Thursday 21 June 2012

What We All Need - Jim Marjoram

We all need to be loved

Absolutely, every single person ever created needs to be loved - 

  • The girl in the call centre who just keeps quoting the fixed responses to you
  • The policeman who just pulled you over for not signalling when you have 3 screaming kids in the car and have just had the worst day of your life
  • The redneck bigot shouting racist abuse in a protest
  • The teenager that just gave you the finger
  • The young black guy that stole your bag 
  • The politician that just made the most blatantly stupid policy change the nation has ever seen
  • Your mother in law
  • Hitler
All they need is love. That's it. 
They don't need to be told how bad they are - 
  • How rude
  • How unforgiving
  • How thoughtless
  • How selfish
  • How evil
They need love.
I need love. 
I don't respond well when my faults are pointed out - in patronising innuendos.
Yeah, sometimes I need to be reminded, when I tread on a toe or two. But I need to laugh more than cry, I need love to heal the pain. I need total unconditional love no matter what.

God IS love. Jesus is what love looked like in the flesh.
He cleared away ALL laws/religion/sin before the foundation of time - revealed the fact 2000 years ago - and left room for nothing else but love.

Everything that isn't love can be banished by love. 
  • We renew our minds by love
  • Resist evil by love
  • Stand strong in love
  • Relate to all mankind in love
There is no law, at all, any more, ever.
  • No wisdom principles
  • No guiding morals
  • No 10 commandments
  • No golden rules
  • No 4 spiritual laws
  • No two greatest commandments
There is only one thing left:


Amen ♥

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