The Events of the Seventh Month Blend Into One
The Events of the Seventh Month Blend Into One
Let us recall how the three events
comprising the Feast of the Passover all blended harmoniously together to form that first
great Feast of the Church. There were the Passover, the Unleavened Bread, and the Sheaf of
Firstfruits: distinct events, yet blending together to form one Feast--beautiful type of
the death and resurrection of Christ, and the new life which His death made possible. So
now in the last Feast, the events are of a threefold nature: the Blowing of the Trumpets,
the Day of Atonement, and the Feast of Ingathering. And again these three events blend
together to form one great Feast, the last great revival of the Church age. Let us not
imagine that this great revival of gifts and ministries of the Spirit is by any means the
fulfillment of the Feast of Tabernacles. But it is the promise and the earnest of this
fulfillment, the beginning of the end. For this move of the Spirit must rise and rise and
rise (through much sifting and testing and trial), even unto the fullness of the Feast of
Tabernacles itself.
And therefore, as the day of glory and of triumph
begins to dawn upon the eastern horizon, we may expect to receive a foretaste of that
glory as the first rays break forth upon the Church. But we dare not, we must not, settle
for anything that God has yet given to any people in any age or dispensation.
We must go forward to explore the infinite
realms of the Spirit of God... We must pass out of the realm of the
natural, and into the realm of the spiritual... We must progress
from the "length and breadth" and begin to comprehend somewhat
of the "height and depth" of spiritual things. The "to
and fro" experience must give way to an "ascending and
descending" experience on Jacob's ladder. We must pass from a knowledge of
the understandable... to a knowledge of the inconceivable...
We must rise from the visible to behold the invisible...
We must hear the inaudible... grasp the intangible...
explore the unsearchable... and declare the unspeakable...
For God hath set eternity in our hearts, and we will
not rest--nor will we give Him rest, till He stablish, and till He make Jerusalem a praise
in the earth. The Church must yet bring forth a child that shall "rule all nations
with a rod of iron" (Rev. 12:5). For it is given unto the overcomer to "rule
them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter, shall they be broken to shivers"
(Rev. 2:27).
We can expect that with the travail of the saints to
bring forth this Son, there shall also be the travail of a dying priesthood to bring forth
something to perpetuate and sustain the old order. But it shall not prosper. The Aaronic
priesthood--glorious as it was in its day, must give way to a new priesthood, the
priesthood after the "order of Melchizedek" (Heb. 6:20).
And so it was that Hannah stood before the temple in
Shiloh and in anguish of soul prayed that God would give her a man-child, for she was
barren; and she promised that if her request was granted, the child would be dedicated
unto the service of the Lord all his days. God heard her prayer, and give her a child, and
she called his name "Samuel," meaning "Asked of God." This man-child
was destined to become Israel's priest, to succeed the dying priesthood of the house of
Eli. Because of the wicked way of Eli's sons, God had decreed that the priesthood should
be snatched away from the house of Eli, and given to another. As a young child it was
revealed to Samuel that God was going to bring judgment upon the house of Eli, and as it
was revealed so it came to pass. Eli's two sons, Hophni and Phinehas, who were in line to
receive the priesthood--were both slain in one day. At the same time the ark of God was
captured by the Philistines; and as Eli heard the sad news he fell backward and broke his
neck and died. The glory had departed from Israel, and he who served in the house of God
was slain in battle. Then it was that the wife of Phinehas heard the sad news; and that
news caused her pains to come upon her, and she travailed and brought forth a man-child.
In her dying moments she named him "Ichabod," and she named him well, because
the ark of God was taken. Ichabod signifies, "No glory," or "Where is the
And try as she will, this modern-day church system,
this Babylon of religious pomp and splendour, will produce nothing but Ichabods.
"Where is the Glory?" Where is that real, vital presence of the Holy Spirit in
the congregation of the saints to work the very works of God Himself, and produce the
fruit of the Spirit? Yes, the dying priesthood will bring forth its manchild, but Ichabod
is the name. God has already prepared another manchild, and Samuel is the name. He was
"asked for." The cries and prayers of God's people for years have prevailed upon
the God of Heaven, and in answer to their prayers and travail, "a Son, a male"
is to be born, for that is the literal translation of "manchild" (Rev. 12:5).
Ichabod is in line for the priesthood, that is true; but God has ordained another
priesthood, a priesthood of glory.
