Wednesday 1 December 2010

Not Ashamed Day and Chart Single - Christian Concern for the Nation Report

Christians launch defence of faith 'under attack'

Lord Carey is concerned about the state of Britain's Christian culture
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Christians who believe their faith is "under attack" in Britain have launched a "Not Ashamed Day" campaign.

Former Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Carey claimed Christians of "deep faith" faced discrimination.

Campaigners say a mounting number of cases of workers being disciplined over their beliefs show Christianity is being "airbrushed" from UK society.

But the National Secular Society said "zealots" were wrong to claim the faith was being deliberately undermined.

The Not Ashamed Day, organised by the Christian Concern lobbying group, is the start of a campaign urging Christians to "wear their faith with pride".

'Under attack'
In recent years, Lord Carey said Christians had been penalised for activities such as wearing crosses and offering to pray for other people.

"Christianity is a public religion, always has been and always will be," he said as he launched the campaign outside the House of Lords.............
More here...........
Not Ashamed Day Report

The Not Ashamed campaign has provoked a national debate about the importance of Christianity for the nation.

Lord Carey, the former Archbishop of Canterbury, officially launched his leaflet 'I'm Not Ashamed' at the House of Lords at lunchtime.
At 2pm a delegation visited 10 Downing Street and onto Buckingham Palace to present details about the campaign and why it is being launched.

Supporters managed to come out despite the weather conditions! Many Christians around the country have been wearing a symbol of the cross.

The events of today have triggered a huge debate on the BBC News website. Lets win the debate by joining in and adding our support to Christians standing up for their faith in public. The debate can be found here.

There has been a large amount of media coverage today, some of which can be found here.

Thank you again for all of your support and we look forward to continuing with this campaign to highlight the hope that we have to offer the nation.

Christian Concern

Christmas Number One for Not Ashamed?


Here's something to brighten up your inbox on a Friday lunchtime! The Not Ashamed campaign has inspired 18 year old singer-songwriter Josh Anderson to write 'We are Not Ashamed'. With support from followers of Not Ashamed, this song could enter the charts in the run-up to Christmas.

We're told that only 30,000 downloads would be needed in that week to get the Single into the Charts and 100,000 to get to Number One! Wouldn't it be amazing if it went head to head with Simon Cowell?

The song will be released on Monday 6th December and will be available on iTunes and other download sites. However, you can also pre-order it here. Whether pre-ordered in advance or downloaded during the week of 5th December, the numbers will be included in the statistics for the charts.

So please consider buying it (it's only 79p) and encourage others to do the same!

Read more and listen to the song here.

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