I just received this from a friend:
Who existed before all things IN whom all things are held together. He Himself who is the Head of His body who is the Beginning the Firstborn among the dead so that He Himself in every respect might occupy the chief place and stand first and Preeminent. For it has pleased the Father (who thru He Himself is my Father too) that ALL the DIVINE Perfection Power (C
hrist He Himself is the Power and Wisdom of God our Father) and Attributes, dwell Permanently IN HIM .
Although I, Elizabeth, having known Him for so many years has not known the Message of Him IN me. He Himself has granted me to have the eyes of my heart flooded so that I am in the process of Understanding the Hope to which He Himself has called me which is Christ IN me the Hope of Glory. And now He Himself, by His Faith, has grounded, settled, causes me to be steadfast, not shifting from the Hope of the Message of He Himself IN me by the precious Holy Spirit I am daily taught I IN HIM, by Conforming me in my Soul (where the knowledge of Christ IN Me AS ME is worked out). How glorious, how absolute beyond everything I have ever known in my life of 69 years is
it to NOW know the Mystery which was hidden for ages and generations before I ever was born. That by He, Himself the Living Word, The Seed of My Father, this Revelation is revealed to me.
In great Adoration I can only say Thank You My Father for having had me in mind even BEFORE the foundation of the world to be a sharer of this amazing plan of Yours.
It is by Grace that He Himself has accepted me. Today I am a minister in accordance with the divine Stewardship with which He Himself has trusted me to make known His Message the Mystery now revealed.
HE HIMSELF did it.
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