The Melchizedek priesthood is a priesthood of life,
and of fadeless glory. It is a priesthood of eternal fellowship and communion with Christ,
and not like the Aaronic priesthood which experienced the presence of God only on a
certain occasion, once in the year. It is a priesthood that is established by the word and
oath of God Himself. It is a priesthood which cannot pass away, for there is no death in
the fullness of this new order. It is a priesthood of royal power and authority. Gone
shall be the bondage of the world, the flesh, and the Devil. For this priesthood
introduces the royal-priest behind the veil, behind the flesh. The flesh is rent asunder,
and the glory of God is unveiled. The Head has already entered into this priesthood--and
if He has entered it means the way is open for others to follow. "Whither the
forerunner is for us entered, even Jesus, made a high priest for ever after the order of
Melchizedek." (Heb. 6:20). It is a "new and living way, which he hath
consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh"
(Heb. 10:20). Can you hear these words, child of God? "For us..."
Not for the Church of the past centuries, for they did not hear these beautiful words, and
therefore it had no application to them. But "for us" to whom
the Word of God is now given. Not to men of some future dispensation or some future
Kingdom: but "for us" who live in this day of opportunity, this
today of hope and promise. "To-day if ye will hear his voice, harden
not your heart..." In the fullness of this new priesthood we shall be completely
glorified, like unto Christ. But even as Christ began His priesthood on earth by
interceding for His brethren--so let us begin even now to possess this glorious heritage
in the Spirit, the Kingdom of God within.
"But ye are a chosen generation, a royal
priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people..." (1 Pet. 2:9). A royal priesthood! A
priesthood of kings, and a kingdom of priests! A company of overcomers, who have power
with God and with men! As priests they have power with God, and as kings they have power
with men. As priests they have "access by faith into this grace" of our holy
standing; and as kings they have the power of God to rule and reign in all circumstances
and over all opposing forces. As priests they can intercede with God on behalf of men; and
as kings they can impart life and power and deliverance to the captive, and set the
oppressed free. Such is the kingdom of Melchizedek. He reigns, but he also intercedes; and
in fact he reigns by interceding. His very power and kingly authority is for the benefit
and sake of others. Jesus said, "All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
Go ye therefore..." (Matt. 28:19). And again, "Ye shall receive power, after
that the Holy Ghost is come upon you" (Acts 1:8). He is King! and Priest! And He has
designated His kingly authority and His priestly authority to such as are of Him and in
Him. In this realm the flesh "profiteth nothing." Natural advantages, fleshly
attainments, racial distinctions, educational standards, ecclesiastical success--these
profit nothing. This priesthood knows nothing of father, mother, genealogy, beginning of
days nor end of life. It is the sphere and realm of the Spirit of God, a priesthood and a
Kingdom which the Sons of God shall enter into as they grow up into Christ.
Melchizedek signifies by his name, "King of
righteousness." He is also called King of Salem, and that means King of Peace. (Heb.
7:2). His ministry, therefore, is to establish righteousness and peace in those who are
under sin's dominion. And that, of course, is the very essence of the Kingdom of God.
"The Kingdom of God is righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost"
(Rom. 14:17).
Now can we understand how the overcomer in the Day
of the Lord, when Great Tribulation is upon the earth, will be able to administer help and
comfort and sustenance to God's people who are under oppression and persecution. The great
tribulation itself is going to be cut short because of the Sons of God. As Moses
interceded for Israel and spared them from wrath; and as Jesus intercedes for His people,
and spares them from wrath; so the Sons of God, through the exercise of their royal
priesthood, shall actually shorten the Great Tribulation. Jesus has
declared that they would: "For the elect's sake those days shall be
shortened" (Matt. 24:22). The elect shall have entered into a new priesthood, a royal
priesthood. As priests they will be able to present the needs of the people to God, and
intercede for them; and as kings they will have the authority of God to dispense life and
blessing to such as are in tribulation and distress. The world has had her day of kings
and dictators whose passion it is to exercise lordship and dominion over a suffering
humanity. This new Kingdom shall be a Priesthood,--a priesthood that "can have
compassion on the ignorant, and on them that are out of the way" for they will
remember their former afflictions. They will recall their former bondage under Satan's
cruel kingdom, and the days of yester-years when the flesh tormented them, and they cried
in anguish of soul: "O wretched man that I am, who shall deliver me...?" They
shall not have forgotten that they too were once sinners, defiled in His sight, and poured
out their complaint to God in the bitterness of their sorrows. And therefore they shall
reign as priests--co-heirs with the Son in the Kingdom of Grace.
