Nevermind that thirty years ago Emsworth received repeated visits from a man that in his lifetime, co operated with the God of Gods to see Argentina turned round from being a quiet part Christian part superstitious Catholic religious country, to being one that had been invaded with a gospel of resurrection power.... Emsworth Anglican Church, Emsworth Methodist Church, (in whose building some of the meetings occurred)Emsworth United Reformed Church, Emsworth Quaker meeting, Emsworth Baptist Church...well, none of them knew or even cared anything about it. And certainly in the same way at least, this historic event is unlikely to happen again. Ever. Every one of the churches listed had already decided who they were going to receive from. They had their own agendas. Their own rotas. Their own procedures. It was of absolute irrelevance to them that a man of the standing and national authority before God of Ed Miller was even in the town. One day before God's Throne they will be absolutely amazed and shattered how they could have missed this.
But the decision is made on your insides first. Then the aftermath of that decision results in God events. The only reason I even know about these events is I was there. And I was only there because in the last term of my first year at Exeter University I knew God was calling my insides. I knew I had to make a decision that was really hard in career terms, but I knew if I did not respond then, and only then, a door might be shut on my calling forever. It was by no means a straight path to Emsworth. But for the years I would have been completing my Combined Honours German and French Language Degree I received in my spirit a complete download about the 3rd Level, about how you enter, about Jacob our prototype, about the mechanics of seeking God, about coming into God's Living Presence individually and as a church community, about the "apparent" abandonment you go through the nearer you attain your goal, and about some of the core principles of intercession over towns, regions and nations.
And if I'd obeyed English logic. I would have missed it. If not forever...certainly in its intensity, clarity and brevity.
So the great problem for Christians, for churches, for networks of churches, for ministries is that Jesus is alive. It would be so much easier if He wasn't!!
We have to know Him in the Spirit.
When He speaks.
His commands.
His grandiose plans.
And our part in it all.

Jesus never does exactly the same thing twice. He engineered an open heaven over our Dr Challoner's grammar school: a brief window the summer term of 1972. He has now arranged for
the owner of the Entertainer chain of toy shops, which began in Amersham just over the road from my school,

to help lead the area forward in God. But guess what, last year Jesus even bypassed this vessel, although using the Trust land that he had purchased, and the Lord arranged for a mighty troupe of military angels to so swoop overhead of a man who was mowing the field, that he ducked to avoid the loud roaring sound. This was in between Latimer and Chesham, just down in the Chess Valley from Amersham.
As a result, and with co operation also from Mark Stibbe and Roy Field(last years's Lakeland Outpouring) a large marquee was put up in the field and many came to the Lord and rededicated their lives. One of the musicians in Southampton Church went to visit. (friend of Mike Thom and co-author with Mike of one of the songs on Roy's new CD)He said the Presence of God was so strong there, he could have left Earth there and then. He certainly never wanted to leave the marquee.
This is where I grew up. This is where I walked on Sundays with Dad and Mum and my brother Martin. Yet all three locations, although close, are all different. All not what you would think. Unexpected. The Melchizedek Order. Mostly unrelated to what had gone before. Totally new wineskins. Next week is another week event in the marquee down on the field. see
This introduction is to give a background to what has been going on in Eastern Europe. Many including Nicholas and Pam (see reference below) were sent into these nations to open them up. That period has now ended and Nicholas and Pam have been experiencing harvest. Another of God's workmen working to Divine instructions, timing and impossibility is David Hathaway. Here are sections of August and September newsletters:
July 2009
Dear Ministry Partner
I want to rejoice and praise the Lord for all that He has done and still is going to do this year!
Despite the recession and our financial problems, we have continued in faith. The result is that in the first half of the year we have seen more of the power of God than ever before —evidenced in the results of our missions! However now we need to see that faith financially to pay the bills!
Our two crusades in Poprad and Kosice, Slovakia, were a tremendous blessing. Thousands attended, almost all the unbelievers gave their lives to Christ — including drug addicts and alcoholics — and many (especially men) were healed. I found the people of Slovakia warm and friendly and very open to the Gospel. The local secular TV filmed the opening service and interviewed some of those who were healed. God's favour is being shown because the government of Slovakia is giving recompense to the believers who were persecuted under communism! The State TV (STV) is broadcasting our crusades — using our material —to the whole nation — absolutely FREE!

