1973 in Ghana |
Roads of
The Lord Jesus
awoke me in the night to write this letter. The Glory of the Lord is real and is
being poured out upon this earth and through the eyes of God we would probably
see a totally different world than is reported in the news or often experienced
by many. The Bible says God spoke "As truly as I live all the earth
shall be filled with the Glory of the Lord" (Numbers14:21)
"From the rising of the sun to the going down of the same the Lord's
Name is to be praised" (Psalm 113:3).
All my life I
have sought to live in the "glory". I was saved at seven and for years I'd climb
up in a tree and visit with Jesus all night. God was so real, His glory so
wonderful and my prayer and passion has always been to be more like Jesus. My
road of glory started as a child in my mother's lap as she sang songs and told
me stories of Jesus. I surrendered to preach at fifteen and I've never stopped
personally sharing Jesus wherever I go with whomever I meet.
Greenland |
I shared Jesus
with friends at school, gave out gospel tracts, shared Jesus in bars where my
dad was drinking. Preached in jails, rescue missions, juvenile detention
centers, old peoples homes and in the streets. From a child to teenager to an
adult nothing has been more important and thrilling than leading people to
Jesus. Every sermon I preach always ends with an invitation to receive Jesus.
From starting churches and pastoring in Mississippi to Montana to California and
Nevada I've been an evangelist. From starting the ministry on Sunset Strip in
Hollywood, putting the cross on the wall of His Place and carrying the cross in
1968 I've known the covering of His presence and Him filling me with His glory.
No matter how dark, hopeless, sinful and lost the place and people were I've
always felt the absolute glorious presence of Jesus...everywhere! Love flowed
from my heart for the lost to come to Jesus and tears filled my eyes and still
do. Since Jesus called me to carrying the cross across America, Dec. 25th, 1969
the cross has been my constant companion. Whether walking, preaching, or TV
programs you will see the cross there. I just crossed the 40,000 mile mark this
summer of walking around the world.
Alaska |
ask me where do I see the glory of God? Where do I see God moving? My answer:
"Everywhere I go"! Many say when is revival and awakening coming? My reply is
"Now"! Jesus said long ago to His disciples "I will establish my church and the
gates of hell will not prevail against it!" Don't give me puny, self pity,
discouraged and miserable words about this world. Jesus is in charge and working
out His plan and purposes for the glory of God.
Remember Jesus
said "All power is given me in heaven and in earth...Go...into All
nations...preach the gospel to every person...and I WILL Be With You ALWAYS!
We are serving a
Mighty God! No man on this earth puts fear in my heart. God controls our every
heartbeat and breath and death is every person's destiny. Some people say the
Jesus Movement died. If they say it died for them it did. But I've been living
in the Jesus Movement all my life. It started with Jesus two thousand years ago
and has never stopped. Things got 'religious' back in America but for me walking
the roads of the world I've had no time or desire to get religious. All we have
is the cross for an altar, the sky for a roof and the sounds of birds and big
trucks for the music. I've been walking a different road from most preachers and
people. It's called the Road of Glory and I'm still on it.
Afghanistan |
to TBN TV we have possibly the world's largest school of witness (evangelism) in
the world. Our program "The Message of the Cross" is seen worldwide on Tuesdays
at 4pm and Thursday's at 3am PST. I train millions all over the world how to
share Jesus where they are in their everyday walk. There are 49 half
hour programs for viewing which are archived at itbn.org. These programs
are filmed outdoors sharing Jesus with people one on one and we're receiving
thousands of glorious reports and igniting a fresh spirit of witness worldwide.
I host "Praise
the Lord" worldwide on TBN TV to tens of millions a month and focus on Jesus and
lead guests to share about their conversion, share tips on following Jesus and
how to share Jesus and then have them issue a call for salvation. I also preach
a message on these programs with a call to receive Jesus.
For the past two
years I have given a fifteen minute explanation and invitation on TBN
immediately following the movie "The Passion of the Christ". The thirty two
showings of this have been seen by over a hundred million people with thousands
upon thousands of people saved. Just unbelievable glory.
The movie "The
Cross" has been shown in thousands of churches around the world. It is now
perhaps the most shown movie on mission fields after the "Jesus" movie. It is
now in every nation and major island group supplied by us with thousands of
glorious reports of changed lives!
www.blessitt.com is a
worldwide base for evangelism and inspiration. Ten of my books are now available
free for online reading. Plus a list of every nation with stories and
Afghanistan 2 |
Our cross walks
are growing even more powerful. The response in Lone Tree, Highlands Ranch,
Parker, etc in Douglas County has been staggering. I tried to carry the cross
the past two days and walked a total of three miles because so many people were
stopping to talk, pray and welcome the cross. Joggers, walkers, cyclists, cars
and trucks stop. Many wait in line to talk, some weeping while they wait. I get
hot from standing in the heat but not from walking. What a wonderful problem.
Out of this have come home meetings, lunches to talk and minister and local
speaking meetings. I can tell you people are hungry for Jesus.
When we were in
the far north this summer carrying the cross we had profound encounters about
Jesus with people coming to know Him. We took a drive over to Skagway, Alaska
where the cruise ships dock at the end of the inland passage. I tell you it was
just glory on that main street. Thousands of tourists from all over the world in
a village of 900 people. One tour bus stopped in the narrow street blocking
traffic and off jumped the famed Dawson Dolly rushing up to hug me. She is a
mighty witness for Jesus and soon a crowd had gathered around us and she and I
witnessed to them. People prayed with us, five families there on that one street
had seen the movie the Cross.
