Monday 28 February 2011

Release of Shi Weihan

The above link shows Steve McVey's original post which I put on this blog. As a fluke I noticed the "representative video image" for the video in the side column of this blog "Meet the Family: had actually settled on the picture of Shi Weihan.
Here is the Open Doors report of his release. I join with them in praying for him.

Shi Weihan - article taken from here
Christian bookshop owner, Shi, was released from prison on 9 February 2011 and returned home the following day. "Many brothers and sisters from his church welcomed him and celebrated with him when he arrived at his home," stated an Open Doors source.

According to Compass Direct News, Shi was found guilty of 'illegal business activities' in June 2009 by a Beijing court. Sources said Shi's bookshop operated legally and sold only books for which he had obtained government permission, and that his Holy Spirit Trading Company printed Bibles and Christian literature without authorisation but only for free distribution to local house churches.

Shi, 40, is a diabetic and at first was denied medication for his condition, according to Compass.

Shi (Chinese passport number G09812730), father of two, had previously been arrested for publishing Bibles and Christian literature but was released from prison in January 2008 due to 'insufficient evidence'. He was arrested again on 19 March 2008, and detained from then on, but only officially charged in June 2009.

Shi served his three-year sentence which took into account time he spent in detention after his first arrest in November 2007. While in prison Shi lost a lot of weight but reports that his health is currently tolerable.

Please pray:
Praise God for Shi’s release from prison.
Continue to ask our Heavenly Father to sustain and strengthen Shi following his detention and to encourage Shi's wife, Zhang Jing and their daughters Shi Jia and Shi En Mei.

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