Monday 12 May 2014

More Shrewd

Luciferians as Jesus said " are more shrewd than the sons of the Kingdom" The Skull and Bones society refers to Golgotha and it isn't pleasant. They believe totally in mind control. This is documented in films such as the Manchurian Candidate. People who you know have double lives. Jerry Lee lewis is one of the best mind control programmers of all time. While Richard Dawkins is busy telling the world his secular gospel and being financed by men to do so, in actual fact both the miltary and other coverts are deliberately and knowingly demonising people by first shattering their personalities, then seeking to invite demons to take over parts of their personality. It matters little whether the controller is CIA and calls them Djinn (the North African term) or whether they wheel in top Grand Dames of witchcraft, or whether others refer to them by the modern name of interdimensional beings . This same procedure is happening to many many entertainers and singers like Beyonce, who refers to the entity that now takes her over on stage.
The study of the mind was never the amoral(neither good nor bad) science we were told...always a part of what was going on in the precursors to Freud in the Austraian 1800s police state, was mind control. It was Freud's nephew who through the first real rollout of mindcontrol over nations, sold USA the entrance into the first world war which made his masters millions....who sold women that it was now acceptable to smoke in public (1928) and made more millions. Then sold the use of fluoride into water and toothpaste, a. because the nuclear industry had oodles of it to lose and b. because Hitler had already made use of it extensively as a pacifier in concentration camps.
TV and news, largely owned by a few through many many fronts, are now the primary vehicle of mind control. Today, the reason you don't believe in Jesus and the Bible isn't, as you would expect for 4 billion random reasons...but because of about 20 choice (and seemingly random reasons) that you were taught to think and you parrot forth from schooling , media and education, and most are downright lies, and some are what Jesus said would happen anyway. See what He said would happen to the Kingdom field in His parable of the good farmer and the wicked enemy.
Every thirty years or so the Elite finance huge programmes to discredit the Bible. I first got wind of this through Bonhoeffer's diaries in his biography when he was in the States. All the components of each rollout are there.
Rockefeller paid for a Cathedral to instal "his modernist rubbisher of the supernatural" Harry Fosdick to preach in. He then got it publicised through his own Freemason stooge and agent the editor of Time magazine Henry Luce.
This is always publicly presented as if it had authority. Like it was some great new discovery and done deliberately to destroy all fundamentalist belief in Holy Spirit inspiration. Similar programmes such as the hijacking of the Dead Sea Scrolls (which had some phenomenal confirmations of the truths surrounding Bible truths), the Jesus seminar in the 80s which carried off english Christian leaders George Tarleton and Maurice Smith.
Christians believe the media but they don't know they are owned and run by out and out Luciferians presenting their stuff as "secular authority". This is the nature of all three items mentioned in the protocols of Zion as "good work". The commissioning or massive hyping of Nietzsche, Marx and Darwin. Marx never even believed in Communism...not for himself...just to enslave all others. (Read Marx and Satan by Wurmbrand, who himself was a victim of communist prison).


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