"Even he shall build the temple of the Lord;
and he shall bear the glory and shall sit and rule upon his throne; and he shall
be a priest upon his throne: and the counsel of peace shall be between them
both" (Zech. 6:13). What does this mean? "Between them both..."?
"Both" refers back to Joshua the high priest, and "the man whose name is the
branch." It is the priesthood of the Son and the many Sons. Joshua means
"Jah saves," and is the same as Jesus in the Greek. The branch,
on the other hand, is said to "grow up out of his place." It is
Christ; and His place is the Church. But He is called the branch, or literally the sprout,
because this Man is a many-membered Body, that grows up into maturity. We read therefore
that the Body is to "grow up into...the head, even Christ"
(Eph. 4:15). Hence, away back in the days of Zechariah who prophesied words of
encouragement to the builders of the second temple, we have the truth of the new
priesthood, a priesthood that reigns upon the throne, a priesthood comprising Christ and
His people, the Son and the many Sons, with the counsel of peace "between them
Is it not written, "Heirs of God, and
joint-heirs with Christ, if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified
together"? (Rom. 8:17). And does not the apostle declare that God "hath raised
us up with him, and made us sit with him in the heavenlies in Christ Jesus"? (Eph.
2:6, Literal).
O the depths and the heights of this glorious
priesthood! It far surpasses anything we can possibly imagine in the natural; for it is an
infinite and eternal priesthood, and we are yet carnal and walk as men. Only by the Spirit
can we comprehend anything of our heritage in Christ.
In the history of Israel's Kingdom we have a picture
of the Church of Christ throughout her long history. As a young lad on the hillsides of
Bethlehem David received his Pentecost. There it was that the prophet Samuel poured the
anointing oil upon his head, and he was anointed as king over Israel. So it was that the
Church of early apostolic days received a mighty anointing from God, an anointing which
constituted her a "royal priesthood." Like David, the Church was anointed to
rule and reign; but her kingdom was in exile much of the time; she reigned amidst much
conflict and tribulation. Hunted and hounded on every hand, she dwelt in caves and holes
of the earth, persecuted, martyred, tortured, tossed to the lions, burnt at the stake.
Every conceivable device was used against her; but the more she was persecuted, the
stronger she became. The kingdom of Saul waxed weaker and weaker, and the kingdom of David
waxed stronger and stronger. Finally, by the end of the third century A.D. it is said that
about one-half of the Roman Empire had been converted to Christ.
Then for a brief period it would seem that the
Church entered into her "Solomon" stage. Solomon means "Peace." The
persecutions ceased, and for a time the Church enjoyed rest from tribulation, and she
became a mighty and powerful and prosperous kingdom. However, it was not for long. The
Church soon lost her power and her glory; for Satan had succeeded in deceiving her; and
the prosperity which she enjoyed served only to lull her to sleep, and to rob her of her
spiritual life. God warned Israel that when they took possession of their heritage,
"Houses full of all good things, which thou filledst not, and wells digged, which
thou diggedst not, vineyards and olive trees, which thou plantedst not; when thou shalt
have eaten and be full; then beware lest thou forget the Lord, which brought thee forth
out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage" (Deut. 6:11, 12). Israel did
forget, and so did the Church. Solomon's glory departed and his temple was destroyed; and
likewise the glory departed from the Church, and her beautiful temple was destroyed.
Then began the captivity. Israel went into
Babylonian captivity; and the Church went into her spiritual Babylon of the Dark Ages.
Solomon turned away from the Lord in his old age and built idolatrous images, and the king
who had received the greatest wisdom ever accorded to any king in Israel--lost his glory
and turned to folly. So the Church married many strange women of idolatrous and heathen
Rome, and the wisdom of God which had been displayed in mighty signs and wonders and
demonstrations of the Holy Spirit, degenerated into the utmost of folly.
Then there was restoration from the captivity. After
the captivity a believing remnant returned from Babylon to rebuild the temple and restore
Israel's order of worship. And after the Dark Ages a spiritual remnant returned from
spiritual Babylon to restore God's pattern for the Church. There was Restoration for
Israel; and there was Reformation for the Church. There was great persecution for the
builders of the second temple in Jerusalem; and there was great persecution for Luther and
his allies as they began to restore the foundations of Truth which had been lost during
the Dark Ages.
