Thursday 20 June 2013

It's How We See by Jeffrey Stewart

 Jeffrey Stewart thru Annalize Mouton on Facebook
I want My People to see as I see
"Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand" - Matt 3:2
This not only means, repent of acting how fallen man acts, but also to
repent of seeing as fallen man sees.
How can we be effective for the Kingdom of God if we still see things as men sees them?
To be effective for the Kingdom of God, we must learn to see things as HE sees them.
The disciples did not have much of a problem with sin.
They DID have a problem seeing things from God's perspective.
Jesus spent three and a half years teaching them how to see things the way HE sees them.
One purpose of miracles is to break man's habit of seeing things from man's perspective.
The invisible is more powerful than the visible.
The unseen is more real than the seen.
Walking by Faith not by sight overcomes the things that overcome people who live governed by sight.
Only when you see things from Heaven's perspective will you be effective for Heaven in the earth realm.
Only when you see things from God's perspective will you be effective for God in the earth realm.
His thoughts are above our thoughts, because He thinks in terms of eternity
His thoughts are not constrained by the visible or by time.
We are His children, who have been given eternal life
We have been given "outside of time life" in our hearts when we were saved.
The renewing of our minds causes us to think outside of time thoughts in line with our spirits.
God sees the end from the beginning.
When we have our minds renewed and walk in His Revelation, we will also see the end from the beginning.
God calls those things that are not as though they are
When we have our minds renewed and walk in His Revelation, we will also call those things that are not as they are.
God thinks based on His infinite capabilities, not on our finite limitations.
When we have our minds renewed, we will live based on God's infinite capabilities since HE LIVES IN US, and not based
on our finite limitations.
God sees the battle as over before it has begun,
When we have our minds renewed, like David, we will see the battle as over before it has begun, and rejoice.
Everyone in Heaven sees things from God's perspective
That is because Heaven is flooded with His light.
When His Church becomes flooded with His light,
She will see things from God's perspective and change the world.
God's Word is light itself in the spirit.
The more of His Word in our hearts, the more of His light we will walk in.
The more of His light we walk in, the more we will see.
The more we will see things as He sees them.
The more we will be effective for Heaven in the earth realm.
We are to no longer see God from man's perspective.
We are to no longer see ourselves from man's perspective.
We are to no longer see each other from man's perspective.
We are to no longer see the enemy from man's perspective.
When we see things from God's perspective, we will walk in ALL that He purchased for us on the Cross.
We will walk in perfect fellowship with the Father.
We will walk in perfect freedome from sin, condemnation, and guilt.
We will walk in love toward our brothers and sisters as He loved us.
We will walk in total victory over the enemy.
We will see things from His Perspective when we walk in His Light.
God's Word is His Light.
God's Word not only gives sight to the physically blind, but to the spiritually blind.
When we were saved, our eyes were opened to the invisible realm.
The Bible made sense after we were born again, because we were translated from darkness into His Wonderful light.
In His light, we can see all things as He sees them.
The more of His Light in us, the more we see as He sees.
His Word is His Glory (Jesus is the Glory of God Heb 1:3, Jesus is the Word of God Jn 1:1. So the Word of God is the Glory of God)
We who believe are IN CHRIST. So we who believe are IN HIS GLORY. We who believe are IN HIS LIGHT.
We are surrounded by the light of His Revelation.
As we spend time with Him, in prayer, and in His Word, our eyes will become more and more accustomed to His Light.
Going from Glory to Glory is going from our spiritual eyes being more and more open.
The more our spiritual eyes are open, the more we can see His Face.
All of His Truth and Wisdom is visible on His Face.
As we behold His Face, we begin seeing as He sees, and walking as He walks.
When we see as He sees, we will love as He loves.
When we see as He sees, we will overcome as He overcame
When we see as He sees, we stop walking as men and start walking as His Sons.
When My People begin seeing as I see, My People will begin walking in all I purchased for them.
My People will begin walking exactly as Jesus walked, and minister as He ministered.
That is when My Bride becomes the Glorious Bride.

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