A brief description of the Main Meeting and the evening Key of David meeting.
River type meetings are hard to post. You have to be there. Describing them they sound really naff. Until about the time , like at RIVERCAMP someone's blind eye pops open! Tree type meetings are easier. For more on the Tree and the River read here.
The top building with Towers is the Meridian Shopping Centre in Havant. The inside picture shows Portsdown Community Church centre, known as the Beacon Centre as a dark blob on the first floor right at the end of the upstairs concourse. Presumably this was taken when the Centre was not being used. It really is not that gloomy. Or we'd be praying for everyone to have depression lifted off them as they came in.
I am not going to post the "evidence" from the main meeting, which is a crafted prayer. And ofcourse this is more the Tree side of things. Crafted prayer, is a specially constructed prayer, which like an express vision or goal, once written, focusses everyone on a direction.
This particular one has this background. And more for this reason I post this, because this will be a lot more relevant on a wider scale.
A lot of individuals and churches have prophetic words over their lives. Many still unfulfilled. We read in Daniel, that when he understood the allotted time period of the Jewish exile in Babylon was 70 years, he set about seeking God that He would bring His Word to pass. Peter Stott was also bringing the Havant Church promises before God, and felt God say to him..."You have not because you ask not. "Then he was given the strategy of bringing many of the promises together into one crafted prayer which the whole church can pray and seek God with for the next 40 days.
The book of Daniel shows we can be way too "laissez faire" about prophecies, when as gatekeepers to this earth, it is actually up to us to midwife them and see them come to pass.
The KOD meeting was more of a River affair , but was again something else!Helen Rubio tends to lead these, but quite often like last night, this is more of a "non-leading". So it began with us connecting with the holy Presence of God, initially without song.
In recent months, Peter later shared that things have moved on from different revelations about the Father, to zoning more on the Person of Christ again. This is not a human led decision. This is the corporate experience of the many waiting before God. Last night was about Jesus the conqueror upon the White Horse.
These type of meetings lead into specific directions of what to pray for. Yesterday was about the Spanish speaking peoples all over the world, including our contacts with Argentina, and specifically praying fresh waves of Holy Spirit activity into Spain. Then as Molly Osbourne is going as part of Lydia (UK Women's prayer Organisation like Women Aglow in USA) over to Poland, we focussed for awhile on Poland.
The point in even mentioning this is twofold. Holy Spirit directed praying is powerful in its effects. It is specific. It is a God timing thing. And you know He means business. As we see in the lives of Nicholas and Pam( who by the way when they went to Iceland to pray....were sent the precise week of the Icelandic bank crash...something no one saw coming!)
Secondly, this is written to encourage those living in those regions. If God is using our time, which could equally be used full time just on the UK alone, on your territories you know something's up!!!!
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