Sunday 31 January 2010

Consuming Glory Conference 2010 Havant

This conference continues to expand the theme of God's glory - His visible and active presence - and of this being revealed in and through us. It has been said that "the glory of God is man fully alive ......
Once glimpsed, His "glory" consumes our affections, our focus, our life choices and our destiny. Creation awaits its own release from corruption as our "glory-ous freedom" as God’s
family on earth is revealed. Redeemed humanity is mandated to carry the image of God - to reveal His glory - and become "word made flesh" to our troubled communities.
The Key of David synergy of worship, the prophetic and the presence of God continue to be foundations on which this conference will seek to build.
Invited Ministries
Speakers will include Greg Haslam, Senior Pastor of Westminster Chapel in London and from our church - Peter Stott and others from the Key of David team.
Greg Haslam travels widely -is a Bible teacher, conference speaker and writer. He has a real heart to bring Word and Spirit together through biblical theology that is on fire. He desires to see the widespread emergence of healthy churches that can become a credible voice to our declining culture. This requires an informed and vigorous depth to their faith, and a dazzlingly different lifestyle in marriage, home, work and Christian community. He is married to Ruth and has three grown-up sons and two granddaughters.
The venue: Upstairs storefront where Portsdown Church,Havant meet, Meridian Centre
in the centre of Havant,Hants,UK.
When: (If the above picture is unclear) FROM Thursday 18th March 7pmUNTIL Saturday 20th March at 5pm
The venue space is EXTREMELY limited so book your places quickly if you want to come.
Contact details are on the church homepage here

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