Once again there was disobedience in Israel, until
we come to the time of Christ, when Israel's worship had degenerated into a meaningless
system of form and ritual, devoid of the glory of God. There were Scribes and Pharisees
and Sadducees, and great activity in the temple; but there was no real worship of the one
true God of Israel. And so we have the same thing in the Church. Protestantism itself had
degenerated into a meaningless system of religion, having a form of godliness but denying
the power thereof. True there is much religion, great temples, fine orchestras and choirs
and illustrious preachers; but so very little real spiritual worship of God and His
And all this brings us up to the Appearing of Christ
in Israel, and to the second Appearing of Christ now at the ends of the ages. Just as
Israel's temple was abandoned and left unto them utterly "desolate" because of
their disobedience, and a new temple was brought into being by Incarnation; so now
Protestantism has been left "desolate" because of her disobedience, and a new
Temple is being born by the Spirit of God,--even the Temple of the living God, the Body of
Christ. As the days drew nigh when Christ was to go to Gethsemane and the Cross, He
prophesied to the people, "Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it
up" (Jn. 2:19). They thought He meant the temple of Herod which took forty and six
years to build; but no, He referred to the Temple which He was, the Temple of His body. So
once again, in this hour of His second Appearing, the prophecy goes forth that He will
raise up His Temple, that the Body of Christ shall be brought together to form a holy
Temple of the Lord. Many have thought that He referred to the resurrection of a dying
religious system; but no, He is referring to the spiritual resurrection of a spiritual
Body, made One by the power of the Holy Spirit, motivated and energized by the presence
and power of Christ Himself in the midst of His people.
What we should notice particularly, however,
throughout this whole pattern, is that the culmination of the old order is the beginning
of the new. When the veil of the old religious order was rent in twain, a new way of
access was opened up into the Holiest by the blood of Jesus; and within three days a New
Man, a New Temple, came into being in the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. So
now once again, with the veil of the old religious order being rent asunder, a new way is
being opened up into the Holy of Holies, even the way of the Melchizedek priesthood--and
it will not be long ere a New Temple springs into being by the resurrection of the Body of
Jesus Christ, this time a spiritual resurrection. For this is the day and hour of His
Appearing, the hour of His spiritual visitation within His saints. It is the day and hour
when Christ shall be "formed within" His people. It is the
"out-resurrection from among the dead." It is Christ "the resurrection and
the life" standing in our midst. It is the seed breaking forth into the blade, the
blade into the ear, the ear into the full corn. It is the caterpillar being transformed
into the butterfly, and breaking forth from the cocoon of death into the glorious liberty
of the atmosphere above. It is the day and hour of the manifestation of the Sons of God,
when the Son Himself shall be unveiled in the hearts and lives of His many brethren.
We may expect, therefore, that in these end times,
when the events of the ages are to be focused into one, that we shall discover the pattern
of this great hour prefigured and typified everywhere in the sacred Scriptures. This is
the day of the "fulness of the times." The ends of the ages have come upon us.
Not the end of the age; not the end of the ages; not the ends of the age; but even "the
ends of the ages" (1 Cor. 10:11, Literal). And therefore, just as the river
which begins as a trickle in the top of some mountain, flows down the steeps and through
the plains, and gathers into its flow the waters from all the springs and rivulets and
streams along the way--and finally empties all its accumulated waters into the ocean, so
it is with the stream of God's purposes. There was judgment and there was glory with every
age and every dispensation that God ever gave; but now we have come to the ends of
the ages when all the judgments as well as all the glory of bygone ages are to
find their focus in this great hour. Why did Jesus say of the Jews of His day: "That
the blood of all the prophets, which was shed from the foundation of the world, may be
required of this generation?" (Lk. 11:50). Simply because the sum and substance of
all the promises of the Scriptures were heaped together and offered to that generation in
the Person of Messiah; and therefore in their rejection of Messiah all the judgments which
were due to all preceding generations were heaped together and laid upon that generation.
And so it actually came to pass, and was fulfilled in the desolation of Jerusalem at the
hands of the Romans in A.D. 70.
Now we have come to the ends of the ages. Once again
there is an apostate religious system, upon which the wrath of God shall descend in great
fury; and then shall be fulfilled the Great Tribulation, of which the desolation of
Jerusalem in the days of Emperor Titus was but a type and shadow. That was a local event,
concerning only the natural Jerusalem; this shall be a world-wide event, and all the
earth--especially apostate Christendom--shall feel the mighty impact of the Day of the
Lord. But as we have already discovered, the Day of the Lord is the unveiled might and
power of the God of Heaven, descending in wrath upon the ungodly, but in great power and
blessing upon the overcomer.