Picture of man with acid burn in his eyes - now I can see clearly.
Much intense prayer and preparation also went into the evangelism in Kharkov and the blessing of God was very evident. The thousands attending each meeting increased until the hall was full for the closing service with more than a thousand repenting each night. During the daytime services for believers many were touched by the Holy Spirit. One of the pastors who organised told us that his grandfather was killed by the communists for his faith, and when his mother was baptised age 12, after receiving Christ, the pastor who baptised her was given 14 years hard labour in prison for baptising a minor! No wonder that our TV cameras show many weeping when I spoke of my own experience in prison and how it brought me into a new relationship with our Heavenly Father! The pastors said it was the most powerful crusade with more repenting than since the early days of the freedom from communism.
We are seeking the Lord earnestly for the finance to continue and complete this year's programme of evangelism especially in Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania, in October and the big Russian evangelism in Perm scheduled just 10 days before my visa expires in November! We still need more than f250,000 to cover basic costs. The large 12,000 seat arena in Vilnius alone costs £100,000 to rent, including sound systems, lighting, seating and security against terrorism! Because of the economic situation, the local people can only contribute free labour! But we expect this to be the largest evangelism ever in the Baltic region — and in Europe — for many years! It will not only bring thousands to Christ, but also show Europe that Jesus Christ is alive in power and stem the tide of secularism sweeping through the EU
Can you see how, despite the economic crisis, God is sending a new FIRE of the Holy Spirit — now? Remember how I told you in my last letter how three evangelistic missions in Armenia in April changed the nation? Right now we are beginning regular broadcasts to the whole nation on national TV!

We ask for your prayerful support for the financial crisis we are facing. We have big legal bill: the Christian solicitor in Ukraine, who fought the court battles to get back our original property in Kiev which had been stolen from us, needs her fees paying immediately. She had originally agreed to wait until the property was sold, but in the meantime she has had major surgery for cancer and has to pay huge medical bills, at the same time as losing income whilst unable to work. We need to give her E40,000 now, which we will recover later from the sale of the property.See next letter
We have just received a phenomenal answer to prayer. Because of our financial situation, we held a powerful office prayer meeting and, within hours, the Lord had begun to answer! Because of the lack of finance last year we cancelled our weekly German TV broadcasts on 'Das Vierte'. But after the prayer meeting I received a call from the TV Company saying that they have received a letter from a lady in Germany who had cancer; she was so moved by our broadcasts, that she prayed and God healed her! Now she is going round the churches testifying and telling people to watch the programmes in faith! Now, Das Vierte so want our programmes back — which are the only ones giving an altar call and prayer for the sick in Germany — they are offering us a miracle — if we clear what we owe them, they will resume broadcasting our weekly TV programmes until next March — absolutely free of charge
What a miracle — pay the account and receive free broadcasts! We are accepting in faith!
I want to add two more crusades into this year's schedule — God is about to show what He can do when men repent! If it can happen in Russia, God will do it in the rest of Europe —which is my next challenge! But I desperately need your support — lack of finance is still holding me back. I want to thank all of you who are continuing to give sacrificially — these are difficult times and your response is a wonderful and miraculous answer to prayer.
Dear Ministry Partner
'Together we rejoice and praise the Lord for all that He has done and still is going to do this year!
Despite the recession and our financial problems, we have continued in faith. The result is that in the first eight months of the year we have seen more of the power of God than ever before – evidenced in the results of our Missions!
At the beginning of August I ministered in the former East German city of Erfurt for the Vietnamese 'boat people' – over 600 attended this year and they have promised 800 will come next year when I return for their next summer conference! The miracle of their escape from that land and the revival that has broken out amongst these refugees is phenomenal. – Delegates came from several other countries in Europe where God has placed them, all hungry for the Holy Spirit, to receive the Fire and evangelise, –Their willingness to give their lives is a powerful challenge to us in the comfort of our churches!!

Ukraine, whom we mentioned in our last newsletter, is paid — and we have received an offer for the property in Kiev which we needed to sell. —This is quite a miraculous answer to prayer, not as much as we needed, but in the present economic crisis when property prices have totally collapsed in Ukraine, a small help towards our situation and a token of what God will do.
for now we have an extremely urgent need for prayer. — Russian businessmen until now have helped finance our Russian crusades, but the money was only a loan. Because of the desperate situation and financial crisis in Russia itself we must repay $150,000 by 10 September! We have no reserves — we are only channels, so when you give, your gifts go straight to winning the lost for Him, while the touch of your sacrifice is still as warm as your love for Christ! Only a miracle can provide $150,000 (approx E100,000) in such a short time. My reply to the Russian request was simple — we have no money, but we have prayed and God never fails, we stand in faith that the money will be there on time on 10 September! God always answers — we talk about faith for healing — but now we need to see that faith financially to pay the bills! I have found that there are three stages in every great work of God: first, it is impossible, then it is difficult, then it is done. Hudson Taylor
We are seeking the Lord earnestly for the Fire of the Holy Spirit to enable us to continue and
complete this year's programme of evangelism especially in Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania in October and the big Russian evangelism in Perm scheduled just 10 days before my visa expires in November! We expect Lithuania to be the largest evangelism ever in the Baltic region, not just nationwide — possibly the largest in Europe! It will not only bring many thousands to Christ, but also show Europe that Jesus Christ is alive in power and stem the tide of secularism sweeping through the ELI.
I have added more crusades into this year's schedule — God is about to show what He can do when men repent! If it can happen in Russia — God will do it in the rest of Europe! This is my next challenge, but I desperately need your support. I want to thank all of you who are continuing to give sacrificially — these are difficult times and your response is a wonderful and miraculous answer to prayer. Thank you in Jesus Name!
Thank you in Jesus' Name!
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