Thursday 6 February 2014

Reaction to the UN News about Catholic Institutionalisation of Pedophilia

Facebook Friend in a PrivateMessage
Hey Chris did you see this?
That's the real crazy thing. They start wars, and stop them. They bring in drugs, and then they lock up the druggies and those who sell them and so on. What a farce.

CHRIS:I couldn't believe it either. Facebook friend, I wouldn't believe a lot of online stuff now , but for two things.

1. I know me.
2. God speaks to me and I find it on the net afterwards.

1. Can you imagine? After 12 years a Christian (ish...but not actually born again) I became an atheist at 12. Then properly born again and filled with the Spirit at 13 in 1972 in a Holy Spirit wave that hit our country and much of the West. By the 80s I was leading in worship and a published songwriter of Christian songs. Yet right in the middle of that I seemed to be getting worse not better. And that was when I experienced Romans 7 as an experience not a doctrine. i HAD to find an answer. So now I am not impressed by charismatic things, because I know what's going on beneath the surface.
My first pastor was in an adulterous affair with someone in his church.
In the 90s Kevin Prosch was in an adulterous affair while touring worship. In the early 80s Bob Dylan was in regular sex with his singers while touring Slow Train Coming. Todd Bentley in the middle of Florida was in adultery with one of his staff.
Mark Stibbe who you can read about in the index on my blog....and who was bringing great revelation about the Fatherhood of God and was also a great intellectual in the Church as well as prophet...something that is very rare, especially in the UK...
well, his ministry folded 2 Septembers ago because he was in adultery...

So you see the middle realm on its own...of 1 John 2..."young men stage" is not quite as grown up in God as it tries to look....and we have to be broken at the Cross...and basically give God can do His thing. It's almost a second conversion, but it is the entrance into the third level.
Adultery isn't the entrance.....just the total realisation of our inability. Remember during Abraham's secondllevel....and he was acting WITH HIS WIFE's much more honourably....well he sired a son by Hagar....but he reached rockbottom at an old age, when neither Sarah nor he could ever fulfil God's in despair at his ability....God steps in and says...AHA but you SHALL HAVE your own son !!! Sarah just laughed to herself.
And that is how the Christian life is too.There is NO WAY on God's earth that we can DO Christianity. At which point like in Psalm 85....God steps in and says...Truth will spring up from the ground!!!! Wow, where did that suddenly come from? Loving kindness and Truth have met together....
This is the point where we realise Christ didn't just come to forgive us....He came to LIVE OUR LIFE from inside.
2. I already knew some of the worldwide shenanigans behind the scenes when my pastor told us in 1972 that Prime Minister Ted Heath was lying about the European Common Market...then Barry Smith who is on Youtube explained much more in the 90s...but a lot of the latest information has been God speaking it to me first while tuning pianos, then (....and i'm not kidding)..just days later the proof will turn up on the internet. The most staggering last thing was actually a reminder. I remembered something from 1977 which was incredibly vague about that castle where they sacrifice babies daily in Europe. Then lo and behold 3 days later I am reading an internet link confirming its reality. The Belgian Castle I told you of.All this information has come at a time when God has been speaking about the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. So you see the SAME TREE MUST DO BOTH because it is run by Lucifer.
This is the TREE of GOOD the charismatic realm knows nothing about. They in their naivety defer to the TREE OF GOOD all the time, which is why they are allowed to sit quietly on the high streets and none of the tussles that the early church experienced happen in the West. They don't threaten the TREE of GOOD at all. In fact Rick Joyner has gone further and JOINED the TREE of GOOD.
So the drug enforcement agencies at one end must be the same organisations who also launder drugs at the other...because MANKIND cannot walk in truth without Christ.
The Police at one end enforce the Law, then in Freemasonry at the other end they let off the worst criminals, including some of the UK Peers.

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