The dispensation of the Law could only end in
tribulation and the curse: for it is a ministration of death. But the dispensation of
Grace must end in glory and victory: for it is a ministration of life. The universal
Church, however, has refused to accept the dispensation of Grace, and has continued from
the earliest times to live under the dispensation of the Law. Religion continues to patch
that which Christ has declared useless. The veil that He rent in twain has been sewn
together, and the flesh continues to rule in the place of the Spirit. Instead of the blood
of Christ, there is the work of man. Instead of new birth, there is moral rearmament.
Instead of the Holy Spirit, there is fleshly entertainment. The Day of the Lord is at
hand, even the ends of the ages, and great shall be the display of God's glory. It shall
be light, glorious light, or it shall be darkness, gross darkness;
and that will all depend upon our position before God. Just as all the wrath and judgments
which were due to all preceding generations were heaped together and laid upon the
generation of Christ's day; so now, not only all the wrath but all the glory ever
administered or ever offered to all preceding generations, shall be heaped together and
laid upon our generation when the Day of the Lord is revealed. It shall therefore be Great
Tribulation, such as was never known from the foundation of the world; but it shall also
be Great Glory, such as was never known from the foundation of the world. To the one class
of people it shall be a day of "darkness" and of "gloominess." But to
the other, "as the morning spread upon the mountains." (Joel 2:2). To the one,
the Great Tribulation; but to the other, "The Manifestation of the Sons of God."
This is the focal hour of history. The glory of
Moses' day is for us; the glory of David's kingdom is for us; the glory of Solomon's
kingdom is for us; the glory of the restored temple of Ezra's day is for us; the glory of
Enoch's day, and the glory of Elijah's day, and the glory of Paul's day,--all this glory
and much more is available to us, if we can hear His voice.
"And all the men of Israel assembled themselves
unto King Solomon at the feast of the month Ethanim, which is the
seventh month. And all the elders of Israel came, and the priests took up the
ark. And they brought up the ark of the Lord... into the oracle of the house, to the most
holy place..." (1 Kgs. 8:2-6). David had previously pitched a tent for the ark of the
Lord on Mount Zion. But he was not permitted to build a permanent house for the ark,
because he had been a man of many wars. His kingdom must give way to Solomon's, and his
tent to the permanent, glorious temple to be constructed by his son. And so finally, the
temple was completed, and the ark of the Lord was brought into the oracle of the house,
even the holy of holies. When this took place, and "the priests were come out of the
holy place, ...the cloud filled the house of the Lord, so that the priests could not stand
to minister because of the cloud: for the glory of the Lord had filled the house of the
Lord" (vs. 10, 11).
All this took place on the occasion of the Feast of
Tabernacles; a beautiful picture, therefore, of the glory which God has prepared for the
Temple not made with hands, a Temple of living stones. Solomon in his great dedicatory
prayer prophesied of Israel's future disobedience and their dispersion among the nations;
but with that prophetic warning there was also a promise that if they returned unto God
with all their heart in the land of their captivity, then God would hear from Heaven and
maintain their cause. (See 1 Kgs. 8:15-61). So it happened to Israel, and so it happened
to the Church. Solomon's beautiful temple was destroyed; and the Church went into the
millennium of the Dark Ages.
Soon, however, the Church will have received
"double for all her sins," and in the hour of restoration she shall receive
double the glory that she had before. A "double portion" of Elijah's spirit was
promised to his successor Elisha, if he would but follow his master step by step and keep
his eyes firmly fixed upon him. And Elisha got his request. Jesus has promised,
"Greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father." (Jn.
"Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your
God. Speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem, and cry unto her, that her warfare is
accomplished, that her iniquity is pardoned; for she hath received of the Lord's hand
double for all her sins... and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh
shall see it together..." (Isa. 40:1, 2, 5). A greater than Solomon is here! A
greater glory than Solomon's Temple shall be revealed in this hour of the Lord's appearing
in the midst of His saints.
"And they drew out the staves of the
ark..." (2 Chron. 5:9). Why? Because the Church's long wilderness journey shall be
over, and now she will enter into her long-awaited rest. "Now, therefore, arise O
Lord God, into thy resting place, thou and the ark of thy strength: let thy priests, O
Lord God, be clothed with salvation, and let thy saints rejoice in goodness. (2 Chron.
6:41). The great Church victorious is destined to become the Church at rest. Not, however,
by way of the coffin. Not by living a life of defeat, and then passing on to be with the
saints who have died. But by pressing into her heritage by the Spirit, and appropriating
the blessedness which is hers "in the heavenlies in Christ Jesus."
