Tuesday 16 February 2010

A timely letter to my Ghanaian Evangelist friend

The money has been dispatched.
Thankyou for phoning in such a timely fashion.

It is important that you hold to all the Word that God has been building into you.
It is important that you continue to wait on the Holy Spirit when you gather with others,
knowing the importance of entering God's Presence with taking time over ministering to Him first,
then delivering the Word out of that Presence.

These are all key foundations that already mark you out among others.

When believers see differences the devil will always want to maximise these and seek to divide,
and also make all discussion " either or"
-either you accept all of this and reject everything you know so far.....that is his tactic.He is a liar
and not to be trusted.

With God it is always Yea and Amen and "Both ....and" ...."not either ...or."

So the above Spirit foundations I support in you.

http://080808onnowto.blogspot.com/2010/02/order-of-hoy-spirit.html explores some of
the main differences in the order of the Holy Spirit, to the traditional one man ministry
approach of the Pentecostal minister in the last 100 years.

Real transfer of God's life is so powerful when we do things God's way, that you get people
like Paul who were powerful enough to turn whole regions upside down.

At the moment working on 2/3 of the gospel, that is "asking Jesus into your life"
and "being baptised in the Spirit" it is exhausting. For every Morris Cerullo crusade
and Rheinhardt Bonnke crusade and Benny Hinn crusade you get
people stunned by God's miraculous power, you get people saved and filled with
the Spirit
but really poor teaching on Romans 1-8 and Ephesians and Colossians.
People do not know they have died.
People think they have to "do" things to grow as a Christian, instead of knowing
actually "they" don't have to do anything ever again. They are dead. And dead people
don't do anything. It is now purely about Christ doing stuff through them.

And if nothing much happens. The answer is not another Morris Cerullo chivvying meeting
to get them fired up again, the answer is laying another "gift of revelation" in them as to
how Christ is now their life.

The "leaven of the Kingdom" is so powerful that 2 birthing 2 birthing 2 and so on just 20
times already comes to 1,048,576.

The reason evangelists get tired out ,asking for more and more money is they
do not birth Christians into real Spirit churches
so anybody that DID ask Jesus into his life has just been bewitched by a Galation church
back into believing you have to "do things". Jesus PLUS something is the gospel.
NO....in the Spirit....as soon as you say Jesus Plus circumcision....you break the electrical
circuit. The believer becomes still-born. He never grows. He never becomes Christ in his form,
so he or she cannot reproduce Christ. They are the very thing that Christ condemned
"You travel a hundred miles to make a convert, and you make him twice the son of hell that you are."

The Pentecostal model is crazy. You have a Pastor in charge of a church, in a similar way
to the Jews who had a high priest.
This is the model of the New Cart.
This is the African Village Elder New Cart model with a Pentecostal badge.
Like Matthew Ashimolowo. Or the Action pastor.

This is not in the Bible.
The Church has elders who know about Christ being their life and the heavenly
realities of how things work....like faith....like praise.....like using spiritual gifts...

which they impart into others as quickly as possible. All the spiritual gifts
and ministries flow together as the Spirit moves.

But a black African in tie and smart jacket ruling over a congregation as
a man in charge, calling himself a pastor comes straight out of the kingdoms of this world.

Similar with black apostles. What they mean by apostle is the
organizing ability to arrange for large gatherings of people to hear
them speak exciting stuff and see them perform a few miracles as the star showman.
This is not an apostle. Even Stephen in the New testament could do much of this.But he knew better.

(Understand the white man is even less developed....not even understanding baptism in the Spirit
and just having a purely human organisation....so even more like a devil pyramid builder!!)

If you can imagine two direction arrows diverging ever wider apart, that is now how things are in the Kingdom.
The 2nd level Ishmael model of a Spirit-filled church which in reality is a bunch of genuine Spirit-filled people
being manipulated Ishmael style into "the outward appearance of a church",

as compared with the 3rd level model of a church of mature believers who understand the apostles'
revelation in the Bible, who are mature in their own right....either going out to form new churches
in the pure grace of God, or exercising greater and greater rule in their localities in their jobs,
their surroundings......but all as a "genuine Isaac - the child of Promise" and not a manipulation
from one man, seeking to look good by having a lot of people beneath him in a pyramid.

I realise this probably comes as a shock to you, "Name". But having been prepared for years
in a hidden way, I'd hate for you to lose everything by being a Morris Cerullo ministry when everything has moved
on, with groups of apostles now ministering together like in the days of Acts.

If you cannot get to places of revival like IHOP Kansas which is happening right now,
I'd love you to start getting a revelation of this new way of operating....which is like you
do already....but instead of being just you, there is a whole room of people behaving just like you.
Maybe they haven't got the evangelistic gifting you have,and they actually need you for that,
but they have lots of things you don't yet have. The next Key of David Conference
is March 18th -20th http://www.portsdowncc.org.uk/news.htm


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