want to hear them!

25 January 2009 01:38


Jose Ascua wrote at 23:08
Deep unto deep by David johnston....recommendable..


Lydia Grewell wrote at 23:28
I don't have any cds. I do have a link on my blog that I love, called soaking net..........

see Lydia Joy...yup that's her
Lydia part 2Hey Chris,I am glad you brought this up! I decided to search for music online and I found 2 more sites that I like with a lot of great variety of soaking music and some of it is easily downloadable to Itunes, or MP3 -


Ian Dickinson wrote at 18:56
chris hi, anything by godfry birthill & i will always be father to you. sorry but we have already seen oz, good film, see you soon.

Helen Rubio wrote at 14:13
Julie Meyer- I fall in Love, Misty Edwards - Eternity, Todd Bentley - Soaking in the secret place plus many of the others mentioned here!


Rosie Esseveld wrote at 12:59
Hi Chris, well I really love Alberto & Kimberly rivera's "Captured" album for being encouraged, Leonard Jones & Bruce Dailey have a soaking album called Deep Waters- which is purely instrumental (mainly violin & keys/strings).


Dan Bowen wrote at 10:00
Hey Chris, must admit I am TERRIBLE at putting aside time for soaking. My one and only is Isi de Gersigny's "Open Heaven" - it's amazing! I need to almost sedate myself before I will sit down and just bask in the glory!

Anna Dominy wrote at 09:59
anything from alberto and kimberly rivera, ruth fazal (think thats her surname)
Sheila Atchley
Hi Chris!
Just got your "soaking CD's" request. I'm a bit "old school" in my soaking...I love a VERY old (1998) CD called "Why We Worship: Intimacy". Oooooh, it is fantastic. I also use a CD called "Names of God" - the names of God spoken,with authority, to light instrumental accompaniment. Lastly, truthfully, my husband has a real Psalmist gift - when he sits and plays his guitar to the Lord...I get to soak to live music, and honestly, it is the most effective way for me. God loves it when Tim plays and sings to Him!

Emma Bunday wrote at 08:57
Favourite soaking CDsDavid Johnston - Deep unto deep (esp. good for guys)Alberto and Kimberly Rivera - 1. The Longing & 2. Deeper Still Jo McFatter - the Invitation - wow!good idea Chris - loving reading about everyone elses selections.
Julie - See her blog - Hi Chris, somehow I misunderstood exactly what you were asking when you left the comment on my blog. Anyway, great idea! I don't have many cds that would fit the category maybe but I've had some pretty amazing times just laying back and listening to Kim Walker's "Here Is My Song". Every song goes into an extended spontaneous worship time which is amazing. Of course in order to soak I generally have to park my car in a parking lot somewhere and look like a fool if any happens to walk by lol!


  1. Hi Chris, somehow I misunderstood exactly what you were asking when you left the comment on my blog. Anyway, great idea! I don't have many cds that would fit the category maybe but I've had some pretty amazing times just laying back and listening to Kim Walker's "Here Is My Song". Every song goes into an extended spontaneous worship time which is amazing. Of course in order to soak I generally have to park my car in a parking lot somewhere and look like a fool if any happens to walk by lol!

  2. Jul - thanks so much...tis added forthwith to this post

  3. Hi Chris,

    Thankyou for getting back to me.I apologize for sending you on a wild goose chase :) I set my other blog to private since I rarely use it and wrote back all the people who had commented in it. This is what you had written:

    "How are you getting on? You left a lovely reply on Lydia Joy's site.

    There is a major shift change from doing things to go deeper in God, to what Norman Grubb calls the Freefall of Faith...believing His Life is working in you full-time.
    I am trying to be a beacon in these days for people who know there is more but have exhausted the initial avenues of what is widely available"

    Anyhow to answer your question...I'm going to have to go back and read Lydia's posts from the summer. I'm actually quite excited about it because the shift and the rooting are more sure now. Christ working in me full time...I like the sound of that. Will be back after I read some more :)

  4. Hey Chris,

    I am glad you brought this up! I decided to search for music online and I found 2 more sites that I like with a lot of great variety of soaking music and some of it is easily downloadable to Itunes, or MP3 -

  5. Chris, thanks! This is awesome. ANyways....thought I'd let you know, I have updated my blog with 2 (very loosely called videos) of Isi's music. It was the only way I could figure to actually load the flipping things on to the blog. So I will make some more...sooon, they are just a tad timeconsuming! lol But there they, a start for people who want to hear them!
