Thursday 6 December 2012

N5B - Sadhu Sundhar Singh 2

This section on Sundhar comes from Chapter 1Miracle Workers,Reformers and New Mystics By  John Crowder

Sadhu Sundar Singh
(1889-?) ranks as one of my utmost favorite mystics, as he so aptly exemplified a lifestyle of intimacy and revelation, as well as a demonstration of God's power within the most extreme context of his own culture—a culture that is still today far removed from the Western evangel­ized world.
Sundar was born in India to an
upper class Sikh family, and from the
age of 5, his mother taught him to
pray for hours a day. He prayed so often that his father worried
something was wrong with him. As a child, he was so zealous for
his faith that he had burned a Bible and would chuck rocks at
Christian missionary kids. His life's goal was to become a sadhu‑
an Indian holy man who lives a life of poverty and prayer. Sundar
believed in a type of monotheism, that there is one God, but he
was so frustrated at age 14 that God had not revealed Himself, that
Sundar vowed to throw himself on the train tracks and die on a
certain morning if God did not show up. When that day

approached, he began with his regu­lar routine of prayer, hours before the dawn. Suddenly, a bright light appeared outside in the darkness. It was Jesus Himself, in an open visita­tion, speaking to Sundar in Hindustani, and saying, "I am Jesus, whom you have persecuted."
He cut his hair—it is a Sikh custom to grow it long from birth. In doing so, he was immediately shunned by his family, and they even poisoned his last meal, trying to kill him before kicking him out of the house. His was a very great sacrifice, considering he was being thrown from the top of the caste system to the very bottom. It was shortly after this, that Sundar began to live out his life's dream of being a sadhu. But, of course, he was a Christian one. Sadhus keep no possessions, but are fed and taken in by families who want a blessing on their household and want to hear their teachings. Sundar adopted the customs of the holy men, to spread the gospel. Sundar's only possession was his turban, which doubled for a blan­ket, as well as his pocket NewTestament.As he was taken into one's household in the regular Sadhu custom, he would begin to teach them about Jesus, seeing tremendous success in winning souls.
Sundar lived much like Francis of Assisi, keeping nothing for himself, yet trusting God for everything. He gave away any money that he received, living literally one day at a time.Sundar's life was marked by extraordinary levels of faith and
revelatory experience, as he continued in his discipline of spend­ing hours a day in prayer. He was frequently caught up into ecstasies and trances, and regularly met with the Lord Himself in open visitations, where he asked questions and receive answers.

Besides meditating on the Scriptures for hours, and sometimes all day and night. Sundar would spend much time in silent prayer and prayers of recollection. He also entered deep contemplation and fasted regularly.
Sundar was regularly persecuted for his faith. In one village where he preached, he was dropped into a well that was full of human bones, and he was left for dead. An unknown figure freed him from the pit late at night, and the next day he was seen preach­ing again on the streets. The village leaders, terrified at his miracu­lous escape from the locked well (the village leader still had the key to the lock in his robe), expelled Sundar from town.
Sundar was also beaten, tied to trees to be eaten by wild animals and was even tied up in a wet yak skin to be crushed to death as it dried up in the sun's heat. Often, he was rescued by a mysterious, hidden regiment of Indian Christians. Sundar's fame quickly spread to Christian missionaries, and as he became well known, he eventu­ally traveled the international speaking circuit. He came to America where he spoke to overflow crowds and received wide press cov­erage. He was known coast to coast in America, but secular histori­ans leave us little to no information about him today.The streets of major cities were literally packed with people trying to catch a glimpse of him. Sundar remarked on Western Christianity's shallow spirituality and the rampant materialism at that time. Throughout his life, Sundar wrote a number of books, including detailed documen­tations of Heavenly visitations.Once Sundar visibly encountered Satan, who offered him mil­lions of followers if Sundar would only bow down and worship him. When Sundar realized what was happening, he rebuked the devil. Just as soon as he did this, he turned his head to see Jesus on his other side, face to face. The Lord told Sundar that he was well pleasing in His sight, and to ask what he wanted and he would receive it. From then on, Sundar was able to ask the Lord questions face to face and he went on to extensively document these detailed visions and encounters.
Another of his more profound encounters,occurred in the Himalayan mountains through which he walked long distances on a regular basis. On one excursion to Tibet in 1912, Sundar was walk­ing through the mountains when he fell into a hole. Surprisingly, there sat a hairy old man surrounded by numerous leather manu­scripts. The man who lived in this cave claimed to be nearly 400 years old, and said he was baptized by Francis Xavier, the famous Indian missionary, in the 1500s."I pray for Tibet night and day," said the old intercessor, who Sundar called the Maharishi of Kailas. Sundar was persecuted severely by skeptical Christians for telling this story, and they often prodded him about the encounter with the old hermit. Nevertheless, Sundar returned to visit the Maharishi subsequent times, and the man gave Sundar specific words of knowledge for some of his acquaintances, whom the Maharishi had never met—detailed messages that might involve their names, issues of specific direction or even hidden sins that needed to be dealt with.Although Sundar offered to lead a group into the Himalayas to verify the Maharishi's existence, few could keep up with Sundar's pace in the rugged mountains—Sundar was used to walking many miles a day in the steep mountains—and eventually each one in the group gave up trying to follow him.Equally mysterious was Sundar's departure from the world. Toward his latter years, Sundar had given up his world travel, in order to devote more time in prayer before the Lord. His intense rev­elatory experiences became more and more frequent. Setting out on a path he regularly took to Tibet, Sundar disappeared in 1929. His body was never found, and no one knew the details of his whereabouts. Many speculated that he went to live with the Maharishi, or that he took the hermit's place. Others feel that Sundar was simply taken into Heaven like Elijah and Enoch.Sundar and Enoch are models of what is coming. Translations from one place to another will become far more commonplace with the new mystics. When our only standard is the presence of God, the favourof God rests upon us, and all things become possible.


