Saturday 2 February 2013

40 Years of Murdering Babies by Ronnie Wolfe

Tuesday, January 22, 2013 by Pastor Ronnie Wolfe First Baptist Church

40 Years Of Murdering Babies

Father and Sovereign over everything in heaven and earth, the One true and living God, and Creator of all things, without which nothing would be, I am sorry for being so passive about the murder of so many innocent lives through abortion. I cringe at the thought of what you must think of this nation, a nation so full of information, intentions, self-aggrandizement, and arrogance. We (and I must say "we," since I am a citizen of this country) have declared war against a myriad of innocent lives who have never seen the light of day, never smelled a rose, never spoken a word, and especially have never robbed a bank nor murdered another person. This is a war in darkness where we pretend we cannot see, and yet technology has made us see their beautiful hands and feet, their perfectly formed hearts and heads, and even their countenances. Reveal to us believers what we can do to stop this encroachment upon our unborn children, gifts of God that would make our quiver full, and yet we make it empty, ones that would make us laugh and bring energy into our homes, and yet we shun that precious possibility. Teach us, Lord, to pray for those who are engaged in this wicked crime; open their hearts to their sin and grant repentance in their hearts. Then perhaps we as a nation can learn more of your morals instead of ours, more of your thoughts, which are greater than our thoughts, more of your mind, which is greater than our minds, and more of your grace, of which we have none until you give it.

40 Years of Murdering Babies -- January 22, 2013 -- Legalized by our nation (USA) in 1973.

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