Sunday 23 October 2011

When Is Faith? - Oliver Bob Lagumen

Let us come aside to something else into what you mentioned: "FAITH". I wrote this somewhere else...
When is Faith? ... Faith is when A WORD HAS BEEN SPOKEN and that word is believed to the point where IT PRODUCES ACTION. At the End, THAT ACTION IS WHAT WE KNOW "IS FAITH". Hebrews 11 gives us an understanding of what FAITH LOOKs LIKE. It looks like work. Even James said: "Faith without work is DEAD! Therefore, INACTIVE FAITH still "IS" FAITH but DEAD! But I have a good news, The resurrection of that Faith IS IN ITS WORKS! So what kind of faith is it that overcomes the world? Even your faith - Your ACTIVE FAITH. Every overcomer has to DO SOMETHING. "THAT MY BROTHER, THAT MY SISTER IS WHAT I KNOW IS FAITH". Substance of Things HOPED FOR DOES NOT COME WITHOUT that Kind of Faith. That Kind of Faith BELIEVES THAT ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE. That Kind of Faith is the Kind of Faith that God wants us to Have. THE EVIDENCE OF THINGS NOT SEEN "IS" ACTIVE FAITH - A DEPOSIT OF GOD'S NATURE INVESTED TO PROGRESSIVELY UNFOLD A BETTER FUTURE FOR US INTO THE REALM WHERE GOD "IS". PAUL FOUGHT THE GOOD FIGHT OF FAITH AND FINISHED THE RACE! Faith Had to look like Its running. Theologians MAY call it RUNNING FAITH. FAITH HAD TO LOOK LIKE "A FIGHT". You may call it a fighting faith, fighter's faith or "OVERCOMERS' FAITH". FAITH IS DESIGNED TO STRETCH THE MUSCLES OF YOUR SOUL TO RELY ON THE SPIRIT! And when The Soul and Spirit MEETS OR COLLIDES, "LIGHTNING OF IDEAS" AND REVELATION COMES FORTH TO PRODUCE A MOTIVATED ACTION, ISPIRED UNDERSTANDING which TO THOSE WHOSE MUSCLES ARE TRAINED BY THE FATHER ARE KNOWN TO BE "GOD'S WORD" INBREATHED INTO OR PENETRATING ONE'S BEING. This Kind of Faith Produces in us THE MIND OF CHRIST. And the Mind of Christ is focused upon the Higher Things of God so that HE IS NO LONGER CONCERNED ABOUT WASTING TIME PLAYING GAMES on "ALL SORTS OF SUBJECTS". Once this faith COMES IN YOU and WE COME INTO THE UNITY OF THIS VERY KIND OF FAITH, ONLY THEN DO WE COME INTO A RIGHT STANDING WITH GOD. Faith is ORDER, Even The Order of the Kingdom of God. There is order because A brand New Person Arises from Within us that TAKES ACTION AND RESPONSIBILITY IN THE KINGDOM OF GOD HERE ON EARTH "as it is in heaven". Here in our soul as it is in our Spirit, Here in the Affairs of Humanity in the World As it is in the affairs of God in the Realm of the Spirit. Discussions about these things brings us all to the ETERNAL REALM OF SPIRIT so that as we look with SPIRITUAL EYES "THE THINGS OF GOD" AND AS WE FOCUS, LOOK TO AND FOLLOW ON TO KNOW THE LORD WE FINISH THE RACE SET OUT FOR US as we DO each and everything Jesus ACTIVELY DO IN THE HEAVENS even as He Himself has always been doing and still is doing THE THINGS THAT HIS FATHER DO for he is the author and finisher of our faith. And all that he is, shall we be for even as HE IS IN THE SPIRIT, SO ARE WE IN THIS WORLD. Blessed be His Name! .... I therefore perfectly agree with your statement... "If you "see" something in the Spirit, it begins immediately to manifest in your flesh.If you only vaguely think of it as a philosophy, you only have that vague philosphy and nothing else at the end of your life." Its true that there is DEATH of ourselves, but we know that to that DEATH OF CHRIST, there has to be A RESURRECTION of THE CHRIST. This is therefore the reason why we speak. As the scriptures said: "WE BELIEVE, AND THEREFORE SPEAK". When One starts to look at Jesus Christ as "THE HEAD", HE FORSAKES ALL THE THINGS THE BODY IS DOING (and may be come back to it later, as Christ himself came back from the dead with resurrected life, and this is how we rise from the AMONG ALL THE LIVING DEAD). Only as we rise and come out of the old (PROGRESSIVELY), do we see the meaning and absolute sense of the word in the scriptures which says: "...GROW UP INTO HIM... WHICH IS T-H-E H-E-A-D". In His Love and Care and your brother in this BLESSED Fellowship with The Father and Son, Bob

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