Friday 9 October 2009

If you are a musician.....

If you are a musician and you have become a Christian, then been filled to the rafters with the Holy Spirit and after this have experienced floods of tunes, and spontaneous songs flowing through you simultaneous to those.. who you are playing with......when just about all the notes fall miraculously into place...but you haven't a clue what you will be playing next....

when unlike in jazz, where you know what cycles of chords you are riffing to, here you go over the cliff edge, with no particular framework...or if there was may change....

Well if you do all these things and as you do them, a most amazing Presence of the Lord falls heavily on the room.....

As I say...if this happens to you...Do you honestly think you'd bother with singing songs of suicide, of broken relationships, of endless knots you have tied in your life just because you fouled up...but rather than fess up...sing songs of blame on everyone else...the government....your warming....

Hmm. I don't think so. I think you too would stick around and learn more of what it takes to be skilful playing, prophesying, announcing the Kingdom...In Sound!

Folks I was here at this very event, I think it was in San Diego, with precious persecuted saints from India, the Phillipines, tricky bits of upper Nigeria, some even from mainland China, from Russia. There were people there who had had their houses burned down and escaped with their lives.I felt very humbled and privileged to be standing anywhere near them.

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