Sunday 29 March 2009

Homeless Christians

Extract from Peter Stott-Havant 29.03.09

A Christian was never meant to be homeless.

They were meant to live in the House of the Lord.
Under the shadow of His wings. In the secret place of the Most High.In the dwelling place of God. Enjoying the emotions of God. The ambience of heaven, in just as real way as we experience the changing atmospheres in our own families.

Many talk about " I go and prepare a place for you" as though it's a verse to be read out at funerals. But it's about now as much it is about the future.

He wants to come and make His home with Us. Some people try to separate out their favorite Persons of the Trinity. The truth is, you get One , you get the lot. But as the Shack so eloquently describes...they all have different roles and personalities , yet move as One.

But everything but everything is about the focal point being the Father.

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