Tuesday 25 February 2014

Elaine compares her situation and what she has accomplished through God with NGOs

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The problem is why I am tired why i struggle and why I suffer greatly is because I have no sponsorship with what I am doing what I do comes from my own back pocket Gods provision and my supportive FB friends , recently I went to an NGO who does the same work and sponsers have
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provided them with cars tractors and wages and a great complex. They are given 17 million KS a year to support a school. Me i have £170 per month, people say I am a scrounger and yet I have done so much work here voluntary and I love to do it unto the Lord but you need funding encouraging
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personal sponsorship appreciation and prayer. With lack pf funds I am in personal debt and I am really praying for a donor and a sponsor 
for this work God has sent me to do to carry on.
Now its a continuous headache the people here think of me like I am loaded as an NGO but I am a widow . I used to feel guilty for complaining but after seeing Green Forrest NGO in Gwassi I realized why I am struggling tired and often want to give up and go back to the UK but if i was supported then what a difference that would be. even to have a vehicle instead of a motor bike.
With an NGO they have a vehcle and a driver and food and appreciation money to do all the things that is needed. Thats why Goerge had to go back to work and be a consultant in Gwassi for green forest because for three weeks it was insufficient funds at the ATM and he felt ashamed .... but God has brought me here and we are seeing the mighty hand of God but with support how much better it would be OH GOD LORD SEND ALL WE NEED TODAY SO WE CAN COnTINUE WITH THE WORK...

GIVING NOTES...Chris Welch
Finances are needed as direct gifts.
Or you may want to be a FINANCIAL ANGEL, where you are either giving or loaning money to a central fund to be administered by trustworthy people locally in Suna area, as revolving loans for establishing new enterprises.

Kingdom Giving is a revelation like everything in the Kingdom. If you think you understand something, you probably don't.
If you have a need or desire for something that you feel has come from God, then unlike most Brits reacting to a fleshy version of Seed faith practiced in the States, IT IS PERFECTLY FINE to sow money into the Kingdom then believe God to answer the need that is on your heart. We ARE to test God in this. Most Brits have this inner fear lest God doesn't show up, so like the servant who buries his talent in the ground...because " I thought you were a hard master"....they flunk out and say religiously.....

Oh well I'll give to Elaine, but because I'm righteous I don't expect God to give anything back because that would be selfish.

If God is in you, and He is expressing His desires and wants in you, then those things on your heart are precious and not selfish....but like all things we receive by faith...BUT FIRST AND FOREMOST we give for the expansion of the Kingdom.

Tithing is crap, not because giving is crap, but it feeds your stupid belief that God hasn't nailed all demands of the Old Covenant to the Cross. We don't "do" anything for Jesus to get righteousness....we are so superawed that God invaded our lives at all and GAVE us His Righteousness that we want everyone to know about it...and it's helpful if they are still alive first to hear it !!!! We LOVE because He first loved us.

The people DOING the Kingdom stuff don't get supported. The people NOT doing the Kingdom stuff get put into leadership positions in costly buildings that drain all the saints' finances. Who do you think Jewishbusinessmen derive their shrewdness and business acumen from? GOD DEMANDS FRUITFULNESS, because HIS SON IN US is fruitful. If it was up to us, God would let us off. But He has invested Jesus inside us, and demands Jesus sized fruit. Call it the Father's JESUS BANK......US.

And He demands THIRTY, SIXTY AND HUNDRED FOLD FRUITFULNESS...because His Son really is that fruitful!!!!

....Some food for pondering as a detached friend of Elaine Waterfield (who they call Nya Suna, daughter of their Suna District).


If you are in the UK send money to

Elaine Waterfield

sort code 20 49 11

acc no 73486850

* VIA CHRISTIAN SUPPLIES (UK registered charity 1028509)

If outside the UK and you have a Paypal Account (And if you haven't it's really easy to sign up)

1.Log In to Your Account

2.Press The Second Tab - Send Money

3.in email put 07000intune@googlemail.com

4.Put amount in your local money

5. Choose Personal Tab (it's NOT a Purchase) and click on GIFTS. This is a lower rate.

For more of Elaine's story just scroll down to the Index and look for her name :Elaine Waterfield

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