On our flight
back from Yellowknife NWT Jesus arranged for a lovely lady to sit by me who had
a very great need. We visited, prayed and she made a commitment to Jesus. I gave
her the last movie I had. She was heading to a funeral of a young friend who had
just been murdered. Our route had been changed to travel on this particular
flight and the airline had changed her seat and moved the person sitting next to
me so that this young lady could sit by me. I prayed with five people flying
back. The glory is Here and Now! From the people I know around the world they
are reporting unprecedented response of people receiving Jesus and mighty
Orkney Islands UK |
As we have
walked the roads of this world some people have seen the physical human person
carrying the cross and the message of Jesus and have offered food, water and a
place to sleep. Others have pressed a coin in my hand to help with the journey.
Many never seemed to see a man who was hot or weary or hungry or needed a place
to lay his head. That is fine but oh the beauty of those that saw us and cared
for our needs as we have tried to meet the needs of others. What a trail of
glory that is. I know the language of religious hype. But Oh, God keep if far
from me. Sometimes the Jesus I hear preached and taught seems so distant from
the Jesus I read of in the Bible and know as my Savior and friend. I hear some
Christians talk and I feel so alone. Like we don't fit. The road of the pilgrim
is long and the journey makes one tough on the outside but soft and tender of
heart. We have so much to learn of Jesus.
Palestine Westbank |
Let me bring
this to a conclusion. As for me and my house: Denise, Sophia and Arthur, we
shall serve the Lord, follow Jesus and seek to live in His Way. Until my last
step and last breath I shall proclaim Jesus and Him crucified, resurrected,
ascended and ruling Lord and call people to know and follow Him. I will seek to
train others in how to share this good news.
But we
need help! Denise and I have a renewed vision and zeal for reaching the
nations. The Cross mission is from God and God blesses and will bless those who
are a part of His mission to lift up Jesus. When Moses was old he went out to
fight and stood on top of the hill with the staff of God in his hands and sat on
a rock. "As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were
winning, but when he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning. When Moses'
hands grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it. Aaron
and Hur held his hands up on one side, and the other so that his hands remained
steady till sunset...So Joshua overcame the Amalekite army with the sword. Then
the Lord said to Moses "Write this on a scroll as something to be
remembered" Exodus 17:11-14.
We have fought
the devil and proclaimed the message of Jesus in every nation and are still
walking, preaching and sharing Jesus on foot, on TV, radio, internet, movies
etc. Some of our partners have stood with us for decades but today we need new
people to stand with us that we may keep the cross up and keep on winning the
battle and harvest.
will step up and help hold our hands up in the battle for
want to focus on the messages I am to bring. Prepare well for the teaching of
the Message of the Cross and stay on the cutting edge of what Jesus is calling
us to do. Our financial needs are a distraction and a weight. Your support can
lift that burden.
We are
praying for 'active partners' not 'passive observers'. We humbly ask
you to share with us in this God-given ministry. The cross is the heartbeat of
God, because Jesus came to the earth to die on the cross for the consequences of
sin. The cross is the symbol of freedom from sin. Nothing delights God more than
lifting up the cross and sharing Jesus who liberates people around the world
from hell and brings them into the kingdom of God.
Your financial
support will keep lifting up the cross and Jesus in reaching the nations. "But
I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to myself". John
God willing
October 27th I will be 72. Jesus has given me a world of experience. He has
given me a treasure of knowledge in understanding and of sharing Jesus with
people in all conditions and religions.
In this
area God gave three words: Impart, Equip, Evangelize.
All of what we
do combines to become a unique school of witnessing reaching millions for Christ
and training millions to be sharing Jesus in this harvest!
Call: We need 'Active Partners' to help in this great
mission: Families, ministries, churches, foundations and individuals.
Some of you live
overseas but this is a world mission. You can join in support.
You have
followed us and prayed for us and many of you came to Jesus or began sharing
Jesus through this ministry. We welcome you to pray and to become a part of the
witness and support team. Remember that Denise and Sophia are as much a part of
this as me. We travel together. We minister together. We are one.
I truly feel led
by Jesus to let you know that we need support. Many cheer us on and love us but
do not send any support. I need someone, some people to stand with us. To lift
up our hands as we lift up the cross. Moses' hands lifted up the Staff of God.
Our hands lift up the Cross of Jesus.
and Action
You can make a
donation online right now and be a part of reaching the nations.
Partners" not "Passive Observers" to "Impart, Equip, Evangelize".
anywhere in the world donate using the link on our homepage atwww.blessitt.com
Front page lower left hand side is the link.
From the
U.S. only you can also make a donation from our
Send a
check to: only U. S. checks
Blessitt Evangelistic Association
O. Box 632246
Colorado 80163-2246
Office phone
We are a
501 3c non profit ministry incorporated since 1967.
You can
go to your bank and have your bank make an automatic monthly donation from your
bank account to our ministry and mailed to our post office by your
I feel
confident that many of our friends will step up and join in support. Blessings,
Joy and Peace in Jesus Name
deeply thank our faithful supporters who have stood with us. God bless you in
every way. We are joined as a family, united in lifting up Jesus and sending the
message of the cross...Jesus and the cross to all the world.
We love
Love, pilgrim
followers of Jesus,
Arthur, Denise
and Sophia Blessitt, Luke 18:1
Please pray for
The Message of the Cross filming at the end of July and early August.
Sophia starts
the 3rd grade at a Christian school nearby. It is new for her as we moved.
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