Friday 24 February 2012

Our High Position In Christ - YouTube of Jackson Kosgei preaching

Last night Nancy Gilmore wrote on Facebook:
I always like to locate Christ, because where He is, we are.

I  would like to introduce you to some special people, brother and sister Jackson and Rose Kosgei. And later you can hear Jackson's message on who and where Christ is.
 Video clip lengths:
  •  The 2 last ones are 2 mins each.  
  • The two interviews are about 15 or so mins.
  • And Jackson's message totals 40 minutes parts 1 & 2


These sections of video were taken at Baringo Youth Camp December 1986. Jackson was one of the main Kenyan speakers. There was also a Finnish brother, and an American brother. Most of the time though, I was the only white face among 3000 Kenyans.
For those that don't know, Kenya was in continual revival from 1949 - 85. Interesting that the start more or less coincides with their breakaway from Colonial Rule. The same happened to America didn't it?

If you speak to these Kenyans they are full of gratitude to Britain, but are very conscious of their new responsibilities. Many people have a very "all or nothing", "black and white", attitude to history and politics. God however is IN ALL, and knows what countries need at different times. Huge frictions are caused only by men's hardened hearts not recognising times and seasons. Change can be a softer more pliable affair once people are not rooted in the Self, but have their inner eyes open  like the servant in Psalm 123 to what God is doing next.

Below my friend Juma Kiprono, who was my host at the camp, explains some of the logistics behind organising an event where 2000 are catered for but 3000 turn up.

The response of the youth to Jackson's message

Finally some brief glimpses of me joining in the dancing. I Kind of stick out somehow ,no?

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