And the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.
2 “For behold, darkness will cover the earth
And deep darkness the peoples;
But the Lord will rise upon you
And His glory will appear upon you.
3 “ Nations will come to your light,
And kings to the brightness of your rising. NASB
Oliver Bob LagumenChris, I'd like to paste our recent conversation here from your status when you said:
It is hard to believe until you have your eyes unveiled that religion is all about power, control and money. Gary Sigler
We don't need to look further than ourselves really...but if we need outer confirmation:the overarching branch of world Luciferianism looks after all Catholic money,controls Anglicanism through Freemasonry,and also controls Mormonism, Scientology and the Moonie cult..just for starters.
Chris. I believe in what Gary said and I love him so much. Gary and I used to communicate often. He also constantly give me articles in my mailbox. But our work is not to discover darkness. Our work is to let the light SO SHINE before men. We all know that as light shines, darkness will disappear. Do you agree?
By that I mean that our goal is "TO MAKE PURE TRUTH" to the highest available level that we know and make it available for others to see for themselves. That is why, up to the present, I have yet to find a Kingdom teacher as balanced as J. Preston Eby. His son Mark Eby Sr. is a good friend. I always get light not to expose my darkness, but to let that darkness disappear when reading brother Eby's articles.
[I'm so blessed with our email exchange in the former years and I feel so much indebted with the high favor they manifested. Mark Eby, has been instrumental to the path of my learning the Ancient Greek, which paved the way for me to connect to Costas Stergiou's wonderful software of Bible compilation, a valuable software (© 2003-2010 - Costas Stergiou) that is integrated in the KingLin OS by OBL Systems as a branch of the sLitaz Linux distro.]
And I admit, some of his writings are HARD TO SWALLOW, but I do keep myself in constant prayer over the matters that are seeking balance (at least within myself). Brother Eby and Gary are one of the greatest examples "IN OUR TIME". And I know they might disagree, but to me, "They are now Manifesting Sonship". Coz Im beginning to realize that the Manifestation of the Sons of God is a GRADUAL PROCESS, or else we'l wait until we die 'til after ions of time rise up again to finally manifest (but to what degree of manifestation I ask?)." But I also believe that there is going to be that time when ALL THE PROCESSING IN BETWEEN GROWTH AND FULLNESS reach the final point, then and only then, will our MANIFEST FULLNESS OF SONSHIP will begin [and according to Father's dealings, this is just a new beginning], otherwise, none of us would be affirmed by the Holy Ghost bearing witness that we are the Sons of God.
The book of Romans 8 does not tell us whether or not the manifestation of the Sons of God IS THE FULLNESS. It only indicates however that it is CLOSELY TIED UP with the REDEMPTION of our body (body being singular, our being many). I have witnessed the power and glory of the immortal, incorruptible body by personal experience on July 13, 1998. We can not deny that some in the early church did also experience the same as 2 Cor. 12:1-2 obviously states that:
["It is not expedient for me doubtless to glory. I will come to visions and revelations of the Lord. I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) such an one caught up to the third heaven" KJV - end quote].
And suppose that taste of the "redemption of my body" which I saw in myself as myself in my experience was to take into account the reference to Romans 8, why then was I FULLY REDEEMED with an incorruptible body BEFORE THE HOUR OF MANIFESTATION?
I am not saying I am a manifest son of God, for I have done nothing in the Kingdom that can transform the earth [TO-GET-HER with you] (I might be doing something for the Kingdom, but not through the power of the Kingdom), I am only saying that perhaps we need to get back to our knees, knock heaven and pray until we find an answer from our Father.
Our brother John the beloved, came up into the realm of "The Revelation of Jesus Christ" but he did not experience the FULLNESS, for his purpose was to communicate unto the present church in their time (and/or even extending up unto us) an ELABORATE description of the REALITIES of the FULLNESS as beautifully revealed to him BY THE HOLY GHOST through SIMULATED GRAPHICAL SYMBOLIC LANGUAGE "which symbols are not real objects as they are only SIMULATIONS, (sort of like things occurring only in a VIRTUAL WORLD) sufficient to PORTRAY "A VISION" to John concerning the REALITY OF THE INNER REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST, revealing in itself how our AWESOME GOD as a great teacher is able to teach us IN POWER, to which I bow down and give to him all glory and honor.
I wish I had the vocabulary of words before I met the Father in that experience, so that when the experience was finished (according to God's purpose), I could tell afresh what was it that exactly happened while it was fresh IN TODAY'S VOCABULARY OF KINGDOM WORDS. But being under the slavery of Babylon at that time, who among the Kingdom in 1998 would expect such thing to happen to a serious but imperfect believer?
Now then, today, as sons of God, will we just continue in our minimal ministry and influence following the pattern of early Christians other than Paul who confessed that "IT IS NO LONGER I THAT LIVE, but CHRIST LIVED THROUGH ME"?
I mean, why don't I see this KIND of ministry at the present among the Sons of the Kingdom? Where are they? Am I so blind that I should not have the privilege to see the aftershock of their influence at the very least? Why on the other hand is Babylon DOING HER BEST to do the EXAMPLE of the Pauline ministry than the Sons of the Kingdom? Have any of us tried to investigate these Kingdom Bugs?
