Sunday 18 April 2010


Standing: With your faces flat on the floor Wendy Wilbraham Sunday 18th April "War Room" Prayer meeting Havant
Why include this?
Is it an out take?
Is it a Buddhist proverb like "Imagine the sound of one hand clapping?"
No. It's that there is a place in warfare in the Spirit that is connected with intimacy with the Lord,
with worship,
with waiting upon the Lord,
with just being quiet in His heavy Presence.
Heavy in the sense of packed to the brim with goodness!!!!
And that this place before God's throne is really
like the Praise before the enemies in the episode in Chronicles with Jehosophat...
"Stand still and see the salvation of your God."
It's a place of standing. A place of honour. A place of victory......but you are on your faces.

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