And so this Feast of Tabernacles was probably the
greatest in Israel's history. There was a "very great congregation, from the entering
in of Hamath unto the river of Egypt." (2 Chron. 7:8). How little did they realize
that they, in their joy and gladness of heart, were merely fulfilling the rites and
ceremonies of a fading type and shadow, and that one day it would give way to the unveiled
glory of God in the Church of Jesus Christ, and especially in the Church of this great
hour in which we live!
Let us ever be on the watch for the counterfeit.
God's glory is not going to be revealed without the apostate religious world trying to
reproduce the same thing in the power of the flesh. Especially now in this day, with the
powers of darkness mustering their forces and bringing forth their secret weapons, the
saints are going to find it increasingly difficult to discern the real from the
counterfeit. It is not going to be sufficient that we should see signs and wonders and
miracles performed in the name of Christ; for Satan is going to empower his emissaries of
light to do all the miracles that the Church will do. Jannes and Jambres worked side by
side with Aaron, performing sign for sign, and miracle for miracle. But it will not always
last. In due course "their folly shall be manifest," even as the wisdom of the
Church shall be manifest. The time will come when Aaron's rod shall swallow up the rods of
the magicians, and their power shall be broken.
Therefore, in this hour of the Church's trial and
sifting, when the real and the counterfeit are going to work side by side--let us be on
the alert to detect the false and discern the real. Only the walk of obedience and faith
and utter consecration will deliver the child of God from the deception of Satan. Discern
the Lord's Body. Recognize the ministries which He is establishing in the Body. "By
their fruits ye shall know them." Not by their miracles, or by their signs, or by
their wonders; but "by their fruits."
And so it is quite evident, even now in this hour of
the Body of Christ, that Jeroboam the Enlarger (for so is his name by interpretation) is
going to seek the expansion of his kingdom by producing a counterfeit of the real. When
people are hungry for God and can see the moving of God's spirit, the adversary always
tries to reproduce what the people are looking for in order to isolate them from the
Truth. If there is healing, Jeroboam will heal. If there is a manifestation of the Spirit,
Jeroboam will have something similar. If there are tongues in the Spirit, Jeroboam will
speak in tongues. If there is prophecy, singing in the Spirit, laying on of hands for the
gifts, miracles, words of knowledge or wisdom,--or any other manifestation of the
supernatural which God has in store for the saints--then Jeroboam will do all in his power
to reproduce these same manifestations in his kingdom. And unless the people have
spiritual discernment they will be deceived.
This is what happened. Because of Solomon's
disobedience God decreed that his kingdom should be broken up. And so to Jeroboam were
given ten tribes of Israel for his kingdom, and to Rehoboam were given the other two
tribes. Jeroboam, then, was to be king of Israel; and Rehoboam king of Judah. But Jeroboam
was at a great disadvantage, because Jerusalem was in Rehoboam's kingdom--and what would
happen if Israel should go up to the holy city to worship God? So reasoned Jeroboam. He
was in danger of losing his kingdom if the people were to continue going up to Jerusalem
to sacrifice unto the Lord and observe the Feasts. So we are told he took counsel,
"and made two calves of gold, and said unto them, It is too much for you to go up to
Jerusalem: behold thy gods, O Israel, which brought thee up out of the land of
Egypt." (1 Kgs. 12:28). And the people believed it! And so they went to worship at
Bethel and Dan where the calves were set up. You see, Bethel means House of God, and Dan
signifies Judge. We have shown how the number "two" signifies the Body of
Christ, the fullness of Christ in His people. And so Jeroboam made two calves. Bethel the
House of God, and Dan the Judge! A real counterfeit of the Body of Christ and the
ministries in that Body! Dan will be there to judge; there will be apostles, prophets,
evangelists, pastors and teachers. And to all appearances it will be the Body of Christ.
It was at Bethel, you will recall, that God appeared to Jacob when he fled from the face
of his brother Esau, and as he slept he saw the angelic hosts ascending and descending
upon the ladder. We have already shown how this typifies the fullness of the Son of Man in
His Body. And Jacob awoke in fear and cried: "How dreadful is this place! This is
none other but the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven." (Gen. 28:17). But
now at the very house of God a golden calf is worshipped as the God of Israel!
Nor will Jeroboam stop at this. The saints of God in
this present hour are hungry, desperately hungry for the things of God and the restoration
of the Feasts of the Lord. And so Jeroboam will provide a Feast of Tabernacles for them
too. "And Jeroboam ordained a feast in the eighth month, on the
fifteenth day of the month, like unto the feast that is in Judah... So he offered upon the
altar which he had made in Bethel the fifteenth day of the eighth month, even in the month
which he had devised of his own heart..." (1 Kgs. 12:32, 33).
