Saturday 28 April 2012

G.R.I.N. - God Religion In a Nutshell

A few days ago I had a go at doing a potted history of the Church in the world, as it relates to Jesus own description of a half-built Tower. As a generalisation each move of God has "got" the first bit of Christianity, but no "move" in history has ever "got " the second bit.....only those gorgeous individuals we love reading from online and Christian bookshops.
The original text, now expanded was put into 3 Facebook statuses. So, yes, quite potted. But quite unlike the rather random, cobbled version we get in schools.  Who runs the schools? You've guessed it!

For those who cannot play the YouTube below, I include all the component graphics.

1 comment:

  1. Bonnie Morris5 May 2012 at 18:06

    Interesting graphics for explaining history, etc.