The enemy shivers at the thought of what access we have to God, power. He will do anything to keep us from picking it up. But as the church begins to step into the power we have as Christians, we will never again be on the defense against the enemy. We will always be plundering hell, whose gates will not prevail against us.As we press into divine encounters and begin to perform miracles, the work of the Kingdom will accelerate by leaps and bounds.
As Christians, we understand that our glorified bodies will be perfect in Heaven, that we will be renewed there and that the Lord will even create a new earth. But we must also remember that the Kingdom of Heaven is in our midst, and that the Lord wants to restore the church prior to her entrance into glory. Before the Lord returns, He will have a Church functioning in her prime.A pure and spotless Bride without blemish.
We usually do not think of a powerful, mysterious church when we consider the last days. Just how much of our end times theolo­gy is centered on chaos and devastation? We tend to think of the judgment of God when we consider the last days, and surely judg­ment will come. But the last days are when the church will shine her brightest. God has always brought His people through their tri­als and tribulations, and He always does so triumphantly. God brought the children of Israel through the Red Sea, through the desert, through the Jordan River, through the land of giants, and through years of captivity.The people of God do not bow out or get whisked away in times of trial, rather God carries them right through to the other side as they lean into Him. This is why, like Jesus, we can sleep through any storm.
Yes, the judgments of the Lord will be severe, and He will strip away all that is not of Him. Anything with a faulty foundation will not stand—all that can be shaken will be shaken. But the last days will not be a time of doom and darkness for Christians. It will be our greatest hour.As we focus on God's glory and dwell in His presence. He will be a refuge to us through it all. There will be suffering and even more martyrdom. But God is far more concerned with restor­ing than destroying. And while it seems that all hell is breaking loose around us, God's hand will be upon the Church, showing Himself strong through her.
In these last days, the Church will walk in the anointing of the sons of golden oil foreshadowed in Zechariah 4 and Revelation 11. Like olive branches, we will be producers of the anointing of God. We will walk in the power of Moses and Elijah, speaking as often as we desire to release signs in the Heavens and the earth.The distinc­tion between light and darkness, sheep and goat, wheat and tare will continually become clearer as we enter these times. The final har­vest will be a reaping of everything that has been sown into man, both good and evil. Good and evil are both coming into full maturi­ty in the earth. Cults, pop religions. and outright satan worship will abound. Mockers and satanists will enter churches and openly con­front leaders, making sport of services. But as our focus remains on the Lord Himself, in the intimacy of His secret place, we will see only light. We need only look to His face in worship to gain victory. And as Jesus is lifted up, He will draw all men to Himself.Those with vision will embrace such open encounters with the demonic, because Christians who walk in power will be on the offense. not the defense. Every power confrontation will be an opportunity for victory and saved souls.
The primary reason we must understand the principle of restora­tion in the last days, is to grasp the coming tidal wave of supernatu­ral power about to be released on the church.The time could not be riper to bring all the jars into the house, because the oil is already beginning to flow. We must prepare for what the Lord is doing. The church may not look like a force to be reckoned with today, but this is largely because we do not understand the power and authority that is owed to us—that is legally waiting to be restored.The entire world is about to take notice of His Church again.
But this is a people robbed and plundered,- all of them are snared in holes, and they are hidden in prison hous­es; the), are for prey, and no one delivers; for plunder, and no one says, "Restore!" (Isaiah 42:22)

It is time we demand restoration and take hold of that which is owed to us as the Church. It is sometimes as simple as calling for it. Our inheritance and right as believers is to walk in the power and intimacy with the Father that Jesus did. We must cry  out for the lost mantles of former champions.And with the 20/20 hindsight of his­torical perspective, we will be able to see where they ended, where they succeeded. where they failed—then retake that ground and go further. There are many prototypes throughout history whose lives foreshadowed this coming generation. Of course, we will no longer be a church that lives in the past, but we will recover what those forerunners lost."

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