These are sad truths, and yet so genuinely
applicable in our day. And the reason for the whole idolatrous system was simply this:
Jeroboam did not have the real thing, and he wanted to maintain his kingdom, so he had to
provide a substitute. The golden calves which he made were intended to maintain the unity
of his kingdom, and to prevent his people from going to Jerusalem to keep the real Feasts
of the Lord. "And this thing became a sin..." to the children of Israel. But
God's judgment was upon it. Said the Lord, "They have set up kings, but not by me:
they have made princes, and I knew it not: of their silver and their gold have they made
them idols, that they may be cut off. Thy calf, O Samaria, hath cast thee off; mine anger
is kindled against them." (Hos. 8:4, 5).
Do you see, then, how subtly the enemy will work,
and how easy it is going to be for Christians to become entangled in an idolatrous system
and not realize it? Notice this one thing: that Jeroboam's attempt to reproduce the real
thing according to the devices of his own heart--produced nothing more than an idolatrous
system of worship. He followed the pattern as close as he could, but he missed the real
Feast. His was in the eighth month; the real Feast of Tabernacles was in the seventh. So
shall it be in our day. Any attempt to reproduce the real moving of the Spirit of God, in
order to maintain and sustain a dying denominational system, will eventually lead to
The day of reckoning is at hand, and judgment must
begin at the House of God. This idolatrous ecclesiastical system is doomed. The word of
prophecy has gone forth upon Jeroboam's altar: "O altar, altar, thus saith the Lord;
Behold, a child shall be born unto the House of David, Josiah by name; and upon thee shall
he offer the priests of the high places that burn incense upon thee, and men's bones shall
be burnt upon thee..." (1 Kgs. 13:2). Aaron's rod shall yet swallow up the rods of
the magicians in the Day of Christ's Appearing; and the dross shall be consumed from the
gold and the silver in the house of Levi. "The Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly
come to his temple... And he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver; and he shall
purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as god and silver, that they may offer unto the
Lord an offering in righteousness." (Mal. 3:1, 3). He comes to His temple! Even to
the Church of the living God. "For ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath
said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them..." (2 Cor. 6:16).
When the people of God ridicule these great truths
concerning the rebuilding of God's holy Temple, and the perfection of the saints into one,
vital, united Body--such ridicule is not against the saints, but it is against God
Himself. We know God's people do not realize this, but that is exactly what they are
doing. They are not ridiculing men, but God who has spoken and declared His purpose. And
they are not scoffing at fools, but they are scoffing at the Wisdom of God. Why should it
be thought incredible that a God of Wisdom should do all these things and more? Was it not
by Wisdom that God established the heavens and the earth? (Prov. 3:19). And is Wisdom not
the gift of God, which fools may receive by simply asking God for it in faith? (Jas. 1:5).
And furthermore, is not the Wisdom of God always foolishness with man? (1 Cor. 1:20-25).
Let us not be guilty. therefore, of charging God with folly. What device of man or Devil
shall be able to withstand the Wisdom of God and prevail?
The Church and the world are both going to be
literally dumbfounded and amazed when the Wisdom of God is restored to the Church in great
power. Nothing shall be able to withstand the Wisdom of the Almighty. And that is exactly
how Solomon's Kingdom became so prosperous and mighty, because of the wisdom which he
received from God. Now if this be so concerning the natural kingdom of Solomon, how much
more shall it be so concerning the spiritual Kingdom of Christ? For the wisdom that God
hath in store for the Sons of God shall far outshine and surpass the wisdom of Solomon.
Let us not stumble at the commonly accepted, but false interpretation of 1 Kgs. 3:12,
"I have given thee a wise and an understanding heart; so that there was none like
thee before thee, neither after thee shall any arise like unto thee." From 2 Chron.
1:12, it is clear that God was referring to the kings of Israel, his predecessors and his
successors--and it is true that Solomon's wisdom far exceeded that of any king who reigned
in Israel before or after. "Wisdom and knowledge is granted unto thee; and I will
give thee riches, and wealth, and honor, such as none of the kings have had that have been
before thee, neither shall there any after thee have the like." But Jesus said,
"A greater than Solomon is here." And this "greater than Solomon" is
going to reveal Himself in His people; so that the display of wisdom in God's people shall
far exceed anything we have ever imagined to be possible. "To the intent," says
Paul, "That now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known
by the church the manifold wisdom of God," (Eph. 3:10). "The manifold," or
literally, "The many-sided wisdom of God." Solomon's wisdom was displayed before
all the great kings of the earth; so that they came from all parts to hear and to behold
the wisdom which he had. But this Wisdom, this very manifold, many-sided Wisdom of God is
going to be displayed--not only before earthly rulers, but before the principalities and
the powers of the Heavenlies!
