Tuesday 11 October 2011

The Lord Shut Noah In

Facebook Note

by Chris Welch on Monday, 10 October 2011 at 16:03

Gen7:16Then the LORD shut him in.
Exodus: Not one of the Egyptians who pursued survived but all drowned.
Acts 5:13 No one else dared join them, even though they were highly regarded by the people.
There's a God- organised shutting in. There are few times in my life when I was so angered by someone else as my second pastor's response to "Thy Kingdom Come" when I lent him the tape. You will see th...is man feted by many in the UK.But my friends and I left his church as soon as we heard his response to the cassette. "Enthusiastic preaching." We were not going to give our lives a moment longer into the ministry of someone who could hear probably the major Kingdom Door opening message of the last quarter century worldwide simply as "enthusiastic preaching." These type of ministries try to add their favorite bits of anything new God is doing and tack it on to the walls of existing structures. As Jesus described concerning new wine in old wineskins. Both get spoiled. You don't move between the stages of God's dealings like some sort of holiday 2 day away excursion flit. GOD HIMSELF locks you into it.

I have a client in Gerrards Cross whose daughter has just begun in the prestigious no.1 UK girls boarding school locally. She isnt being allowed out for a month. To establish her in the environment of the school....love it or loathe it....she's committed.

As we grow as the Body of Christ, these are not2 day holiday excursions to flit to and fro from. The Israelites couldn't say to Moses....OK we'll try this thing you are leading us to, but we'll give you 2 weeks, then we are back to Egypt.The Israelites left Egypt, but that was it. They were locked in a desert. There was no way back....so the only permanent solution was to heed God and head towards the Land.

Noah's family couldn't say...hmmm...a few things I'd like to change in the decor of the boat...I'll just go back out while we sort them. No. They were shut in.

I hear contemporary Christians talk about charismatic things, a bit like that pastor did...all they see is externals.When God locks you into the charismatic stage it is to form nothing less than Christ Himself in you. The crazy things you will experience as well as the absolute gobsmacking blessings will literally form the backbone of your spiritual authority when you are mature. So..... Mr evangelical pastor....you can't have a little of the charismatic on a trial basis...just to see if you like it, to modernise your otherwise clapped out form of evangelicalism.

Nor Mr charismatic pastor can you have little A4  double sided sheets describing the 3rd level to see whether 1 John 2:12 Father stage comes up to scratch and fits in with your silly little charismatic bubble conferences.
Jesus is LORD.
He is the Christ.
He sustains the Universe by His Word of Power.
You don't sniff around His shoes to see whether He is capable of getting anyone to maturity.
Take it from me, and all the Bible characters of significance right through the whole revelation of the 66 books of the Bible.
God KNOWS what maturity is.
God is Master of the Third Level.
He neither wants, nor expects nor demands your opinion about it.
He IS LIFE self-existant.
He doesn't warrant your investigation, lest He blow with the breath of His mouth and you disappear from the face of the Earth as though you never existed.
In Acts we see that God clothes and encloses the Church, the true Church, His true Church with fear and awe.
We do not lightly join ourselves to the real Church of His Spirit!


    • Barbara Hughes
      Jesus is LORD.
      He is the Christ.
      He sustains the Universe by His Word of Power.
      You don't sniff around His shoes to see whether He is capable of getting anyone to maturity.
      Take it from me, and all the Bible characters of significance right... through the whole revelation of the 66 books of the Bible.
      God KNOWS what maturity is.
      God is Master of the Third Level.
      He neither wants, nor expects nor demands your opinion about it.
      He IS LIFE self-existant. MY FAV PART!!! :))
      See more

      16 hours ago ·

    • Chris Welch This is real to me, having had to produce those 2 double sides of A4! That's 2 lots of people in one lifetime.
      16 hours ago · · 1 personLoading...

    • Barbara Hughes lol..lol..:)
      16 hours ago · · 1 personLoading...

    • Joan Reilly I so love this and agree. Once you're in, you're in!! No turning back! (forgive my ignorance...what is A4?) A year ago I walked into a church here in Vegas and fell in love with the pastor, the message, and the people. For the past few months since God revealed all the Gospel to me, I can't sit through a message. I haven't heard "Thy Kingdom Come. I'd like to though.  (It's on the lefthand side of this blogpage)
Joan Reilly I listened to "Thy Kingdom Come". Wow! This man is speaking of what he knows! I have very good speakers and I could hear that roar of Jesus you mentioned. Ern's address gives assurance from personal knowledge that God has His Church that will break down the gates of hell. I've always believed the gates were the moving entity. Wonder where I got that idea. I'm set straight on that score!
Nancy Gilmore His Shut-up is Wonderful Security! Can't get out! Now you know it's Him. Real freedom! One of your best Chris! Thanks.

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