If I need light, then this is my darkness. This is what I mean when I('d) say, LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE! It must reach down to my darkness and give me light so I can move on. I confess and say, that I'm stuck in this matter.
- That's a great series of questionings Oliver Bob...and I can hear Daniel's cogs turning as we speak.
I wanted to share in return two main things.
Ephesians 3:10
10 so that the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known through the church to the rulers and the authorities in the heavenly places.
and secondly a bit more about "the grain offering".
Wow...we all get so frustrated as you see I did over the weekend.There's three things going on simultaneously and there's quite a wrangle on Facebook about it.
Ephesians 2:6 and 7 says....... 6 and raised us up with Him, and seated us with Him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, 7 so that in the ages to come He might show the surpassing riches of His grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.
So this is the first thing. FACT we have been installed in Christ.
Paul or somebody(Hebrews) says "since you have tasted of the powers of the age to come"
So, there you are...seeking God at 18....and like Nancy, or like many here...we've been caught up in the tangible experience of what is OURS NOW in Christ.
Every time we prophecy. Every time we heal the sick under an anointing particularly....this is us being a lightning rod for this age to come. The NOW of God is invading our world.
So fact number one is that it is Always true that God has positioned His Church seated with Christ in heavenly places.
Fact number 2 is the little Melchizedek windows through which He pours some measure of this stuff into our dark world through us.
But Fact number 3 is also happening. Something about the daily rub of this universe on the mystery of our humanness is bringing forth something so amazing...it goes beyond anointing, which God can do any time.
There's a spiritual mystery going on as it was with Job and the devil's bet, that Job was going to fluff it. And God proudly demonstrates to the devil....
There you see.....My Son.....a person after my very nature...who swears to his own hurt....who honours me when the last dregs of pleasantness and being sucked right off him....there he is saying...
"In my flesh I will see God."
Wow, tears are filling my eyes. I didn't mean that to happen.
Ephesians 3:10 is happening NOW. Especially with our generation who are seeking the higher things...and we don't seem to really have made them our possession yet in the Spirit
(I remember when Jorge Pradas, one of our apostles announced by the Spirit, first...."I have given you the realm of praise"...then a few years later "I have given you the realm of adoration".....And God is switching on HEAVEN'S NOWNESS on Earth...one by one....thing by thing....according to His timing.)
But even while this is going on...what is MORE outstanding to God is the patience, the longsuffering, the hope, the faith, the courage,...His attributes...which are being formed in us who are following the WAY.
As regards the stupendous power and manifestations you long for...you, like all of us, and the disciples too...have asked this.
And Jesus replied....well...you see...it's like this...
and He went on to describe the servants in the field as I said the other day...
then...even after they have tolied all day and are shattered...they don't get their food....but instead...precisely THEN....the Master tells them to serve...oh yes...put on different garb first...then serve Him at table
Except this is how God forms Christ within His sons, to be able to be grounded and fixed enough in Him, so that when He blitzes them with anointing...they are very firm foundations in the earth for His lightnings.
Jesus had the same ruthless training. 30 years...probably growing and then running His carpentry business. When that was over, you'd think that would be ruthless enough...but God sends Him into a wilderness.
How long for God?
Not telling you. Wait upon Me.
40 days of nothing ness and hungering
On the 40th day, His body is starting to cave in, which is what happens after the 40 th day...your body has used up the fats and now starts on the vital organs.
On that day the devl arrives.
And in supreme weakness....Word comes out of Jesus stomach to meet the devil's pulls and pressures...
And when the Master was satisfied...He sends an angel to let Jesus know it's all over and that He now has jurisdiction over Israel. But only Israel.
So many of us, Rich Novek, Daniel, Annalize,Cathy, Jim,myself....
Oh I include the Wentworths here, who sold their house to provide money for Emsworth church property....and have been virtually expunged from leadership...and only a small house now in Wales
We all have similar tales...it's like the servants in the field.
It's when we're burned out,cleaned out...that the training session really seems to start!!!!
Which is a funny way to run a theology course if you ask me? But God thinks otherwise. He's not about a theology course. He's about reproducing HIS OWN ESSENCE, HIS OWN CHARACTER,HIS OWN SUBSTANCE in real time ON EARTH.
Now in the cyclic ,seasonal way God does things....as well as preparing us as individuals, as well as fashioning supernatural churches as He was at that time in Emsworth....( before I believe they got bewitched a bit)
there are these seasons of revival
open days on God's glory.
The apostles used the phrase...do good works so that in the Day of your visitation people may give glory to God for your works.
Tabernacles has a FEAST oF INGATHERING. If you read my Warnock series you can read how God revealed to me that God has continually been running an ever expanding cycle of the Feasts. Some of the past ones included Azusa St, and Welsh Revival. Indonesian Revival and the Jesus People outbreak that I came in on.
These are the OPEN DAYS like University opendays, that are the Advertisement for a new breed of intake.
Acts 2 was such.
The Unique thing about the coming ones , as Juan Carlos Ortiz said...people will be born again in the Holy of Holies...as you and I and many others here were, as a kind of foretaste of things to come.