No wonder Solomon tells us: "Through wisdom is
an house builded; and by understanding it is established." (Prov. 24:3). So shall it
be with the House of God. It shall be built, it shall be established, by Wisdom, even the
manifold Wisdom of God. There was no more spirit left in the Queen of Sheba as she beheld
the glory of Solomon's kingdom; and though she had heard of his fame she confessed.
"Behold, the one half of the greatness of thy wisdom was not told me..." (2
Chron. 9:6). But lo! A Greater than Solomon dwelleth in the midst of God's people. And
shall not His Glory exceed the fame of anything we have heard or read, even from the
Scriptures? And shall not His Kingdom be established, even unto the uttermost parts of the
God forbid! Hath He spoken and shall He not do it?
Hath He promised and shall He not bring it to pass? Did He not mean what He said
concerning the Holy Spirit, that He was given to search out the "depths of God,"
even the things that have not entered into the heart of man? Shall the prayer of the Son
of God go unanswered? And were His words falsely spoken when He declared, "The glory
which thou gavest me I have given them?" Shall the first Adam who brought desolation
and chaos into the world be permitted to live almost a thousand years, and the sons of the
Last Adam be accounted blasphemers and fanatics for preaching Divine Health and Divine
Life? Shall men like Enoch and Elijah reach out and appropriate translation by faith, and
the brethren of Christ be accursed for cherishing a similar hope? Shall the All-wise God
account Himself a fool according to His Beloved Son, for not sitting down first and
counting the cost, and see whether He is able to lay a foundation for a glorious Temple,
and not able to finish it, while scoffers and passers-by ridicule His feeble architectural
plans? Shall the gates of Hell continue to prevail against the Church of Jesus Christ?
Shall the great Husbandman admit defeat, and thrust in the sickle before the grain is ripe
and fully formed in the ear? Shall He prove the impatience of His Spirit by cutting down
the grain before it receives the early and the latter rain? Shall He impart gifts of the
Spirit to His people and set the ministers of Christ in the Church for the perfecting of
the saints, and then rapture them all before they attain to the measure of the stature of
the fulness of Christ? Shall He serve good wine in the beginning of the feast, and reserve
the diluted mixture for the last? Shall a God of wisdom, in the unfolding of the greatest
drama of the ages, make a spectacle of the saints before angels and before men, and
culminate the Acts of the apostles with the tragic blunder of Modernism and present-day
apostasy? Shall the Wisdom, the very manifold wisdom of God in the Church, which God
intended for display even now unto the principalities and powers, degenerate into the
wisdom that is earthly, sensual, and devilish? Shall demons and hosts of wickedness
continue to have a free hand as they barter with the bodies and minds of God's people?
Shall God not rise up in vengeance on behalf of His elect? Is God not concerned about
vindicating His great Name, while the nations rage against the authority of Zion's King,
and make His heritage a desolation? Shall the ever-increasing glory of the New Covenant
give way to the transient, fading glory of the Law? Or shall the ministration of God's
power in the passing glory of the day of Moses, exceed the ministration of God's power in
this day? Shall God not restore the years that the locust, the caterpillar, the
palmerworm, and the cankerworm have eaten? And shall not the glory of this latter house be
greater than the former, saith the Lord of hosts? Shall all creation, yea the children of
God themselves,--groan and travail in birth-pangs for the manifestation of the sons of
God, all to no end or purpose? And if Zion travail, shall she not bring forth? Or shall
the sons be brought to the birth, and God shut the womb?
No! A thousand times no! God's Sons shall yet be
manifested in this great hour of the Church's sorrow and travail; and shall display before
this wicked and perverse generation the unveiled glory of God in a manner not hitherto
revealed or even imagined. The prayers of sorrow and bitterness and travail throughout
this long wilderness journey of the Church from Pentecost until now--have all been bottled
up in the heavenly vials, and soon they shall be poured upon the world in great
Heaven-shaking events, dethroning the powers of darkness and of Satan, and establishing
the overcomer in authority on Zion's mountain.

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