I hope that helps a bit.
- about an hour agoCathy Rheeder
- Beautiful Chris,awesome! Written so well. My first night in Hermanus in the wee hours,i had a dream of us all. I dream that i open the bedroom door, the tiled floor turned into a spring board.olimpic diving board,the vast ocean turned into a vast transparent swimming pool.i dove into the deep center,water didnt even ripple! U were all in the water!we all had gold medals around our necks,father said ive already won the race for u in Christ,i got the gold for u,then father grabbed us all by the ankles& said
- about an hour agoChris Welch
- That's the sort of thing Nancy shares...and it's great to hear it from His mouth direct. It's an awesome repositioning in our thinking, we who have been in a Christendom of separation, and feebleness. This is much more in line with the phrase "Since we now have boldness to draw near!!!
- Im blessed to have my eyes tested,after 6yrs, new frames + lenses! All this my father planned behind my back! How awesome! Im very greatful. Hello to u all.xxx
- about an hour agoCathy Rheeder
- My son has just blessed me with a new BBBOLD,biger screen,faster,im now connected to everything.lol. Too blessed to be stressed. Love to u all.
- No more seperation! Only ONEness. Love what u all shared here.
- 27 minutes agoDaniel Yordy
- Chris, I so appreciate your continued emphasis on the expression of church as it is supposed to be. I would much prefer to be writing out from such an experience and only my faith in God allows me to accept my present solitude in that regard for this season.
I do agree that Preston Eby has, probably, the best all-rounded extension of the revelation of truth coming out of Warnock's Feast of Tabernacles. I just wish Sam Fife's teachings could be laid alongside, but, alas, they are too sectarian, at least for me to deal with right now. Eby was never sectarian, that was the major disagreement between the two. Sam Fife's approach produced a lot more real experience than Eby's ever did, and a lot more pain and confusion as well. The only thing with Eby is that he, at least when he wrote his stuff, did not see the joy of our present union with Christ.
I do agree, Oliver, that the teaching and presentation of the gospel is always a positive and a joyous thing. And when it comes to imparting Christ to people, that is the whole picture. Christ lifted up is sufficient to expel all darkness in people's lives. That doesn't mean we don't teach the lines drawn between light and darkness, between Christ and anti-Christ, people need to understand those lines. However, Christ as Savior is only confidence and joy.
However, Christ is more than Savior and we are more than saved. Christ is also the Vindicator of His Father and He proves all that He speaks through us, His sons, sent by God out from Himself into this world for His purposes. You see, I have committed myself to all that God speaks in the New Testament. And while 85% of the NT is the positive salvation of Christ, maybe 15% is devoted to the purpose God has for allowing darkness to exist in His universe. God's purpose for darkness is that we defeat it, and His purpose for the curse is that we cast it off.
You see, even in the "speak positive" people and teaching, I see the tendency to leave God Himself out in the cold. The earth and all creation is as it is because God has set it so for our sakes and for the sake of His revelation through us. The Rothschild's and friends have a perfect purpose in what God is doing in the present moment in the exact same way that the Pharisees had a perfect purpose in Jesus' day. God, by His wisdom, has placed the Kingdom and the World in open opposition. He has a purpose for that.
The majority of God's people need to know grace, now, in all that it means - but, personally, I am convinced that it is partly to prepare them for what is about to hit and for the martyrdom that will transfer many, many into a real and true knowledge of Christ their life for real. The sons of God, on the other hand, those who have risen above the storm before it hits, have their eye on all that God intends, to prove His purpose and glory in all things.
Nothing is out of place; all things bend themselves to God's purpose. And His sons understand the times and the seasons and see His incredible wisdom through all of it, including the billions of demons living presently in the heavens of this planet and all the wickedness taking place inside the governing powers of this world.
Many today have found various ways to draw a line through the "negative" parts of the New Testament. I am simply incapable of doing that. I've tried my best, but I never could get God to shut up or to turn from His determination. Therefore, I have chosen to ride with Him through whatever, no matter how "dark" the currents flowing around Him may seem. It is all purpose; it is all love; and it will all make sense through hindsight.
I am amazed, more and more, how little people really care about God Himself, His feelings, His concerns, His purposes. Very few want to get inside His heart to know what makes it beat. Very few want to be His voice alone. I make no claims for myself, but only for the desire of my heart.
- 17 minutes agoAnnalize Mouton
- I do, Daniel, with everything that is within me, I want to be His voice only. That is the desire of my heart. Jesus Christ, God, only. That has been my prayer for so many years. His prayer, His desire in my heart.
- And in all honestly I can say with you that I have also "chosen to ride with Him through whatever, no matter how "dark" the currents flowing around Him may seem. It is all purpose; it is all love; and it will all make sense through hindsight."
- And Chris, I agree with you – he is reproducing Himself in every fibre of our beings.
- 8 minutes agoShirley Unger Cunningham
- Every fibre of our being.. yes! I have also made that conscious decision to ride thru the storms with him not against him. Not sure how it all will look but he is with me and doing his thing. I sometimes have to stay away from certain environments that are a bit much for me but I accept my weaknesses.
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